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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. IMO, either the FO or Caldwell has had their ego bruised and is being a child about how they are handling player moves. First we cut Tryon, which appeared to have more talent than some of the other guys we kept but he talked out. Now we have seen Gonzo, who has spoken out in the past and he can't seem to get any playing time at all. Someone just is being a dick on the team and maybe trying to show who has all the power. Gonzo has said many times, he is 100% so I don't believe he is hurt, its a coaching or vice prez issue IMO.

  2. But Cam Newton won the Heisman.......

    It means you're pretty good.....

    How do you KNOW who will succeed and fail.

    If Manning gets hurt..it doesn't matter who we drafted..

    We're a losing team with Andrew Luck at QB in 2012.....agreed??

    Whatever this team does in this draft, I want to see a better team built not just 1 player and hope. We have a pretty good chance to grab some very nice NFL ready talent with this lottery ticket and I would rather see us grab 4 really nice pieces to play now than 1 really potentially special player to play in 4 years. Build a team, not a player.

  3. Hi guys, I'm a Panthers fan with a question for you.

    Let's say the Colts wind up with the second overall pick. Would you accept this trade?

    Panthers: 2012 1st (10-15th overall), 2013 1st, and 2014 1st

    Colts: 2012 1st (second overall)

    I would have to say no as I would rather make a trade with a team who is in worse shape. The Panthers already have a great up and coming QB (who exceeded everything I thought he may be) and if you add in another solid piece, it means the #1's traded to us become in the bottom half of the draft. I would rather do that deal with Washington or Cleveland and maybe Tampa Bay or Jax who isn't quite up there yet.If you take the Jax deal, you have to be prepared that it will either propel them with a great pick or further cause them to decline because the pick failed and now you have their high draft picks for the coming 2 seasons after. Going to be an exciting offseason and draft for the first time in how many years.

  4. never going to happen. the big value is for luck, and that's it.

    Not neccessarily true, the hype begins after the season and the workouts. Players will rise a become must haves. Bad teams will give up the farm for a chance at what they believe is a once in a lifetime player. Will RGIII be that person, perhaps the RB with all world talent or will it be Blackmon who is supposed to be a can't miss prospect. SOmeone will pay big to move up to the #2 spot once the hype begins, not as much as the #1 spot will garner but it will be a value to consider.

  5. I don't really follow college football, so help me out here, but are there any monstrous defensive tackles projected for this years draft?

    From all accounts, there are no Dt's worthy of a top 5 and perhaps even top 15 pick. It seems we will have maybe 2 Qb's, 2 wr's, a RB, a LB, OT, and 2 cb's taken in the first 10 picks. You may be able to toss in a DE that turns heads with work outs and you know some kids will skyrocket up the charts because of measurables and incredible workouts even though the tape still says be careful. I would love to be able to pick up a Ndamukong Suh type of DT this draft but it doesn't appear there are any of those here.

  6. Your a cocky guy aren't you? You have no idea what they'll do if they get the 2nd pick. They'll probably pick Kalil as he is the best guy available and it helps out a need on our team. WHEN HAS POLIAN SAID THAT IJALANA WILL BE THE RT? Tell me when? No one thought that Diem would switch, but he did. Stop being so naive.

    I am cocky? Hello kettle!! Polian has made the statements on more than one account that Ijalana will not be a gaurd he will be a tackle and since we had such crap at the RG spot for most of the year, I take him at his word on this item since he sat the bench while the gaurd spot struggled. Now others can chime in as to back up the statement of what Polian said as I am not going searching for it, I know what I heard him say. All bets are off if we get another coach who can evaluate talent on the team and put them in places best suited for them instead of placing the square peg in the round hole. All of this is what I think will happen, and much like your opinion, it is about as worthless as * on a boar since neither of us are on the evaluation and planning committee of the Colts.

    Merry Christmas to you Andy

  7. Polian said we aren't trading our pick.

    He has said a lot of things in the past and this one, I believe if Manning is back next season, he does not waste a player who will sit for 3-4 years, cost a lot of cash to sit and if he sits for that long he could turn into a party person, get into trouble and be shunned from the leage before he starts. It would be stupid IMHO to pick a bench player for 4 years with the 1st pick no matter how great this kid may become. It is just more risk to carry for 4 years on someone who will not help at all and anything could happen to him over the term. Heck, he could end up a bust as well and in 4 years, we have to do it all over again. I think Polian knows what the pick is worth at #1 and I believe it will be dealt for several picks.

