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Coltman51 last won the day on June 14 2012

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Coltman51


      Colts games will all be officiated from an air conditioned booth with a well stocked mini bar. Brent is handling the home games, I will go on the road for the away games. Rest of the league is on their own

    3. BrentMc11


      "After further review, play stands as called!" Touchdown Reggie. Hey Jimmy we are out of Vodka! Make a run!!

    4. southwest1


      "no zebras needed.. put a chip in the ball to track location (have been ready for the chains to go for a long time anyway) make calls from video clips." This is a great idea MCF!!! Laser beam camera sensors work quite well in the game of professional tennis to determine whether a ball is in bounds or out of bounds. Why not a pigskin computer chip? As long as it won't malfunction in the rain/extreme cold etc.

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