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Posts posted by SR711

  1. The Colts are more capable of winning games when JT is on the field as opposed when he is not. This is especially true with a pretty inexperienced rookie QB starting and the lack of other elite talent at other skill positions.  If this simple (perhaps obvious) point was not evident prior to yesterday's game, it really should be abundantly clear now.  


    I really don't understand what good it does this franchise to dig in their heels about JT being under contract and honoring said contract when we see similar situations (see Chris Jones with KC) and the two sides work to some re working of an existing contract in order to incentivize an impact player to come back.   


    In my opinion, Ballard and whoever else involved in the stance here have needlessly cost the team potential wins in the first 4 games this season all because they want to hold steadfast to some nonsensical, idealistic view instead of being pragmatic about the situation. 


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  2. My thoughts


    1.  It’s nice and all that Ballard, Irsay and whoever else (possibly Steichen) stick to their guns, leverage and perhaps thinks the offense can get along just fine without JT, but this franchise management’s refusal to even try to do something contractually to “extend an olive branch” in the off-season or, most importantly, during training camp to get him back into the fold cost us a winnable game today and probably will cost us other games in the future.  

    We had 65 rushing yards today and 40 of those were from Richardson.  I find very hard to believe that Taylor would not have gotten at the very least 50 yards with the 13 carries Deon Jackson had.


    Thats the number one point blank reason we lost in my opinion: no running game to take any sort of pressure off our rookie QB basically left him as the option to generate any offense which is way too much to ask of him at this point. 

    2.  Steichen needs to be more creative on 4th down calls than what he showed today.  I wasn’t overly impressed with what I saw.  Also did not like how there were no deep shots.  


    3. The AR designed runs/QB is the running game elements are great if the objective is to make SportCenter top 10 clips, but if the team wants to have a top level QB under center for the next 10+ years, they need cut that stuff out ASAP.  I don’t care what your size, speed, strength numbers are.  There are grown men on the other side who inflict a lot of damage with some of these hits.  I don’t want his career to be like Cam Newton where he is only elite level for a very short period because the hits add up due to the qb playing Superman.


    4. As far as positives, I thought Zaire Franklin was outstanding.  He single handedly blew up (by my count) two Jax 4th down attempts and at least one 3rd and short attempt.  Very heads up play to play through the whistle (which many players would not have made) on the forced fumble leading to Buckner recovery and TD.

  3. I really hope that the team does not overuse the whole RPO thing especially early on with Richardson in an attempt to capitalize on the obvious low hanging fruit with regards to his running ability while he gets up to speed with an NFL passing game,etc.


    Historically, while those offenses reliant on that can generate yards and points, I think it has been shown that eventually the hits add up on the QB resulting in missed games, possible career altering injuries (think Lamar Jackson, RGIII or even Cam Newton).


    I do think the Eagles are going have to roll back some of that stuff with Hurts or it’s only a matter of time before he gets hurt. Same thing with Fields and the Bears.


    I would rather have AR5 healthy for a long time so that his numerous mental and physical tools are maximized to translate into a long window of contention for the franchise.


    IMO they would be better off to develop his athleticism, speed,etc as a primarily means of scrambling to buy time for downfield throws, beating messy pockets with off platform throws (which he clearly has a unique talent to make) ala Mahomes, Herbert or a younger Russell Wilson.

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  4. Quick halftime thoughts


    - New starting QB, same inept passing game that cannot challenge anything intermediate or deep on the field.  A team cannot succeed in the NFL relying on underneath stuff.  Ehlinger with 5.2 ypa is not going to cut.  Feel like a broken record saying as it has been the same issue when Ryan was taking the snaps. 


    - Ehlinger has more mobility to avoid the sacks, but so far I haven't seen much else from him.  I do think his ceiling is a good backup in this league.


    - The sad/frustrating thing is the defense has actually been pretty good this year,  Some may point to the lack of turnovers which is fair, but I feel that if they had been playing with the lead more, those numbers would go up, because right now teams don't take a lot of chances knowing what they are dealing with when facing the Colts O; j


    - The other sad/frustrating thing is that the AFC South division is very winnable.  Of the other 3 teams, maybe Tennessee is above average. 

    • Like 1
  5. - The inability to handle/make teams pay for blitzing continues to be the Achilles heel.  Neither JT or Hines acquitted themselves well in the 1st half in terms of blocking the free rusher.  At least 3 drives just blown up because of this in the 1st half. 


    - Bringing Matt Ryan in here was mistake.  Starting to wonder if he is "seeing ghosts" (to borrow a line from movie Any Given Sunday and Sam Darnold) back there when he is dropping back and as a result he is worrying about getting rid of the ball instead of sitting back and reading the defense.  You can tell that he is not comfortable sitting in the pocket and with his age and skillset, that is a major problem that is going hinder him and the passing offense from doing anything.  


    - Why are we refusing to attack down the field? I get it if its a 3rd and long because defenses pass rush continue to have their way with us, but why not try to take some shots on 1st down.  This is completely on Frank Reich.  He has been around the NFL long enough to understand that you are not beating anyone with YPA of 5.2 in today's league. 


    - Can't really complain about the defense in the first half.  Allowing 6 points in a half is excellent and they have given the offense plenty of opportunities to stay in it.  My worry is them getting worn down at the end because of lack of support on the other side of the ball.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

    that is not franks fault ballard handed him pinter and pryor  as starters


    Yeah, just my 2 cents, but what we’re seeing here is how a combination of bad o-line and immobile quarterback can sink any plans when it comes to the passing game.


    Reich has his faults, but its hard to appropriately, thoroughly evaluate him when guys simply cant block and the qb is physically unable to compensate.

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