  8. But Bradford isn't getting paid as much as Manning is. We're apparently going to take Luck, however. Besides, Bradford has been far worse this year than he was his rookie year, yet fans around here think the Rams will keep him. The Browns will dump McCoy, despite this being his first full-year starting, suffering a concussion, and having no weapons around him, but the Rams will definitely keep Bradford.


    If Luck is as good as people pretend him to be, then even the Rams would be stupid to pass on him. At the very least, they will hold us hostage for the pick.

    Luck will be the first player in the draft picked, it is who is going to be given the opportunity to buy that pick and if we are 2nd, we are not trading up to get that pick, ain't going to happen.

    So the question would be....IF we have the 2nd pick, would we be interested in trading up?

    No way in the world, NONE, zero chance

    Rams trade their pick away.

    Yep, and so do we I believe.

    Lets say we do win next week and get the 2nd pick to draft Matt Kalil.

    Our OL looks like this:

    LT - Matt Kalil

    LG - Ben Ijalana

    C - Jeff Saturday

    RG - Ryan Diem

    RT - Anthony Castonzo

    With Peyton coming back, its really important we have a good offensive line to protect him.

    They are not going to change Costanza to the RT spot, that is tagged for Ijalana. They will pick a gaurd, that is what this team needs.

    Good, but the number 1 is what I want. Let's hope for a Colts and Rams win next week. I think this is a win win situation now.

    If we don't get number 1, we get Kalil which is a huge bonus to our line. We move Castonzo over and Ijalana inside.

    If we get the number, we get Luck, which is great!

    He is not going to LT, we will pick another position on that oline or a CB after trading down a few spots.

    He played RT in high school and his freshman. Like Barry said, he also played RT in the senior bowl. It shouldn't be a big change at all. Ijalana is very versatile so he should do well at RG. We also have depth with Pollak, Tepper, Link as backups.

    tepper impressed me less than Link and less than Pollak and that is saying alot. Polian has said Ijalana will be the RT and not a guard so accept it that we are not swapping the oline positions around.

  9. What we may have proven the last 2 weeks is that we are still the best team in our division....

    Without Manning, Brackett, Clark and Bullitt.

    ..we topped the other 2 top teams...in our division

    They have injuries too..but nothing of the caliber of players we're missing.

    Clearly there is no need to rebuild YET...

    ...so return with the same cast plus a couple of high drafts in 2012

    ..and make another playoff run..

    They were missing their starting QB, starting WR and starting DE/LB (all 3 probowlers) Not sure who else they were missing but seemed like I recall a few other important peices missing. They had a very solid team, we sucked as soon as Manning went out. We need more pieces than this draft will provide us and the FA parts may come in the way of Wayne or Mathis.

    Yeah..we don t have any issues...

    From what I can see..Blackmon is a stronger, younger faster version of Wayne...

    ..and we can get him and Kellen Moore later...and maybe fill our DB needs in the second round

    We cant sign Reggie for 2 of 3 years...He's a great guy but..no

    Remember how Marvin Harrison looked in the final days???

    I could be getting fooled but our secondary suddenly looks adequate..

    Wayne has said he will take a 2 year contract but it is the price he will seek that concerns me alot. He has always been about precise routes and his strong hands. Blackmon may be a faster better version of Wayne or TO but he is not going to come in and produce at Wayne's level this year and maybe not 100% for the following season. It takes WR's at least 1 year to produce solid results generally and this system has so many reads into each play, no way he picks that up in the first year, no way. So his results don't pay off this year. I agree he may be a great choice in a full rebuild though.

    ol got exposed, we need at least 1 G

    I like the refresh of the center over to the entire RT side as well. I do like what I seen from Ijalana and quite honestly, Ojinaka provided a nice presence, can he be a gaurd? Is anyone on the IR list (Jamie Thomas) going to provide any help next season? I take at least 1 Gaurd/OT in the first round or the second round pick.

    I am with you the Colts are at a crossroads of rebuilding and still having a quality team. But with a trade back...all those extra draft picks would infuse talent into the roster right away, and allow the Colts to resign Mathis and Wayne. So in the draft the Colts would need, a NT, CB, SS, Weakside LB, G... that is five pieces that is three rounds of picks if trading with a team for their first and second round picks and what if its Cleveland who has multiple first round picks, in just one offseason there is youthful talent infused all over the roster! Just by choosing not to take Luck! And you can still get a QB this year later on or next year with the ammo to trade up next year if need be!

