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Posts posted by BigQungus

  1. 11 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    So here's the deal.


    Let's say I'm another franchise looking to acquire a franchise QB.


    I see Andrew Luck looking to come out of retirement, but he's bound by a contract to the Colts, who seem happy with the current guy.


    So I put a call into Ballard who requests a ransom for Luck.


    I then politely hang up the phone and cross Luck off my list of potential solutions.


    We're talking about a guy who already evaporated on his team once and is now at large.  I pay no ransom for that.  It's a huge red flag to any team looking to acquire the guy. 


    One of the biggest things you need out of a starting QB is to know that if healthy they will start 16 games a year.  NOBODY knows that about Luck going forward.


    Ordinary aches and pains are normal everyday thing for every NFL player.  If I'm seeing a guy walk away from the game because he hurts too much even if I then see him healthy and happy and saying he wants to play -- well, anything that's happened once can happen again.  With potential franchise changing decision on the line, it's a risk I just can' take.


    I mean if the guy was a UFA sure, I'd invite him to camp.  Give us a chance to see him in action and get the measure of him before we commit to the guy.  But I'm not trading assets for a guy who could vanish into a puff of smoke before the season even starts.  No way no how.  I'd be foolish to make a decision like that


    Honestly I think that if he did come back into the league, the Colts would disentangle him from his current contract obligations so he could go find a job.  Because if they don't, he's probably stuck on the outside looking in.


    Well great then. We get another generational franchise QB back. We're not forced to trade Luck at all if he comes back. It doesn't matter if his trade value is very low at that point, which I don't think it would be. You shouldn't sell low unless you're forced to, and I see no reason why we would be forced to trade him

  2. 10 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

    Denver is horrible. Joe Flacco lol. Easy win this week. 


    After the Raiders loss I won't make that comment unless we're facing a winless team. Now, of course I expect us to win, but I won't just overlook them. I'm starting to buy more and more into Reich's mentality of going 1-0 every week

  3. 2 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    A few things about this.


    I believe it was the correct call, they have blown plays dead on the QB when he was stopped for less than Watson.


    Two, I don't think the TD would have stood up after replay.  Hopkins never established control of the ball before it was knocked out.


    Had the TD stood it would have been a 4 point difference, Houston lost by 7.  Now with chaos theory, we know that everything else would not have played out exactly the same if the circumstances were different, I don't think the extra 4 points would have mattered in the end.


    I don't know about that. The argument about forward progress being stopped doesn't hold up since Watson wasn't an established runner. He was in a passing stance. Just because he had a guy at his ankle while he was passing, doesn't make him a runner or something.


    I agree with everything else though. To me it looked like Odum punched the ball out immediately. I would be very mad if that was a touchdown but the Ebron touchdown against the Chargers wasn't.


    When we're doing alternate history theorizing, we must ignore the chaos theory, especially if the changed event is something that happened in the 2nd quarter. True, perhaps everything else changes from that and we lose, but perhaps it doesn't, and it's anyone's guess what would've happened after that.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, GOLFoholic said:

    Glowinski has to go (or at least stay in a backup role).


    Please Ballard draft another right Guard in the 2020 draft.

    Don't take my word, watch the film. He was beat quite easily on many run or pass plays.


    Probably the best we got now at RG, but I would make this my first (or second round) draft choice behind DE.


    My goodness Glow isn't so bad that we need to spend a first on a guard again! 

  5. On 10/17/2019 at 11:03 AM, aaron11 said:

    honestly  i'll probably stop knocking him if we beat the texans.  that would prove we can beat our rival with JB playing like he does.  


    i know the mantra is 1-0 every week, but texans appear to have the most raw talent in the division while jags and titans are fading.  Colts probably have the best coaching 



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  6. On 10/14/2019 at 2:15 PM, aaron11 said:

    pretty optimistic take you have there OP


    i would say he was insufficient against the chargers, titans, raiders and chiefs.  we won some of those games, mostly because of the oline and running game 


    Just because he's not the reason why we won, doesn't mean he was a liability that game.

  7. On 10/12/2019 at 10:32 PM, ColtsBlueFL said:


    I said it before. the bar is HIGH!!!  Like the egregious non call against the Saints ion playoffs level high. Al Riveron is not re-officiating close calls, even if it shows in HD / Slo Mo it was wrong.



    Yes, but it has to be obvious in real time too. Ticky Tack hand fighting/pushing and Bang/Bang plays will not get reversed. Just watch over the rest of the year.


