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Posts posted by Hoose

  1. I think the idea that he's mentally in a bad place confidence-wise is obvious. Hard to believe for a guy who has been so unflappable for so long. But he's clearly lost something both mentally and physically and he can't right the ship. He's had an entire off season to recover from the ugly KC playoff game last year, and he's kicking even worse. Three straight games being simply terrible. Father time has caught up with AV. He fought it off far longer than anyone in recent memory. But its time; he needs to step aside and avoid further embarrassment to his marvelous legacy. Not to mention putting his team in jeopardy of losing each week because he can't make an extra point.  No phony face saving moves like going on IR. Just retire now, with the thanks and gratitude of Colts nation. 

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  2. JB needs some time guys. Reich is playing very conservative offense right now while JB gets the real game experience. Its been awhile for him. 

    Brissett will have to be evaluated over a much larger group of games, against various defenses, before you can say with confidence what he will be as a starting NFL QB. 

    What he is: a solid leader who has the team's full support; he has a big, big arm; he can scramble;  he's smart and he's learning every day. 

    What he isn't: an elite passer; a high level reader of defensive schemes; fully confident in making the deep throw. 


    He has the ability to grow into a solid NFL QB. That's all you can ask at this point. And its far better than praying for a miracle on the crap shoot known as the draft when it comes to QBs. Give him a season to grow and see what you have. I'm guessing this Board will be happy with Jacoby Brissett after this season and relieved he's under team control for the immediate future. 

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  3. This is a tough one. The Colts have obviously shored up their QB situation in the past couple of days. And keeping   3 QBs on the roster is a serious luxury in today’s NFL. Yet from what I’ve read, the consensus among this Board’s members is that exposing CK to waivers likely means losing him. So.....What to do when his suspension ends in 2 weeks? 

    My opinion: suck it up and sign him to the 53 man team and drop one of the LBs. Jacoby is a good player IMO. But until he proves he can successfully lead this new and improved team, he’s still a question mark.  And Hoyer is just a temporary fix for the #2. Keeping CK makes sense if he’s as good as advertised. The QB situation just has too many questions right now to gamble away that kind of talent. 

    Any opinions on this?

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  4. WELL written NCF. I’ve thought a lot about this. My impression of Luck had always been the ultimate teammate and warrior. As well as a rare intellectual in the world of the NFL. All of which may have led to his retirement. The warrior who was constantly injured and unable to play at the top of his game.  The intellectual who had other interests and a new life with wife and expecting child. 

    I think it all boils down to his mental state. He talked about very dark days in the past. I suspect the mental issues are a big part of this. And explains why he doesn’t want to talk about it.  He wants to move on. And doesn’t want to discuss his private life. Awkward? Very. Understandable?Yes, if you buy into the mental struggles he may have been experiencing. Will we ever know for certain? Is suspect it will leak out eventually. But for now, we’ll all be left wondering. JMO. 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, twfish said:

    I dont know how Hogan isnt on the P.S. he performed when asked to perform and always worked hard. Caught every ball thrown to him, what gives?

     Could be he’s waiting to see if he can improve his situation. I’d be surprised if the Colts weren’t trying to sign him. However, he knows he’s behind a deep WR group here. The grass may well be greener elsewhere. Hope he stays a Colt. 

  6. 3 hours ago, 1959Colts said:

    I agree with you and I also would add...

    If Luck didn't wait till the last minute, the team could have perhaps acquired another quality QB, either through the draft, or free agency.

    The problem with your theory is that Luck was ready to go this Spring before his setback. When free agency was ongoing there was no retirement talk. When he got hurt again and things lingered, the situation deteriorated. There was no reason for Luck to retire in February. Foles was never coming here because no one, Luck included, saw this coming back then. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    But that poster did not say Andrew Luck was a bust.  He said he was in both HOF and bust company.


    Fewest games played by quarterbacks drafted No. 1 overall:

    JaMarcus Russell 31
    Tim Couch 62
    Sam Bradford 83
    Andrew Luck 86
    David Carr 94

    (via @NFLResearch)



    On this particular list, Luck's name is alongside busts like Jamarcus Russell, Tim Couch, David Carr, etc.  i.e. he is in the company of busts as far as this category goes.  In others, Luck is in the company of hall of famers...not to say he is a hall of famer either. 

    I disagree. CSMopar said , and I quote: “Honestly, Andrew Luck is a bust”. I think that is way off base. Nuff said. 

  8. The booing was an emotional, shocked and angry reaction by some fans. It was unfortunate, but the world will forget about it soon enough. 