    I want to trade down, and I too was looking right at Cleveland. Take their 1st and their 2nd this year as well as their 1st rounders next 2 years. Those should be top 10-15 1st round picks next year at worst. You can get that CB or WR in the first and the OT/G + SS/QB in the 2nd. That can solve a lot of ills this next season right away.

    No reason not to sign Mathias..(Freeney is under contract)

    the problem arises is Reggie wants a 3-year deal...

    ...Just cant do that

    Depends on how much Mathis thinks he is worth and RW has said he will take a 2 year deal but he also has to come at a good value for the Colts to re-sign him. To resign Mathis, he will need to not want to break the bank, he is not worth 10 mil/yr to any team but he may feel he is. Also, Freeney will have to rework his contract to make it happen IMO.

  10. That means he would be around next year if the Colts traded down this year. Think about it if Cleveland were to package picks/players for Luck, chances are they will be in the bottom ten of the league next year..therefore the Colts would have a legitimate shot at Barkley if his value were to fall....at that point the Colts would need a guy who could develop under Manning, not start day one, so his value taking a hit could be a good thing!

    This is what I was thinking too, trade down with cleveland type team, soak up their #1's for a couple years + #2's. If they sucked, you are in the running for another high draft pick in which you could again parlay into even more 1st rounders or take you future QB and still pick with your #1 pick in the 32 slot :)

  11. I am not totally sure but I think the people we signed were for minimal type contracts and they should not affect the comp picks we may get for CJ or for Session. Both of these guys got solid long term contracts while the guys we signed had 1 year deals and I think that has something to do with figuring out the comp picks.

  12. Have you watched Wayne play this year? Without Manning, he may still get 1000 yards. His play last night was exceptional, against one of the league's top defenses. Who do you replace him with? A rookie? Another big name free agent? Garcon?

    Angerer is not better than Brackett. He's getting a lot of tackles, yes, but our D is always on the field. He's also far worse in pass coverage than Brackett.

    I don't completely disagree with you, with regards to who needs to stay, go, or restructure, but your reasoning is lacking.

    I will disagree with you on Angerer, he is becoming better than Brackett and is younger. Brackett was breaking down in his drops and pass coverage last year and that is the only place where Brackett held any edge in Angerer. With more playing time and an offseason, it isn't even a question in my mind that Brackett is done on this team. Brackett was good for this team but he was/is overpaid and only shined on a defense that pretty much was average and that is being nice.

  13. No, but I remember the Saints giving up their entire draft for the 5th overall pick. Imagine what we could get for #1.

    Well Ditka isn't in the league anymore and I doubt anyone will give up an entire draft again nor would I want any part of the low end rounds becoming part of a trade.

    Shcefter said he expects the value to be three first rounders and two second rounders.

    The problem with trading the pick to get more players to help us next year is that we probably aren't going to get all those picks in one draft. For example say Schefter's trade happen in this coming draft we would net one extra pick at best as we would give up our first to get the other team's first and then we would have to have one of those second rounders be in this draft to net us a pick in this draft.

    I think what Polian is saying here trading the pick opens yourself up to a lot of unknowns and for a control freak I doubt he likes that I mean trading the pick might work out, say we trade the pick to say the Dolphins and they keep struggling and those other first rounders end up being at the top fo the draft and we have good drafts the next two years then yeah it might work great but it could also happen that say we deal the picks to like the Vikings and Luck is the missing peace and they go back to the playoffs and maybe a Super Bowl and we end up with another pick at the end of round one and maybe the drafts aren't very deep then it could look really bad.

    The likelyhood of a team turning into a SB contender with a rookie QB is almost absurd. At best you get another top 5 pick the following year along with your own 1st rounder and at worst probably an extra middle top 15-20 1st rounder plus your own and aother higher 2nd round pick. Then the following year you still get another 2 1st round picks and those should be able to work into team rebuilding players. I am in favor of making the trade to a team willing to give you their future picks and take a chance at having 1 great player in 6 chances as opposed to hoping 1 great layer comes from gambling on one pick.

    With that said it would give us extra picks for years to come but who knows where those picks are going to be and if the idea is to trade the top pick to get more peaces to help Manning win now having them in future drafts doesn't help that too much.