    Honestly though, part of me wonders if even that play would get reversed the way they're doing the PI reviews...

  8. 13 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    The NFL is an entertainment industry. As such, they are allowed to rig games and have predetermined outcomes legally while posing as a legit sport (just like the WWE). People are just starting to figure this out now. #NFL is rigged.


    Except WWE is 1 on 1, and the NFL has 11 player per team.


    Eh, you know what, I'm not gonna poke the bear on this one

  9. 23 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    Eh.  Personally I don't believe the cheating stuff.  


    There's no evidence Brady knew of that thing that there's no evidence even happened anyway. 


    The fact that there's a perfectly valid scientific explanation for why the balls were below regulation PSI in a super cold environment doesn't exactly help matters. 


    Neither does the fact that the Colts balls were also below PSI.


    Nor does the fact that there's exactly zero other allegations of Brady cheating the game in any way.  Belichick yes, Brady no. Call the Patriots cheaters, sure, but don't single out TB12.


    Honestly to every non-Colts fan, the Colts came out of that deal smelling worse than the Patriots did.  The fact that they couldn't prove anything just makes our guys look like sore losers.


    Oh no, he certainly did cheat. Everyone knows Brady likes his footballs a little on the deflated side. I think he works with the guys that inflate the balls to make sure it's the pressure he desires. Plus, "accidentally" breaking his phone during the controversy seems a little fishy to me.


    Oh, and let's not forget that Brady's personal trainer was caught feeding steroids to Edelman. Everyone knows how close Guerrero and Brady are, so it just feels fishy to me.


    Now, with all that said, I don't think it's a good argument if you're trying to use that to say he's not the GOAT. There are many good arguments for that, but we don't really know how much and to what extent he cheats, so it's just kind of a lame argument

    • Like 2
  10. On 10/14/2019 at 8:35 AM, DougDew said:

    And your point? 


    Then the #6 pick should be used more to execute multiple blocks on multiple defenders more often than to pancake one defender who might be one 4th round draft pick.  


    Anyway you look at it, its wasted capital.


    If he pancakes Aaron Donald, I'm more likely to see the investment.




    In pass protect, you should pancake. In run block, you should execute multiple blocks if you're the lead blocker, and pancake if you're not. Why is that so hard to understand???


    And who do you suggest we take instead of Q? If I'm redrafting that draft, and Big Q somehow doesn't go higher, I wouldn't hesitate to take him again.


    I don't mean this personally, but it seems like you have absolutely no idea how O lines work. I suggest you read up about them first before you go spouting off nonsense like Big Q shouldn't pancake, or Big Q is gonna break his wrists by pancaking. 

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  11. 7 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Every GM has his hits and misses, and its not about draft picks exclusively.  Its overall use of capital.  Adding players, letting others go, churning the roster.  Hits and misses. Alternative choices, and none of us know what those really are.  Its really pretty pointless to strongly praise or criticize any GM, because so much of his success depends upon things out of his control.  JMO.


    Henry Anderson and Denzelle Good are players from the old regime that are playing well for other teams. Scheme matters, but could we have saved the money we're paying Glow and keep Good?  Hard to say.


    CB has hung on to Geathers way too long, where having a proper SS improves the defense by alot, as we see.


    A GM takes the opportunities he's presented.  He picks Smith at 37, calls him the last available starting caliber G, then the player works out to be a pretty good RT.


    He sees Ya-sin at 26.  Thinks he, or a similar player, will be there at 34.  Because its all good at 34, he takes a trade from the Skins that's probably under compensated relative to that draft value chart, but making the trade gets you the player and a lot more capital than holding out for incrementally more capital to make the trade fair.  He then gets that extra capital by moving down from 46 to 49 to get a 5th round pick and the player he wanted at 46.  Its was all good then, and now the Skins are 0-5 and it makes CB look like Ghandi.


    You can nitpick Hooker and his replacement Odum.  Factor in that Hooker was pick 15 and Odum was an UDFA, and you have to wonder what our overall FS play and availability would look like if we could get a much more talented Odum at pick 40. 


    Nelson was pick 6.  CB skipped a trade.  While its great that Nelson pancakes guys, the play in KC where Mack runs up the middle after Nelson blocks two defenders shows why he's great.  He pushed the first guy out of the way, then shielded the second defender several yards past the LOS.  If he pancaked the first guy, fell over and laid on him for 3 seconds, Mack would've probably had only a 5 yard gain.  While a G obtained in a trade down, say pick 20 quality G, probably could not have pancaked the first guy, he may have been able to push the first guy out of the way and shield the second guy too. 


