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Coltman51 last won the day on June 14 2012

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  1. Going to post this question here instead of regular post. Just interested right now in my regular friends on here and not the whole community. Fantasy Football: do you play? how many years? how many leagues and players?

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    2. southwest1


      I too have never played fantasy football either & prefer to analyze on the field or TV screen identical to Brent. For those that enjoy fantasy football, great, have fun, more power to ya. Just not my cup of tea I guess that's all.

    3. MAC


      Never played. When it first started coming out I thought that it sounded like THE coolest thing, but it wasn't organized like it is now. I had no idea where to play and little time to consider organizing something. Then the more that I learned about it, the less I liked it. I've always enjoyed office pools - running them for years - but fantasy football seems like a game within a game that I don't quite get. And where I first I thought that I was "geeky" enough that it wou...

    4. MAC


      would be right up my alley, now I'd be a rank amateur compared to the guys who are devoted to this. I have no interest in investing the time needed to succeed at it - nor in rooting for players I can't stand playing for teams whose fortunes are diametrically at odds with the Colts.

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