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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. To me, way too much emphasis for a QB is placed on arm strength.

    Here's what I look for in top notch NFL field generals: How swiftly does he go through his 1st read, 2nd read, 3rd read? Does he throw the ball away when there is nothing there and not risk an interception? How well does he manipulate opposing corners, safeties, and DB's? Will he take what the opposing defense gives him on the field? Can he get our squad out of a bad play and into a good play at the line of scrimmage?

    Can he win either by handing the ball off to the RB or through the air to a TE or WR? How well does he protect the ball when being sacked? Does he handle blitz's well or is he easily rattled as a result of them? Are his eyes always looking downfield at all times? Can he stand in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver the ball accurately downfield? Does he seek out contact or try to avoid it? What does his fundamental footwork and throwing motion look like? Is he prepared to work hard, be the 1st one at the team facility, and the last one to leave 6 days a week?

    Diligence and dedication to honing your craft and earning the trust and respect of your team mates in the locker room and among the coach staff in INDY are all that matters to me. Do that and everything else will fall into place quite nicely IMO.

    Well said Brother,im outta likes so this is how i let you know i agree.Sounds like your post describes someone i know,i think you like to call him Yoda :worthy: Lets hope our Luck has the same attributes,and i think he will :thmup:
  2. No, I don't know what Nobody was saying. Nobody knows...

    As far as I know, Brian Quick hasn't been signed but Upshaw did sign. I'm sure they'll get them done soon.

    Lol glad to see im not alone
  3. Lol his choice had nothing to do with thin air,I will walk out on a limb and gaurantee that.Baseball will fly farther,the football not noticable throwing,kicking possible that it can increase by maybe five yards.PM needs no advantage physicaly,his advantage is his mind.Lol tetnically the thin air could be a disadvantage,less oxygen to the brain.IMO lol its a non factor in anything

  4. Thewholefnshow28,

    Let me first begin by saying that you are certainly entitled to your opinion. As misguided as it is, you have every right to believe it and express it accordingly. If I were to subscribe to your line of reasoning, "If sports is that important to you that you get your nose bent out of shape because a player is not a good person then you got messed up priorities" then by your own inference you yourself have never admired anyone in your life or valued the content of their character or how they carry or conduct themselves as a person. Perhaps, you meant putting athletes on a pedestal is symptomatic of admiring the wrong type of people. What, there is no individual in the NFL worth admiring? Not Peyton Manning? Not Curtis Martin? Not Tedi Bruschi? Not Shannon Sharpe? Not Toni Dungy?

    18 arrests this off season is a pretty high number if you ask me and yes these athletes come from broken homes, absentee parent households and less than perfect family situations. What, you act like there are no programs in place on teams to mentor players that never had a positive role model or father figure in their lives. Did I say that I am astonished that players into trouble was "some kind of new phenomenon?" No, I did not. Where in your mind does personal responsibility and accountability begin for these athletes exactly Thewholefnshow28? I'm curious.

    Yes, all criminal infractions will be punished accordingly I agree 100%. I am not absolving any athlete of wrong doing here. "Giving some of those crappy people a lot of money and a lot of time on their hands is not going to magically make them great people." I never expected these athletes to be saints. However, I do expect them to learn from their mistakes, evolve, and partake in the multitude of NFL financial and emotional resources available to them courtesy of the NFLPA and NFL ownership at large. Where does indiscretion stop and taking full responsibility for an athlete's future start?

    Well said Brother and if my kids conduct themself like some you mentioned,id be happy about it and proud,Do.I advocate putting sports figures on a pedistal and i dont,they are just regular people like me,put theyre pants on like me,just make much more money than me,and guess what the ones you mentioned actually have moral values just like myself or you do.They are in the limelight and maybe if some of these troubled people in the NFL who might have grown up with no real direction,no fault of theyre own in a lot of cases,had chosen one of these great upstanding citizen you mentioned to imualate :hmm: HMMMMMMM They just might not be in the predicuments they get into.GEE some food for thought,would you agree with that assesment my Freind? :thmup: .
  5. I guess what bothers me most about these rampant cases of criminal acts is that it is an honor to play in the NFL. A Privilege NOT A Right.

    Do these immature youth have any idea how lucky they are to get a king's ransom for playing a kid's game? Do they not realize how many people hate their jobs that puts food on the table and live vicariously through their favorite team and athletes on that squad. Wake Up, Grow Up, Buck Up, and try to conduct yourself and your family name with more grace, dignity, and decorum.

    Honor the men who can before you by mastering your playbook, gelling with your team mates, giving back to the less fortunate, and making your franchise city and community proud.

    Couldnt have said it better Brother :thmup:
  6. What i want to know,is why is it that some of these players get the big bucks in their pockets and then think that they are invincible and above the law and have to answer to no one? Fortunately, this is not the norm. Most players are good at heart and give back to the community. Is it possible that these players that keep committing these ridiculous offenses were thugs before they got to the NFL and got the money in their pockets? I believe everyone deserves a second chance but in these types of circumstances I believe that they should pay heavily with their pocketbooks. I believe after this there is no third chance and that there should be a lifetime suspension. You've got to remember that these people have kids lookin up to them as role models. Are these the type of people we want as role models for our kids?? Just sayin... Anyone that hits their mother is as low as low can get and I will leave it at that.

  7. Reasonable deal, nothing crazy, but nothing too small. That's the right deal.

    Those Bears are going to be one of the best teams in football, I think they can even go to the SB.

    Enjoy your optimistic viewe,but thats a loaded division ,arguably the best in football

  8. The Bears will benifit greatly from this if he stays healthy,Over payed?Dont think so,if you look at his production when healthy,and what he does in this offense,its nescessary for the Bears to have a running game with this offense to click,not to mention hes not a bad reciever out of the backfield ,all needed to give Cuttler time to throw the ball

  9. Bob is a great talent.I like his style,he place with reckless abandon.Unfortionate his body cant take this,hes never made it a full season never will,so hes not worth it,not even a small contract,because that would dismiss a younger player who might pay dividends down the road.Sorry Bob no home here!

  10. A former U. S. Attorney reviewed all the evidence collected and Gregg Williams confirmed the existence of the payment ledger and where the money was kept under lock and key. Jonathan Vilma and all the players under a cloud of suspicion had ample opportunity to tell their side of the story for months and they chose to remain quiet, deaf, and dumb for several months. If someone accuses you of gross misconduct, do you scream your innocence from the rooftops or do you whistle dixie?

    I don't feel sorry for any of these alleged bounty gate participants at all. They all had plenty of time to voice their concerns to the commissioner and said absolutely nothing in rebuttal. Plus, the Saints gave Goodell complete authority on all matters of discipline in the new CBA agreement. They asked for it and they got it. So much for reading the fine print fellas. All accused players are entitled to due process and an appeals process of course, but they will loose every single one of them IMO. Cry me a river New Orleans Players. I have no sympathy for any of you whatsoever.

    Brother liked this but my quota is up lol
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