    What do you want to get for the capital you spend?  How often can you really use that extra talent in a meaningful way?


    This is where the nitpicking comes in.  But that doesn't really weigh much when it comes to evaluating if a GM drafts well or not, in a broad sense, especially when none of us know the alternatives.  As the roster churns and it improves over time, then the GM is making good decisions, IMO. But pointing out nitpicks isn't the same as hate, as some might choose to interpret it.


    Thanks to @Scott Pennock for putting the post together.  I wasn't meaning to come off as critical of that effort with my first post.  It was more about there not being a real need to do it, IMO.




    Good isn't as good as Glow IMO, and anyways he's a Tackle. But I see your overall point.


    Odum isn't in the same league as Hooker. Don't get me wrong, he was great for us last week, but....... just no. Hooker has been fine other than the injuries. He's a top 5 safety when healthy. I have no regrets with that pick.

  12. 7 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Every GM has his hits and misses, and its not about draft picks exclusively.  Its overall use of capital.  Adding players, letting others go, churning the roster.  Hits and misses. Alternative choices, and none of us know what those really are.  Its really pretty pointless to strongly praise or criticize any GM, because so much of his success depends upon things out of his control.  JMO.


    Henry Anderson and Denzelle Good are players from the old regime that are playing well for other teams. Scheme matters, but could we have saved the money we're paying Glow and keep Good?  Hard to say.


    CB has hung on to Geathers way too long, where having a proper SS improves the defense by alot, as we see.


    A GM takes the opportunities he's presented.  He picks Smith at 37, calls him the last available starting caliber G, then the player works out to be a pretty good RT.


    He sees Ya-sin at 26.  Thinks he, or a similar player, will be there at 34.  Because its all good at 34, he takes a trade from the Skins that's probably under compensated relative to that draft value chart, but making the trade gets you the player and a lot more capital than holding out for incrementally more capital to make the trade fair.  He then gets that extra capital by moving down from 46 to 49 to get a 5th round pick and the player he wanted at 46.  Its was all good then, and now the Skins are 0-5 and it makes CB look like Ghandi.


    You can nitpick Hooker and his replacement Odum.  Factor in that Hooker was pick 15 and Odum was an UDFA, and you have to wonder what our overall FS play and availability would look like if we could get a much more talented Odum at pick 40. 


    Nelson was pick 6.  CB skipped a trade.  While its great that Nelson pancakes guys, the play in KC where Mack runs up the middle after Nelson blocks two defenders shows why he's great.  He pushed the first guy out of the way, then shielded the second defender several yards past the LOS.  If he pancaked the first guy, fell over and laid on him for 3 seconds, Mack would've probably had only a 5 yard gain.  While a G obtained in a trade down, say pick 20 quality G, probably could not have pancaked the first guy, he may have been able to push the first guy out of the way and shield the second guy too. 


    What do you want to get for the capital you spend?  How often can you really use that extra talent in a meaningful way?


    This is where the nitpicking comes in.  But that doesn't really weigh much when it comes to evaluating if a GM drafts well or not, in a broad sense, especially when none of us know the alternatives.  As the roster churns and it improves over time, then the GM is making good decisions, IMO. But pointing out nitpicks isn't the same as hate, as some might choose to interpret it.


    Thanks to @Scott Pennock for putting the post together.  I wasn't meaning to come off as critical of that effort with my first post.  It was more about there not being a real need to do it, IMO.


    Ok... I'm gonna say it... after all these years I finally get to say it!!!


    If you don't know, I have been reading this forum for a long time, but I couldn't join because the security check was glitching or something...


    but anyways...




    I'm not trying to be rude with the all caps, but I was just excited to finally say it after a long time.


    There. I did it

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, csmopar said:

    I’ve been thru three courteously of Uncle Sam and the Army, yet I’m not a millionaire. If I was playing a game and getting hurt for millions, yeah I can see your point. But half a billion dollars over 3 more years... yeah I’d stuck it out


    I don't think he's getting $500 million dollars...... considering that the highest paid QB annual salary is in the $30 millions...

  14. 22 hours ago, runthepost said:

    He comes back next year we trade him for picks. 


    21 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    No we don't.  He comes back next year we trade Brissett for picks.  Precedent suggests he would be worth 2 second rounders in trade.


    But of course that's only if we have Luck and he's definitely ready to resume full football activities.


