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Everything posted by Nickster

  1. I was talking about the British attitude about what was in reality happening in Germany. The German Nazi philosophy was super positive though. They were Uber confident and had big plans.
  2. Which class of Egyptians are you referring to? The suburban ones or the ones in the salt mines.
  3. what is your proof of this? Positivity is a relatively new philosophy of life and is actually a suburban American creation. older cultures don’t stress bias. They also are not as emotionally invested in that kind of attitude. positive thinking led to the nazi plague. Neville chamberlain and his type could not believe Hitler was a monomaniac and held peace in his time shortly before Hitler and his Allies ravaged humanity and nearly instituted totalitarianism world wide. o nabob Churchill kept warning them over and over and over. We must Arm. positivity almost had you goose stepping brother. I don’t want a positive bridge builder . I want one who recognizes and focuses on any possible bridge flaw.
  4. Nickster is 8 letters multiply that by 2 and the subtract 2 and you get Surprised no one caught that yet. LOl I got the number wrong. Subtract 4.
  5. Only problem is not many teams run that kind of offense because it doesn’t that well anymore.
  6. Lol. Not sure what that means lol. The queen mary of cuss words and the ultimate impetus of human behavior lol.
  7. We shall see. I am interested to see what happens. The oline has to be good or this experiment will be completely compromised. right now the oline instills no confidence in me.
  8. I could trade a unicorn in a hot minute if I though I had a TomBrady who had no t standing physical traits whatsoever.
  9. (EDIT FOR SOME REASON the letter e and f and f are blocked. It’s the efficiency next gen stat which measures the north south ness of a runner. Anyone know why E F F is blocked lol? Is it like the effbomb lol?) But in RPO zone read, stretch type of plays JT isn’t as good. If you look at Taylor’s * it is much lower in the last 2 seasons than his rookie. What that means is he’s a north south runner. his rookie year his * number and the eye test will tell you they started calling more north south plays for him which seems to match all his scouting reports and RAS numbers. He’s great downhill but not very good running laterally and slow playing outside zones. Philly slow plays a lot so I am not sure if Ss wants JT in his O. Not sure JT is a good fit for zone read type plays. He isn’t used to meshing with the QB on true option plays. They did the look some with CW but Wentz although athletic wasn’t a running real options that often even though the look was given. My thoughts on JT is this, if JT can learn to feel the mesh point with his QB, then he and AR might be devastating together. however if JT runs into piles when clear holes don’t open up quickly and doesn’t learn Leveon bell type patience and or the oline sucks then the offense will be much better off with a runner with more east west ability and better pass pro and route running skills. I don’t think SS is sold on JTs skill set in what he’s trying to do.
  10. Moose I don’t usually like watching vids. Can you bullet point what he’s saying? Or can one of you other dudes?
  11. It’s a great looking building. Did they do something more to it? Even though the Hoosier Dome was ugly as sin, I preferred it . It was exponentially louder and there wasn’t a bad seat in the house. Had season tix pMs 2nd and 3rd year in the top six about 10 yard line and they were great seats. Had a buddy who was a mlb guy got us close seats on the 40 and much preferred the view from up top. LOs has some pretty bad seat far from the actin and the volume isn’t there like the Dome i do enjoy walking around at LOs though.
  12. It’ll be rough. But like the manning rookie season if AR looks like he has a shot, it won’t be all that painful. Also if Paye and Dayo can produce a pass rush to justify the investment then that will alleviate some Colts pain too. but I’d be shocked I’d we are a very competitive Fb team this season. I hope to get electrocuted starting in September lol.
  13. you might be able to pick up something for Pitt too if you didn’t want to pay that salary next year. I don’t think he’s good enough for 20 mil+ personally. I don’t think you can throw AR to the dogs by moving Q and Smith. They wouldn’t bring a ton with their cap numbers anyway. Leonard has no value as of now and at his number wouldn’t have brought much even in his prime in a trade. a fire sale would be hard to detect lol. I could see fishing Buck and if you didn’t want to pay MPJ 100 mill, throwing they lure in the pond. That’s not much of a fire. ditto.
  14. I wouldn’t say never. Griggs gave a 1 for TRich. Does o brien still work for an NFL franchise lol?
  15. And is a team going to trade for him with no guaranteed extension.
  16. See moose I disagree with you here. I’m not an Irsay fan. I think his live clouds his judgement. But I’m not going to question your integrity over it buddy lol.
