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Everything posted by Moosejawcolt

  1. https://www.nfl.com/news/raiders-rb-josh-jacobs-agrees-to-terms-on-one-year-contract-worth-up-to-12-milli It keeps worse and worse for JT. The marker has spoke. Jacobs is a legitimate top 3 back and look what he juat got paid!!!! I doubt Miami came close to what the Colts were asking. I have always said a 4th and tops a 3rd they offered.
  2. Agree but still . The agreement from Miami would be, U want a first but u r not willing to extend him. So in essence Colts, u do not value him that high. That being said, I do think the Colts would take less than a first. If they are sticking to a 1st, then its foolish if their intent is to truly get rid of him and no desire to extend him. Lot of games put there. Also Miami would never give them a 1st cause that would also signal how valuable they value Taylor and then feel forced to pay him as,such.
  3. Thr Colts have to know that they will never see a 1st rounder for Taylor. The market says they won't. However, and ai have tought this thru lol. If the Colts r asking for a number 1 then can't Taylor go back to the Colts and say this. " U value me as a 1st rounder then why won't u pay me as one?" Just saying .
  4. Really!?!?!. My point is that I don't think Ballard is safe if this roster does not perform, they have a horrible season with a weak schedule and Richardson was one of the few bright spots.
  5. Huh. The Eagles trade Wentz to the Colts. The Colts lost Luck. My point is both teams had to start over.
  6. I wonder if Ballard is even safe after this year? I truly believe Steichen signed off on Richardson. That was more on him than Ballard. Let's say Richardson balls out and shows he is the future, but no players from Ballard's recent drafts show they are quality players. U never know, Steichen may take over if he has shown Irsay that he knows what he is doing. I mean, why would the Colts need Ballard if Steichen was the reason for their success and Ballard's drafts netted nothing tangible. Their could be a power struggle if Steichen wanted more control, and I think Steichen easily wins. Steichen could also be eyeing someone from the Philly organization that he covets. I'm just saying.
  7. Come on man!! It's Frank's fault and if we end up picking in the top 5 it is because of our rookie qb. I just thought Ballard amassed such premium talent that even Brock Osweiler could win a superbowl with Indy?
  8. I'm saying that the Eagles GM had to start over after trading Wentz. Different situation but both GMs had to start over. Instead of using the exscuse, as Ballard did, that the media would run him out of town if he picked the wrong guy; he got his guy!!!
  9. Where is the disdain for Ballard? I don't hate Ballard, but I thoroughly believe he has been over rated by the media and this board. I am on record saying I will give him a fresh start. I think Taylor and Irsay would be the ones to blame why this went sideways. Taylor is not reading the room and Irsay did not need to get involved. The GM for the Eagles is elite. He let traded Wentz a couple of years ago and look at them now. We lost Luck what 5 years ago and look at us now!! I am just saying that when a relationship sours, it usually involves 2 parties. I don't think that is hate, I think that is common sense.
  10. I don't know much about contracts. He is under contract so going on the PUP and is his way of having a valid excuse to not practice. Maybe hard for the team to challenge him on this at this time. Now if he failed to show up and is not on the PUP does he not incur fines because he is under contract? In short, it was probably smart by him feigning an injury if that is what he is doing. This will come to a head will it now as doesn't the team have to make a decision soon as to leave him on the PUP or take him off and if he is on, doesn't he miss 6 games?
  11. I don't like what he is doing, but in the end, he wants to take care of his family and knows this is his one shot to cash in. I don't think it is working for him but u never know, he could get what he wants but I do doubt he comes close to what he wants. Cancer is a strong word, as he is just doing his thing, and the team seems to be rejuvenated based on their play up to date. My reasoning for trading him or sending his home is that I don't want this going into the season and having to answer questions bout this weekly. I want the focus on the team building. He does need to stop the moping lol. That I can do without
  12. Cardinals and Bears,r rebuilding, so to me, a hard no. Eagles just let their rb walk cause they didn't want to pay him lol. I think people on this board over value Taylor based on this new scheme, the qb play, Taylor's skill set, and the value a rb has in today's football. We just two great rbs come up for contracts, and the end results
  13. I do blame all parties involved. In any dysfunctional relationship, it usually takes two. Like I said previously, Ballard needs to tone his excitement bout players when asked by the media if he wants that player back on a,2nd contract
  14. Of course it can happen.If a team only gives up say a 4th rounder and he agree to play under his current contract, then yes, that team would probably agree not to franhise him next year. It would be a rental. The conditions would have to be right for a team agreeing not to franchise him. The Colts cannot send him to any team . Taylor can simply say I won't play for say Miami, and then Miami will not make a trade. He does have some leverage. Teams are not going to trade for Taylor unless they have sort of agreement.
  15. The thing thay is funny is this. How come we r hearing all this Taylor to Miami talk? Jacobs is coming off a great year and no injury, but we have heard nothing. To me if I was Miami, I would sooner go after Jacobs, but it's crickets in the media. I believe the agent is leaking all of this to the media as he is trying to make the Colts look bad. Presuring them to pull the trigger. I don't think Colts are saying anything.
  16. Thry are sending a message to Taylor and we all know the Colts are not really expecting a number one. It's how u open up the bargaining. I bet based on current circumstances, they get is a 3rd.
  17. I agree with u hear on how he fits their team. I think sometimes teams think they are a back away. Miami is not a back away. They are a qb away. Tua probably won't last the season so I would be more focused on a back up then rb
  18. Do a search. Possible suspension looming regarding domestic violence
  19. He was a good, signing, but they didn't win, and that defense was loaded, and Purdy started to hit his stride.
  20. Colts know they won't get a 1st before making that demand. We all know if he is traded it would probably be for a 3rd or so. They went public with a 1st because Taylor probably wants 15 mill or so. Now when teams come back with a let's say a 3rd or 2nd. The Colts can go back to Taylor and say that's your value and do u think a 3rd round pick is worth 16 mill a year? They can still trade him for a 3rd and the Colts will feel better because they can show the fan base that they were right in not extending him.
  21. When is the last time acquiring an elite back is the answer to winning a superbowl? Just asking
  22. He could agree to a trade if the team he was traded to agreed not to franchise him.
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