    We don't do either. Trading Luck wouldn't get us anything, because teams would have no confidence he would even want to play, let alone for another organization.


    We don't trade Brissett either because I wouldn't really trust that Luck would be all in...... I'm just saying we need to keep our insurance

  15. 4 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

    It has been said here recently that Ballard and Dodds have not drafted well and that they have failed to provide us fans a solid team from 1-63 on the roster. It is widely considered among NFL GM's and pundits that if you  draft and develop 2-3 starters/contributors in every draft then you are doing well. This is not even getting into the rest of roster construction through savvy trades, shrewd free agent signings and good scouting on waiver wire pick-ups.


    2017 NFL Draft (Drafting for a Lame Duck Coach)


    Starters: Hooker (Rated as 5th best Safety in NFL), Mack, Walker

    Contributors: Wilson (Spot Starter/Nickel/Dime), Stewart (Starting this year)

    Out of the NFL: None

    Not on the Roster: Basham and Hairston with Jets, Banner with Steelers

    Impact Player: Hooker (Rated as 5th best Safety in NFL after 2018 Season) and Mack is on the verge of being that true bellcow back

    UDFA's of Note: Kenny Moore II (CB - Rated Number 2 Nickelback in NFL after 2018 season), Rigoberto Sanchez


    1/15 - Malik Hooker, FS. Ohio State

    2/46 - Quincy Wilson, CB, Florida

    3/80 - Tarell Basham, OLB - Ohio University - With NY Jets

    4/137 - Zach, Banner, OT, USC - With Pittsburgh Steelers

    4/143 - Marlon Mack, RB, South Florida

    4/144 - Grover Stewart, DT, Albany State

    5/158 - Nate Hairston, CB, Temple - Traded to NY Jets for 2020 sixth-round pick

    5/161 - Anthony Walker, LB, Northwestern


    Draft Maneuvering to acquire more talent thru the draft:


    49ers receive:
    » 2017 fourth-round pick (No. 121): Joe Williams, RB, Utah

    Colts receive:
    » 2017 fourth-round pick (No. 143): Marlon Mack, RB, South Florida
    » 2017 fifth-round pick (No. 161): Anthony Walker Jr., LB, Northwestern


    Colts receive:

    » 2017 fourth-round pick (No. 137): Zach Banner, OT, USC

    Patriots receive:

    » 2017 sixth-round pick (No. 200): Traded to Titans

    » Dwayne Allen, TE (Cutting ties with 4.5 Million owed)


    2018 NFL Draft (Drafting for his preferred 4-3 Defense and his preferred Offensive minded coach)


    Starters: Quenton Nelson, Darius Leonard, Braden Smith

    Contributors: All but Daurice Fountain so far (So 7 total)

    Out of the NFL: 0

    Not on Roster: 0

    Impact Player: Quenton Nelson (All-Pro), Darius Leonard (All-Pro)

    UDFA's of Note: George Odum, Mo Ali-Cox


    1/6 - Quenton Nelson, OG, Notre Dame

    2/36 - Darius Leonard, OLB, South Carolina State

    2/37 - Braden Smith, OG, Auburn

    2/52 - Kemoko Turay, DE, Rutgers

    2/64 - Lewis, Tyquan, DE, Ohio State

    4/104 - Nyheim Hines, RB, NC State

    5/159 - Daurice Fountain, WR, UNI

    6/169 - Jordan Wilkins, RB, Ole Miss

    6/185 - Deon Cain, WR, Clemson

    7/221 - Matthew Adams, LB, Houston

    7/235 - Zaire Franklin, LB, Syracuse


    Draft Maneuvering to acquire more talent thru the draft:


    Jets receive:

    » 2018 first-round pick (No. 3) -- Sam Darnold, QB, USC

    Colts receive:
    » 2018 first-round pick (No. 6) -- Quenton Nelson, G, Notre Dame
    » 2018 second-round pick (No. 37) -- Braden Smith, G, Auburn
    » 2018 second-round pick (No. 49) -- traded to Philadelphia
    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 34) -- Rock Ya Sin, CB, Temple


    Eagles receive:

    » 2018 second-round pick (No. 49) -- Dallas Goedert, TE, South Dakota St.

