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Posts posted by BigQungus

  1. 4 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    I'm meaning since Hilton. We drafted Dorsett. Did we draft moncrief? Didn't we draft like Ken griffeys son?


    I don't pay too much attention to the draft, so I'm not gonna pretend like I'm an expert, I'm just thinking from the top of my head.


    Well I think we should evaluate each front office regime differently. Obviously Grigson was horrible, but he was horrible at a lot of things, and he's also gone. If you want to know whether we're good at drafting WRs now, then you can't look at Grigson, you need to look at Ballard.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Maniac said:

    I looked at this season without Luck and thought probably an 8-8 season, then got my hopes up a little and now with Jacoby hurt and likely missing games, feel like it's back to an 8-8 season.


    The positive is we'll have 2 picks in the top 35 again, most likely.


    How would it be 8-8?  Let's say Brissett misses 4 weeks, which is not a good scenario at all. You're saying we go 1-3 through those 4 weeks (the win being against the Dolphins, the lose being to each of our division opponents) and then lose against the Panthers and the Saints?


    I feel like that's absolute worst case scenario. It could happen, but I don't think it's the most realistic possibility.

  3. 18 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    Good on ya! Awesome job bro!


    On a cynical note. Are we bad at drafting WRs now???


    Well we've drafted 3 WRs


    Cain - 6th rounder coming off of a torn ACL. Impressed in both training camps, but hasn't done much. Jury's still out, but not looking great so far. Even if he is a miss I wouldn't say missing on a 6th round WR means we're bad at drafting WRs


    Fountain - 5th rounder, out for year, on the PS as a rookie. Impressed in camp, but hasn't played much at all. The jury is still out with him too. Again, even if he is a miss I wouldn't say missing on a 5th round WR means we're bad at drafting WRs.


    Campbell - 2nd rounder rookie, our only high WR draft pick in the Ballard regime. Has injury issues, and wasn't great early in the year, but has insane speed and potential. We saw just a little bit of that against the Steelers. Potentially has fumble issues though. Jury's still out.

  4. I'm a little surprised there isn't more of an uproar. Bad penalty on Leonard. Bad PI call on Tell. That insane voodoo fair catch call. Multiple missed hands to the face calls against us. I'm not usually a blame the refs guy, but that's just tough.


    I should've known it would come at some point. We played 7 games, and other than a few Autry penalties, it has been the most favorable 7 game stretch of officiating towards us that I can remember. It just seems like normally every game the refs are just so biased towards us, but this year they've been pretty good or even a little biased towards us. 


    Then the floodgates of bad reffing broke...

  5. 19 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Leonard hit him in the head.  Honestly I was shocked he didn’t get flagged the play before that for hitting the Steelers QB while he was sliding.  Still you are 100% right about the second call.  I’d say it was the worst call I had seen all year if they hadn’t flagged our linebacker for tackling later in the game.


    It's one of those things where he's going down and you lunge for the body, but by the time you reach him you hit his head. It's just unfortunate

  6. Just now, Biggz21 said:

    Ryan wasn't my deal breaker I'm saying anyone in general could have came to help not just the average guys we have on the roster...


    How do you know what offers were offered? Ryan Kerrigan wasn't traded. Who knows what the offers were. Unless you wanted us to counter a trade that went through like the Sanu trade or the Emmanuel Sanders trade, you don't know what the negotiations were like and therefore you can't definitively say that we should've done a trade or not

  7. 1 hour ago, NannyMcafee said:


    I'm sorry but a lot of fans here also think that Jacoby isnt a starter. So you go from a back up to a third string QB. I'm not making excuses. Overall I thought it was a positive game considering how many guys we had out like Kelly, Hilton, Jacoby, then throw in the horrible play calling and refs are always bad, and still managed to go down and had a chance to win it with AV who of course has lost us 2 games. Colts should be 8-1. This is AVs last year. I dont give 2 %s if laces are in, out, backwards. That was a chip shot field goal that he missed and hes Been missing the chip shots. 


    The only reason AV is here right now is because Irsay talked him back. Ballard would have moved on. When hes ready to kick do you feel confident, I sure as hell dont. It was a damn chip shot that you kicked to mid field. 


    I think it's safe to say if Andrew unretired irsay would force Ballard to start him. Regardless of principles. 


    Some people here think that Jacoby Brissett is not a top 32 QB in the league??

  8. 11 minutes ago, Biggz21 said:

    Is that not chris Ballards philosophy? " I want to build a contender by drafting" so you are banking on drafting well enough that each year you are going to get Nelson and Leonard caliber players. And silly me I have no idea why I would want Ryan Kerrigan a 4x pro-bowler and adequate pass rusher...


