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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 4 hours ago, chad72 said:

    I think that is the direction the Colts need to go. A young and upcoming coach for OC with Frank Reich, who has seen everything from QB coach to WR coach to OC now being HC.


    Frank has been known for his good demeanor and is probably more suited for HC at this point in his career. Have to keep moving forward, and I am sure that is what Ballard and Irsay are doing, as we speak.




    I think DeFilippo is heading to the Vikings. 



  2. 1 minute ago, ReMeDy said:

    Wouldn't someone from the Eagles make sense? The fact we waited so long is a blessing in the sense no team was willing to wait so long like we did for a HC'ing replacement, so let's get Reich, or something.


    Reich makes sense now. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Superman said:


    Good post.


    Two points:


    1) Bad Morty is a Pats fan. Your inclination about him is obviously correct.


    2) Any 'promises' between JM and the Colts prior to Monday would not be relevant, as they would be in direct violation of league rules. But that speaks to why the NFL needs to adjust the way head coaches are hired. This hurts other assistants in similar situations.


    I agree with the rest for sure.


    Moving forward, it will be hard for a team to hire a coordinator of a Super Bowl team. They will not want to risk this happening to them. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

    Fair point.  


    Doesn't matter to me what other fans think of the whole thing. It's pretty shallow to not think it a big deal because of the score though.  


    In the end they were rewarded with another championship, despite cheating.  


    Bad example for kids IMO.


    I agree completely. 

  5. The post is mostly wishful thinking. 


    I think he retired because he was ready, and his wife was ready too. Plus he may have some health concerns. 


    BUT.. Him and his wife both always loved Indy. :) 


    This thread is mostly in jest, but we could technically call on him to be a 1-year stop gap. We are late in the game getting a head coach here. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Superman said:


    Since we're talking about the NFL, and not a criminal case, it's basically proven that there was a verbal agreement. Circumstantially, the assistants that were contacted by McDaniels today are all the evidence you need that he agreed to take the job.


    I agree. And I think you and NewColtsFAn have laid out a very strong case.


    Well Done!

  7. Just now, ricker182 said:

    Doesn't matter what the score was. They meticulously crafted and executed a plan to cheat. Then ended up having to use our game balls to finish the game.  

    They should have been disqualified for not having any legal footballs.


    I completely agree with you. The score should have not been the issue. Cheating is cheating. That said, I think most people don't see it the same way you and I (and probably most Colts fans) do. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    The legal basis is the Colts are a damaged franchise by this move.


    The top HC candidates have gone elsewhere.    The OC candidates have gone elsewhere.     McDaniels loss hurts as both as the HC and the OC.


    We have hired roughly half a staff at his direction.    I'm sure McDaniels has spoken with each of the assistants he has hired.     I'm sure he spoke to the ST coach of the Pats who was supposed to leave New England for Indy.


    This is an easy case even if no paper work was signed.     But I suspect there's a signed letter of agreement somewhere.      Because I'm sure we have a contract laid out waiting for Josh to sign.     How did those terms magically appear on a contract unless Josh and his agent had already agreed to them?


    The Colts have been damaged.    And the Patriots damaged us by enticing a coach who had already agreed to terms to join Indy to reneg on the deal.       The news of McDaniels to Indy didn't catch Kraft off-guard.    It's been out there for weeks.      But the stories out today say Kraft moved in the last 48 hours.     


    The Pats damaged the Colts.     I expect the NFL to drop the hammer on New England.


    It's a TERRIBLE look for the NFL.   They HAVE to do something.    I don't think doing nothing is even an option.



    Excellent post!


    I think you are making a lot of sense.

  9. Just now, ricker182 said:

    Not sure how the pats cheating reflects poorly on us.....


    It is my opinion form talking to other people about it, but I think the rest of the league kind of saw us as sore losers. I know a lot of fans from other teams did. If the score would have been close then would would have had a huge argument, but form the people I talked to about deflate gate... they mostly think the Colts were sore losers. 


    I think the Colts took more of a black-eye than the Patriots did. 

  10. Just now, ricker182 said:

    I wonder if the Colts recorded any of these agreements.  


    As a fan and huge pats hater, I'd love to see/hear these.


    Yeah. Part of me would like to see them pay for this, but I also do not want another deflate gate that ultimately reflects bad on us, again. 


    I think I am happy with getting out of this while we are ahead, and beating the Pats on the field. 


    We dodged a huge bullet today. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Superman said:


    I don't think the bolded is irrelevant at all. There's plenty of legal precedent for verbal agreements being treated as binding.


    I agree. 


    Been trying to pay attention to this part of the discussion. I think it's an interesting point. 


    Verbal contracts are legally binding - if you can prove it. 

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