  14. If people are willing to offer what I've heard the pick is worth (at least 3 firsts and 2 seconds) if Polian isn't interested in that he should have his head examined.

    I'm assuming this is just posturing. I hope so at least otherwise it's time to pack him off to the old folks home.

    I would agree, 3 firsts and a few 2nd's or 4 firsts, heck yes, that would make the deal much sweeter and if Polian can't fit in high draft picks on this team, he is terrible at his job.

  15. I agree about most of this...definitely need to restructure Freeney, and either restructure or cut Brackett...i'm worried about Bullitt just because this makes TWO seasons in a row that he's missed with the same shoulder injury.

    I agree about Garcon...if we only resign Wayne OR Garcon, i would say that we keep the younger/more potential in Garcon.

    I love Dallas Clark, but we see no real drop off in production with Tamme playing in his place, especially with Manning at QB.

    The only thing i really disagree about is finding a replacement center...Pollak, while not looking stellar at OG, was the #1 ranked C in his draft class, and has looked good in what little time we have played him there (preseason etc)

    I wonder what Tamme's value will be on the market. Is he a 3 mil/yr and under guy or well above that? As for Pollak, I really wished the team would just put Pollak in at center for the last few games to see what he can or can't do beofre signing him to be the center. I know that was the hope but my god, you can't sign him based on preseason looks and he hasn't overwhelmed at the guard spot so IDK. Again, what will his worth be on the market? Based on his appearance at guard, he wouldn't seem to garner anything above the vet minimum and if thats the case, and Bill has an eye on him as the next future center, a 3 year minimal type contract would be in order. A win win for both. He gets a paycheck and if he is what he was supposed to be, he gets a new big deal in 3 years or less. I really feel like so much hinges on what the team gets with Manning.

  16. Looking through salaries and players for next season I have a few questions.

    1. Freeney has a last year cap of 19 million. If the Colts don't have Manning, will they cut bait? Can the Colts restructure to a new deal a lot more cap friendly? 3 year deal perhaps? They can't keep that for next season IMO

    2. Brackett is at a 5 million cap hit, can't keep that with a replacement playing better that Brackett was before he got hurt. Paycut or be cut?

    3. Dallas Clark at 8 million cap hit, has his production warranted that continued pay scale? Do they again ask for a restructure/paycut on his part? Lot of money with his declined production IMO.

    4. Addai, while I never seen his deal announced, he appears to have recieved a 3 year deal worth 4.7 million a year, wonder how much of that was guaraneed money vs bonus money? Is Addai playing worth his contract?

    5. Bullitt making 3.3 million a year I think will be retained unless they think he will have chronic issues and can;t take the pounding of a SS.

    6. Resigning people-Mathis, Saturday,Wayne, Garcon, Lacey, Tamme, Wheeler, Pollak, Gonzo, Anderson and Foster.

    7. Garcon is a must to resign (youngest-star potential), Tamme (especially if we drop Clark), Saturday (because they haven't planned well enough or developed what they drafted), Wayne and Mathis would be really a nice thing to keep around but I would almost guess they can't (or at least their agents) get past what they are worth in the twighlight of a career. The rest are all replaceable or could be kept for around vet minimum.

    I wished I could see a site that shows the breakdowns of all our players contracts and years left. BAV used to have that but I don't think he has it anymore or least I haven't found it. I think the team dumps a lot of cap space if Manning can't play anymore and the team uses FA to build the team in another fashion. The one thing that really stands out is that cap hit of Dwight Freeney.

  17. Get the first pick in the draft, they are just awful, awful, awful. and with the Colts winning out (which is almost a no-brainer based on situational circumstances and opponents), Minnesota is LUCKin OUT THIS YEAR.... ARG, makes me mad because they don't deserve it. Why do we always blow our draft picks when games don't matter ?????? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! UGH, ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Holy crap dude, stay away from any ledges as I fear you may just jump. DrAmA queen!!

    we play them at home!

    So we have 1 win in 14 attempts, we have 1 win at home and now all of a sudden we are a power house and nobody is coming in our house and winning?? Either get some sleep, lay off the drugs or go see your doctor immediately, your having a stroke.