    Colts receive:
    » 2018 second-round pick (No. 52) -- Kemoko Turay, DE, Rutgers
    » 2018 fifth-round pick (No. 169) -- Jordan Wilkins, RB, Mississippi


    Colts receive:

    » 2018 second-round pick (No. 64) -- Tyquan Lewis, DE, Ohio State

    Browns receive:
    » 2018 third-round pick (No. 67) -- Chad Thomas, DE, Miami
    » 2018 sixth-round pick (No. 178) -- traded to Patriots


    Colts receive:

    » 2018 sixth-round pick (No. 235) -- Zaire Franklin, LB, Syracuse

    Jets receive:
    » Henry Anderson, DE


    Raiders receive:
    » 2018 fifth-round pick (No. 140) -- Maurice Hurst, DT, Michigan

    Colts receive:
    » 2018 fifth-round pick (No. 159) -- Daurice Fountain, WR, Northern Iowa
    » 2018 sixth-round pick (No. 185) -- Deon Cain, WR, Clemson


    2019 NFL Draft (Drafting for Depth): Keep in mind we are 5 games into these players first season as Rookies


    Starters: Rock Ya Sin, Khari Willis

    Contributors: Ben Banogu, Parris Campbell, Bobby Okereke, Marvell Tell, E.J. Speed

    ****(Green and Barton are on the PS & Patterson is IR'd)

    Out of the NFL: 0

    Not on the Roster: 0

    Impact Player: None

    UDFA's of Note: None


    2/34 - Rock Ya Sin, CB, Temple

    2/49 - Ben Banogu, DE, TCU

    2/59 - Parris Campbell, WR, Ohio State

    3/89 - Bobby Okereke, LB, Stanford

    4/109 - Khari Willis, SS, Michigan State

    5/144 - Marvell Tell III, DB, USC

    5/164 - E.J. Speed, LB, Tarleton State

    6/199 - Gerri Green, DE, Mississippi State

    7/240 - Jackson Barton, OT, Utah

    7/246 - Javon Patterson, C, Ole Miss


    Draft Maneuvering to acquire more talent thru the draft:


    Redskins receive:
    » 2019 first-round pick (No. 26; select Edge Montez Sweat)

    Colts receive:
    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 46; trade to Browns)
    » 2020 second-round pick


    Browns receive:
    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 46; select Greedy Williams)

    Colts receive:
    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 49; select LB Ben Banogu)
    » 2019 fifth-round pick (No. 144; select S Marvell Tell III)


    Colts receive:
    » 2019 fourth-round (No. 109; select S Khari Willis)

    Raiders receive:
    » 2019 fourth-round (No. 129; select CB Isaiah Johnson)
    » 2019 fourth-round (No. 135; trade to Atlanta)


    Eagles receive:
    » Hassan Ridgeway, DT

    Colts receive:
    » 2019 seventh-round (No. 246; select G Javon Patterson)


    2020 NFL Draft (Ballard has added 2 extra picks and a conditional trade moving up draft spots in the 7th)



    2 (From Washington)





    6 (From N.Y. Jets)




    Draft Maneuvering to acquire more talent thru the draft:


    Redskins receive:
    » 2019 first-round pick (No. 26; select Edge Montez Sweat)

    Colts receive:
    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 46; trade to Browns for No. 49)

    » 2019 second-round pick (No. 49; select DE Ben Banogu)
    » 2020 second-round pick


    Colts receive:
    » 2020 sixth-round pick

    Jets receive:
    » Nate Hairston


    Colts receive:
    » 2020 conditional 6th or 7th round pick

    Dolphins receive:
    » Evan Boehm


    Overall Draft Stats thru three drafts as Colts GM:

    Draft Picks: 29

    Still With Team: 26    <-------- 90% still on the roster

    Out of the NFL: 0        <-------- This is huge for any GM

    On another Team: 3

    Starters: 8                     <-------- Averaging over 2.5 per draft (So far)

    Impact Players: 4.5     <-------- Hooker, Moore, Leonard, Nelson and I gave a half for Mack because he's becoming that bellcow back we needed

    Contributors: 14

    IR or PS: 4

    UDFA Starters: 2

    UDFA Contributors: 2


    For those that think his drafts have been unsuccessful, the stats play out differently at this point - and we're only 5 games into the 3rd Draft. If Brissett (which was a savvy trade in and of itself) can lead this team of mostly draft picks to a winning record this year then even the overall success of the team will spell out he has drafted well.


    Wow that's a lot...


    Mack is definitely an impact player, through and through. He's 4th in the NFL in rushing!


    Also, Anthony Walker should get more credit. No shoutout for him?


    No one realistically should be calling Ballard out for anything. That's a long post to address some half-baked trolls... not that I'm complaining though lmao

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