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Everything posted by Nickster

  1. I agree with this totally BB. Loyalty is a fan thing. These guys are earners. I would be if I were them too.
  2. I think we beat them pretty good in them playoffs a couple times IIRC. I dont remember the losses but I’m sure they occurred.
  3. I think holder meant the nice guy thing in regards to this contract issue. ie. He was taking the reasonable approach and when that didn’t work, he changed tactics. I don’t think he meant that JT walks around with a false front all the time. Maybe JT is a walking lie with his persona but I don’t think that’s what holder was implying here.
  4. Do you think St. Jonathon will be re sanctified if he signs? He’s the obvious candidate right now on O. My guess on the D for whipping boy is the CB unit. I like Steichen, but he’s already deified, so if the D isn’t great I think Bradley will wear the red suit with the horns and triangle tail as far as coaches go. St. Christopher however seems impervious to criticism.
  5. For the record. I’m not necessarily against rookies starting. There are a wide range of factors that determine this. Tosaymost teams does not cover it. The vast preponderance of teams do not start rookies game 1. It’s happened a few times. Some are great some terrible and degrees in between. AR has little experience. If he does go game 1 that would be surprising. I wonder if AR needs to take the brutality in a Read Option/RPO Qb taking a 100 plus carries would endure even if he were ready.
  6. yep he ripped that 36 QBR record last year to lol.
  7. They have a history. Y.A. In 48, Manning in 98 and luck in aught 12. pretty much settled it. Richardson should start.
  8. weren’t we talking about starting day one dude?
  9. Yep I like him. That said he had a personal worse QBR this season at 58 down 13 points from last season.
  10. Son Roethlisberger was drafted over 2 decades ago and luck over a decade ago. Plus Ben didn’t play till game 3. Come on dude. Go hit a round of golf or something. You are doing really poorly here. yep luck and Peyton Manning we’re both seniors when drafted and considered by most pundits to be THE 2 MOST NFL READY QBS IN DRAFT HISTORY. BOTH GREW UP IN NFL LOCKER ROOMS WITH THEIR FATHERS BEING NFL QBS.
  11. I think they censored Bean or maybe I said that plus er which i guess would be caught in the ethnic ban. Lol.
  12. *, he’s gonna run a lot. I might be in favor of sitting him even if he’s “ready” from a load management standpoint. If he runs half as much as Hurts las year including the post season that’s 100 Carrie’s. Repeat Half of Hurts Carrie’s is 100 . thats a lot. Then there is the hits in the passing game. Is say he’s run as much or more than Hurts. I wouldn’t subject him to that kind of punishment all year.
  13. I like Herbert a lot. But that aren’t getting it done over there. I didn’t realize he didn’t start play 1.
  14. old school? When I was a kid, The only QB I ever remember doing well as a rookie was Dan Marino and he didn’t play until like game 6. QBs rarely played at all there rookie year back in the day.
  15. I’m pretty sure he’s said he’s for bringing them along slowly. But even if I misremember, most coaches in history has most today do not start rooks right away. This is neither controversial nor should it be baffling.
  16. but Bestie, great football minds including Andy Reid believe QBs develop best starting in the sideline. So I don’t understand why you’re so baffled bro.
  17. Meh media schmedia. Great coaches including Reid would not ever start a rookie QB.
  18. We shouldn’t be winning much this year. I would suspect Minshew would give us a better chance to win early, he’s been a decent QB in the league for a while, but that I don’t even consider. My concern is the team around him as far as protection goes. He won’t develop if he’s always on his skates or his adz like our QBs have been the last two seasons. If Moss cannot play, he’s a plus pass protector. Im not in the least confident in this line in pass pro. If I had to guess I’d say they won’t be very good hopefully not bottom 1 or 2 like recent lines, but I wouldn’t play AR until week 9 if they are godawful terrible like the last two years. No reason for him to take the beatings all season that Wentz and Ryan endured. I wouldn’t think that would help him develop either.
  19. This I disagree with absolutely. if playing we’re the only way to get better there’d be no such thing as practice. Are you AI?
  20. Yep and the point of the post is that no one needs worry about his inevitable inaccuracy until January if no noticeable improvement is made.
  21. No offense taken friend. Just talking ball. Sure no one knows how he will play in a theoretical sense. That said the entire history of the NFL would suggest that he and any QB isn’t ready to be a quality starter right away. It has only been tried a few times anyway Bestie, and until 3 or so seasons ago you could count the attempts on your fingers and toes. Anthony is also unusual in that he’s a high draft pick with almost no real success in college. This isn’t controversial buddy.
  22. Bestie almost no one including I would guess everyone in the Colts org thinks this kid is ready to be a quality NFL starter right away. Wouldn’t matter if he was 20 for 20 today. AR is currently and has been inaccurate. Has nothing to do with his nose. reread my post unemotionally.
  23. He’s going to struggle with accuracy all year. He’s inaccurate. It’s only going to be a problem if there isn’t noticeable improvement throughout the year. The kid almost certainly isn’t ready to be a quality NFL starter yet.
  24. He could “be injured” too. Be interesting how the ole back hurts doesn’t hurt thing goes. Unless Irsay caves he’s gonna have to play here or starve.
  25. Yeah we just penciled in 12 and at least one playoff win. Looked like we were going to be able to keep it going with Luck but none a that can of worms mopes.
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