    So you're saying that the strategy that, given a pick in the draft has a 50% of yielding an All-Pro player, a team should hold on to their picks and not trade away picks for players who are 31 years old and have 2 sacks on the year, is a bad strategy???


    And why do you even care so much about not getting Ryan Kerrigan after all the other problems that were exposed on Sunday? This seems like a pointless conversation

  9. 3 minutes ago, Biggz21 said:

    Unless they were asking for a 1st round picks or a high caliber player nothing could be asking too much to make your team better. But I guess let's stay content or trusting drafting guys out of college that have a 50-50 chance of being bust or all-pro


    There is such a thing as asking too much to make your team better: If they ask so much that you make your team worse. I simply don't see the logic that there is no such thing as a bad trade if you're only trading draft picks...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Biggz21 said:

    Unless they were asking for a 1st round picks or a high caliber player nothing could be asking too much to make your team better. But I guess let's stay content or trusting drafting guys out of college that have a 50-50 chance of being bust or all-pro


    Wow, a 50% chance of each pick being an all-pro?? Even I didn't value draft picks THAT high! Well in that light, why on earth would you want to trade anything for Ryan Kerrigan??

  11. 25 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

    Wednesday was the straw that broke the camels back.  He has been fighting nagging injuries all season.  It was probably just a matter of time when something bad was going to happen.  


    Well how were they supposed to know that? I'm not gonna give up a 3rd in a loaded draft because my WR has a nagging injury that may potentially lead to further injury.


    That's outcome bias

  12. 37 minutes ago, Myles said:

    That is not true.   The effect of hitting the ground 2 feet before the ball will usually end up in a crazy kick.   


    How bout this...


    Hitting the ground caused him to kick the ball at a higher place, which cause him to hit the laces, which caused a crazy kick.


    At this point, I don't really know how to prove it one way or another. But either ways, hitting the ground isn't even indicative of a physical decline, it's just indicative of a bad kick.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Biggz21 said:

    Not necessarily looking for a trade at the kicker position, but how about a guy like Chris Harris Jr. Proven legit man coverage dominant Corner... a legit pass rusher von miller? Ryan Kerrigan? Someone better tha. Chester Roger's, Deon Cain, and Glowinski I know that's wishful thinking but with 40mill+ in cap available are we investing that money in accorn or what?


    We were looking at Kerrigan. Evidently they were asking too much.


    Move on. That's the least of our problems right now

  14. 2 minutes ago, Biggz21 said:

    Understood so they were super confident in Cain Roger's Pascal that those guys would be able to uplift this franchise vs other teams (elite) wide reciever groups that's laughable


    That was past the deadline, so they couldn't do anything at that point

  15. Just now, Myles said:

    The blocked XP was his fault.   He went low.   

    The laces being out doesn't affect a kick that much.  Hitting the ground does.   Granted if the foot was coming at a complete 180 degrees, it would only affect the power.   That is not the case with kickers.   


    Definitely nitpicky to blame a blocked XP on the kicker not kicking 2 inches higher


    ?? Hitting the laces definitely affects kicks. Yes, theoretically kickers should hit just below the laces, but he didn't, cause most kickers don't anyways. You wanna blame him for that too? The fact is we don't actually know how the kick would've ended if the laces were fine and he still hit the ground. It's impossible to tell how much of an effect that had on his kick, given that the mere effect of hitting the ground is unpredictability, but the effect of hitting the laces is usually a crazy kick. So I choose to blame it on the thing that definitely affected his kick versus the thing that may have affected his kick

  16. 17 hours ago, FanFromtheWasteland said:

    Bandwagon? I have stuck with this team since they arrived in 84. I've just had enough of this hanging on to over the hill players, coaches, management


    So you've stuck through everything since 84 but now that Vinny missed a field goal to send us to 5-3 (oh the tragedy!) you're done?!!

  17. 11 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    I'm here for my crow!  And I'm pretty hungry...  I threw up my lunch after watching Vinny kick that game-loser...  :puke:


    @bluebombers87 you were right, Vinny is officially a liability.  He just doesn't kick a pretty ball anymore.  Even the ones that go through the uprights are ugly low-flying knuckleballs.  Watching Justin Tucker kick right now brings to mind the phrase "pure kicker" like a "pure passer".  Tucker kicks a beautiful ball, Vinny doesn't anymore.


    @Introspect I admit that I wouldn't be mad if the Colts have a new kicker on Monday.  I'll be sad about Vinny, but I won't be mad about moving on.  When it's time, it's time.


    @Gramz I'm sorry, I wanted to win this game more than any other on our schedule this year, and to lose it like that... when we should have won... that was a gut-punch.  I'd love to let Vinny finish the season, but I don't want Vinny to lose us any more games this year.  It's not fair to us, it's not fair to him, and it's not fair to his teammates.