  17. Totally agree. I really don’t rate CFB players myself. Dont watch much and loved Ryan Leafs arm talent lol. However not everything said in public is actually believed and some times beliefs change in my experience. again agree . There have been way more high picks that were not worth it at QB whose teams would have been better off taking another Chance. Buying another lottery ticket so to speak. That is something I’d personally consider if I were drafting. The QB is so I important that you take more than one chance. Caleb Williams is the dude of the month right now. Sometimes the flavor of the month is epiphanous, more often it’s meh. Never seen him play I’ve just noticed he’s highly rated. Ratings aren’t everything by any stretch. As far as what I see in AR this is my assessment. The inaccuracy and throwing technique is startling for a serious NFL starter prospect. This isn’t news. It’s evident on tape from college, in the combine session, and so far on air and in a red shirt in camp. He throws an accurate deep ball, that’s impressive and is big and straight line fast. He didn’t do agility drills so I doubt he has the elite lateral quickness of LJ, AL, and PM. Me personally I’d rather have lateral quickness than straight speed for my QB and frankly all or most of my players. But I haven’t seen him enough to judge this. When I watched a CFB tape someone posted here I wasn’t paying attention to that. It will be pretty evident early what kind of lateral quickness he has because he’s going to be under tremendous pressure unless this line shows that’s it’s going to be better than the last 2 years. Camp reports don’t indicate that that is evident. We will see. what is also jumping off the tape of AR is he doesn’t seem to panic. That I’ve said since the first time I watched him. That’s a great trait. but you can be calm and still not be able to decide where and or be able get the ball to where it needs to go accurately and on time. An encouraging thing here is that new cognitive test. He evidently is a quick processor. That’s a great trait. He seems to be a nice kid which will be nice if he’s good . But on the list of things I want to see for my franchise QB, a nice guy image is the least important. I hope he’s great, but I also hope we move quickly if it becomes evident that he’s not going to be the guy. Many times as a fan it seems to me that teams would have been better off moving on quickly. As far as the drafting a better prospect thing if your in love with Williams type of guy, I don’t see how you pass that up unless a guy has a Marino like rookie year.
  18. And NCF there may not be many that drafted a guy the next year but there is a hell of a lot of them that would have been better off doing so. it doesn’t take as long for QBs to develop nowadays either. It’s a different era man.
  19. That’s awesome dad. Looks like he found his calling. he’s going for it and having fun. As long as he doesn’t get to caught up in the lifestyle. My eldest is a junior 4.0 high IQ kid who wants to be a surgeon. But he’s also in show choir, musical theatre and plays guitar bass and keys relatively well. I told him I didn’t go for it when I was a kid. I was and still actually am a talented singer/songwriter and actor who was encouraged to try to go for it by a few people but not my family. I’m not putting them down at all they were poor and wanted me to have security . But I told my son to not sell himself short and go for it if he feels he wants to. I advise him to get his undergrad done but if he has a chance take it. Med school will still be there if he tries and it doesn’t work out. Worked out pretty well for Chris Stapleton lol. His parents were shocked when he quit Vandy. He’s a genius level IQ guy. i wouldn’t say I regret it badly but I do wish I would have given acting a shot. I was pretty good on stage. I wish I would have learned to play early and even now I play a little at parties and stuff and seem to be able to entertain. I don’t mean to sound preachy here. I’m talking to myself too lol. Just giving you a perspective. Enjoy the ride Dad. The world will still be there if he needs to find something else to do lol.
  20. forgive the typos I used an iPad and ain’t going back to fix it all lol. Well man all,I’m saying is from time to time it’s pretty obvious guys aren’t going to work out. Lots of high picks over the years have been jettisoned quickly. I’m not saying AR will be one of these guys. But he might. Guys that come to mind off the top of my head are akili smith, heart Schuler, the LSu guy even before the purple drank. Don’t get all mad man I’m not an AR hater but sometimes mistakes are obvious. That’s all I’m saying. If AR isn’t good in a couple of years we will be a disaster of a franchise. If AR shows promise and we still compete for the 1st pick I would not be against them taking this dude that everyone loves next year if he looked like one of those really really highly rated QBs. You would be able to trade a potentially great AR for someone you thougt was better. Ar is going to struggle and we have a lot of holes and Question marks. Manning was 3 and 13 but showed plenty of promise his rookie year. Lawrence was bad but looks pretty good. would you keep AR if you had a chance to draft a polished stud like manning or luck? I wouldn’t man. You could get a mint for AR and have a guy you like better. I don’t see how you could pass that up. im not saying this guy is that kind of player, I’d don’t follow CFB much and don’t even know his name, but if you rated him like that I don’t know how you could not make that move. IM NOT AGAIST AR MAN. I’m just saying sometimes a better option presents itself. look if there was a manning luck Lawrence rated type of guy coming out of college that every one was pretty sure of you’d have to take him wouldn’t you
  21. Yep and really what’s the real harm if he’s terrible and not ready? We aren’t likely to win many games in any case this year, if Ar isn’t good, we can try to get that dude everyone’s talking about next year or manning or someone after that.
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