    What we shouldn’t forget is what this guy did when he was on the field. He played his heart out. He played injured.  He played in severe pain. He put the team on his back time and time again. And he performed at the highest level. And his team mates loved him and had total respect for him. And now he’s injured again and it looks like it may not get better, perhaps ever, without some drastic changes. He’s had enough. 

    I am as shocked as anyone by the decision. The timing is awful. But let’s stop the name calling and the quitter rants. He’s given this team and it’s fans an amazing ride. It’s a setback for the team. But they are in the most capable hands imaginable with Chris Ballard at the helm. They’ll survive and thrive. I wish Andrew Luck nothing but the best.  And I thank him for making football Sunday as a Colt fan something special. 

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  9. Sorry. This is a team first, competitive to the end guy. Something is going on here, and we owe it to Luck to wait and hear what it is. He is the last guy to let his team down; there is something else happening that we'll have to hear from the horse's mouth. I fear serious health issues. We'll just have to wait and find out. But to all of those people out there who have been suggesting this guy is anything other than a stand up guy: you're wrong. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'd remind all posters here that there's likely a decent chance (50%) that Ballard claims someone off the cut list from another team.     Someone that Ballard has his eye on now,  and is hoping for whatever reason the team cuts him,  so Ballard can claim him.


    Whoever is our 53rd guy,  and there are all sorts of possibilities,  can't feel safe....    because a late grab by Ballard could knock him out of that spot.


    Just saying....


    That was true in the past few years, but  feels less likely this year. For a change, other teams will be doing that with the Colts’ castoffs. 

  11. Hentges isn’t super fast but has run a 4.75 40. That’s not pedestrian. And he blocks extremely well and can play special teams. He’s catching everything thrown to him. I see 4 TEs being kept and he sure looks like a solid 4th candidate. Let’s see how he does in the pre season games.  He’ll get his chances. 

    PS. For reference sake, Doyle ran a 4.9 40. 

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  12. 19 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


    For me it's not the draft capital which might not be as high as you think it would be.  But for me it's that Gordon is going to want a truckload of money that I guarantee Ballard (rightly) isn't willing to give him.


    These guys all want 10M or more APY.  They are not worth that.  RB's just arn't worth that.



    I have to agree with this. Its not fair that RBs aren't as valued as they once were; its a tough position with a short shelf life. But that's just the way it is. You can't blame the top RBs for trying to max the money they are paid given they are always a play away from retirement. But you can't blame the teams for acknowledging that reality with their payroll either. That said, Melvin Gordon won't be a Colt, and is almost certain to be a well paid Charger before the end of camp. 

  13. I just hearken back to the fact that once Chester took over punt return duties, it was no longer a problem; he consistently caught the ball and also showed some shiftiness in run-backs.  And he's a solid 5-6 WR. Watch how quickly people jump on the Rogers bandwagon once Hines or Campbell are put back there during the preseason and fumble the ball away. Rogers is a critical and under appreciated security blanket. He'll be fielding punts against the Chargers in September. 

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  14. I keep wondering about this. He was truly the only decent punt returner this team had last year. Everyone else was a fumble waiting to happen. 

    I haven't kept track of how Hines and Campbell have been doing in this role so far in camp. Those are the two guys who IMO would supplant Rogers if they can handle the job. Both are secure in their other jobs as RB and WR; Rogers has to hang on as WR #6 I suspect. 

    My guess: Rogers sticks. We keep 6 WRs. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    He's very good, but not highest paid safety in the league good. I think a lot of people, myself included, really wanted us to get him since we passed on him for Dorsett in '15, like it would undo some kind of curse or something.

    I totally agree. The infatuation with this guy was all about a missed opportunity, as well as the disappointment with Dorsett. I am so glad the Colts didn't spend the $ for Collins. He's very good; just not crazy money good. Ballard once again showing how to run a franchise. The best GM in the business. 

  16. Harrison is paid to be a contrarian. He's constantly that way with Dungy when they are on TV. Hit the ignore button if this bothers you because that's his thing. 


    That said, there are three truths here: 1) The Colts are a very talented up and coming team with a very bright future;  2) The Colts have a much more difficult schedule this year than last; and 3) this team was seen as a bottom feeder last season; the same so called "experts" are now all aboard the SB train. Taking a step backward is not out of the question. I worry that this Board has lost some perspective on just how young this team actually is. They are YOUNG. And talented. Just don't pin the Super Bowl expectations on them yet. Another year is going to be necessary to get to that level. 


    My point being: enjoy the ride; this is a great new day to be a Colts fan. Just have realistic expectations. 

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