    I can't believe I'm saying this, and it doesn't feel right being only halfway through the season, but it might be the right thing to do to say farewell to Vinny.




    Boy I'm gonna take heat for this, and I haven't seen all the posts, but why is it Vinny's fault?


    He had one XP blocked (not his fault) and on the game winner the laces were out (again not his fault)


    Yes he did hit the dirt but who knows whether it would've gone in or not and sometimes he does that and it still goes in. From my knowledge of kicking, hitting the dirt mainly affects the power of the ball, and that ball definitely had enough power, so...


    His XPs aren't pretty but those 2 long ones last week were

  18. 17 minutes ago, Biggz21 said:

    Question Coltsnation with the compiling injuries that we deal with every year just like any other team, when does it become overbearingly stubborn to "stick to the process" and solely trust in draft capital, vs bringing in proven players who can help you? They (colts organization) had to know TY was hurt and would miss significant time why not attempt to make a move to bring in another weapon? Our offense essentially has 1 playmaker. Defensively we continue to healthy scratch Quincy Wilson if he's not good enough to start with Desir being out why didn't we trade for a capable corner? Our philosophy is very wishy-washy and I don't think it's the way to build a Championship contender just my venting 2 cents. Chris Ballard always preaches competition and the roster will always look to get better and be a revolving door I don't see that. I see him harboring draft capital and signing random Defensive tackles off the street.


    He got hurt on Wednesday, so no they didn't know that.

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  19. 1 hour ago, bluebombers87 said:

    I wasn’t aware 2nd string QBs had major endorsement contracts.


    The dude was on a downswing. He was gonna have a hard time getting picked up by another team. Decides to kneel to draw attention to himself and be able to lament those racist NFL owners as keeping him down.


    All the while you have places like Nike just eager to show how woke they are to get money from people who think that by wearing Nike they support all these causes but Nike ends up just making a profit while marginally donating to some causes.


    This argument is boring.

    Cromartie is a joke.


    He signed a 7 year $140 million contract with the Niners prior to being benched. Yes he was on a downswing, but he still had most of his endorsements from becoming a starting QB and making the Super Bowl and all that stuff.


    Of course Nike did it to make money. But that's not what this is about.


    For the record, I don't really care about Cromartie or that he was cut because that was a long time ago anyways

  20. 21 hours ago, bluebombers87 said:

    That one loss may end up being important in the long run. It may not. I’m wise enough to know that I can’t see the future. Good for you oh seer of seers.


    (illustration of your argument) "The Jets may make the playoffs this year"


    "They may make the playoffs, they may not. Good for you oh seer of seers"


    Well obviously either something is true or not true. p v ~p is a classic tautology, but if you say that something may happen, I'm assuming that you think there's a little more weight behind it happening other than the fact that it's theoretically possible. 

  21. On 10/29/2019 at 10:22 PM, BigQungus said:

    Once again...


    You said "That chargers game may end up costing us more than we know when the end of the season comes."


    My understanding was that you were talking about the significance of the Chargers game in relation to seeding and standings.


    I then replied that the Chargers game is looking less and less important since the Chargers are looking less and less like contenders.


    You then stated that he cannot leave points on the board against good teams. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding something, or if I'm being slow, but how is that relevant to how significant the Chargers game was?




    This is what I said you said... which is a verbatim quote of what you said. The quote you quoted of me saying what I said you said was me paraphrasing what you said so that it's clearer what I thought you said. From my understanding, it's the exact same meaning


    Anyways this is kind of pointless as it doesn't even seem like you think that anymore, based on you using a tautology to justify your argument.

    20 hours ago, bluebombers87 said:


    The top is what you’re saying I said. The second quote at the bottom is what I actually said. 

    Comprehension is important.


  22. On 10/31/2019 at 3:51 PM, csmopar said:

    Perhaps. And I’m not saying you are wrong, you’re not. My issue isn’t just with the kneeling itself. It’s the falsification of the reason for it when Kaepernick realized he could make a dime off a very unfortunate social issue. He did this for two weeks before it become viral. At which time, he had been benched for crappy play and was mad about it. After it started getting noticed, he claimed it was for the social injustice that is racist profiling within our country.  He then was paid MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS, in endorsement deals from the likes of Nike and stuff. Yet he’s not donated a single dime towards the organizations that have been trying to help solve this issue. Nor has he volunteered to help anywhere in these communities. No, he turned a valid social concern into a money nest egg for himself. Profiting off of the pain of others.  The. He went even further and tried suing the NFL for even more money. Now, Cromartie is trying to do the same. 

    Thats not courage, that’s greed


    He definitely lost more money in cut endorsements and potential NFL revenue than he gained in that one Nike endorsement. And he probably didn't know that he would even get that when he started

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