  18. My god, Polian has officially fallen off the edge. He needs to be checked for alzheimers because this man is recalling the teams of his distant fast and nothing about what is going on with his team of the now. Classic signs point towards that. I honestly wished Irsay would pull Polian aside and just tell him to STHU and quit talking, your ticking off the base. It is almost like a politician walking up to a unemployment line and telling the people out of jobs, you all aren't really out of a job, your on vacation so enjoy the time off. God I can't stand this man and each day and each sound bite, it just gets worse. And I bought this jag a beer way back in the day when they were in Terre Haute. What a waste of good beer

  19. oh wait when painter is rushed and doing better then dan he sucks and shouldnt be a qb in the nfl when dan is being rushed its cause the defense is so good. no excuses for not hitting open recievers. at least painter would get the ball to the open reciever. last game dan got hot when the pats let up on offense and defense.

    You musta forgot all the missed receivers that old Painter threw at. he was all over the place. He had 2 good games and then fell to pieces. To both of their credit though, the offensive lines have been terrible for both of them and the game plans have been jokes. Neither of these guys have done anything to deserve a starting spot in the NFL.

  20. interesting, i watched the 30 for 30 about the whole move to indy last night, pretty interesting. That brought the people of baltimore out to be mad mainly because of the sneaking out at night, and Irsay lying to everyone through the media that they werent moving and that he hadnt been going to meetings looking for places to go, when he had been.

    Cool history lesson though

    Yeah the problem for Irsay was he was going to lose his rights to his own business in the following morning it appeared and the City wasn't willing to help him resolve any of the issues with the stadium until after the city/state took over the business. It sounded like he really had no choice but to negotiate a deal behind the scenes and move his franchise out in the middle of the night. Whatever the real behind the scenes story is/was, I would have done the exact same way if a governmental agency told me they were assuming my business because they could.

    I am pretty sure that the city knew Irsay was trying to move the team after finding out about the eminent domain issue and the lack of desire to help build a new stadium for the Balt Colts but they kept on the pursuit of taking his team. Robert Irsay may have been the biggest, meanest, rudest uncarring, egomaniac, drunken owner, but nowhere in the reports did the reports say he wasn't paying his bills on time and meeting his obligations. He was a pee poor manager of his team but there are a lot of them, but you can't take a persons business just because you can as a government branch.

    The last thing is, I seen the documentary a few years back and I can certainly understand the people's issues on losing their team. It is always the people who suffer for governments actions and a lot of people gave their souls to follow their favorite team but I do think in this case, the anger was misdirected at the Irsay's when it should have been squarely placed on the mayor/governor for puling the tactics they did that forced Irsay to make the choice he did. You don't see a Sony or Pfizer or any other business leave town and the building behind but allow someone else to keep their name and clients etc... The only way that happens is if you buy the company and the turn key operation including name, business and everything as it was. The Indy Colts should have the name and all the stuff that comes with it from Balt and it should not even be a question. The team left behind what the city/state owned, the stadium and the parking lot. I wished they would have brought the band along with em too just to keep that tradition alive of the team but oh well...

  21. Let them whine. They're sad because they can't make any deep playoff runs...

    You realize though they did get their SB banner before we did, right? We have made about 1 or 2 more deep runs than them and that is with PM at the helm for the past 10+ years. I like what they have built over there and they may improve on that playoff record with a solid defence and a better offense than Dilfer led to the SB several years ago. They are on better track to repeat than the Indy Colts are right now.

  22. I recall the year where Tarik glen moved over to the right side for his rookie season (didn't report to camp=punishment) and Meadows who was drafted same year moved to the LT spot and the following year they flip flopped and it all worked out very well. You never know what a new coaching staff, if employed, might do with the talent and evaluating them but it is not inconceivable that Ijalana get a try at LT and Constanza moves to the right. I think under this leadership now, no way they try something different unless forced because of injury and even hen, if it worked well, they would switch right back and make it more inferrior. I think Constanza will be ok, maybe not super dominant but he should be better than what we have put out there since Glenn retired. We just really don't know what we have with Ijalana because he couldn't play better or the staff couldn't see that he was better than putting Linkenbach at the RT spot this year. A half of any game does not make you great or bad so we sill have to wait for next season. I pray we have a new coaching staff across the board, we need new direction in every aspect of this team.

  23. To Dans Credit, he was being rushed and forced out of the pocket all game but he was not hitting open people and was too often throwing it at the feet of the receivers. I am just thinking he was hearing too many footsteps all game long and the Ravens are a pretty good defense too. Not sure why we didn't toss a few TE's screens or out in the flat kinda stuff to make em think about it but why would the coaching staff adjust now, they haven't shown they know what to do all season long.

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