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Posts posted by Hoose

  1. Williams hasn't earned a big contract from anyone yet. But the Colts would be smart to try to sign him to a friendly contract right now; you never know when Mack will suffer his latest injury and I like Williams as the next best RB. 2 years $4 million? If he has another good game, that wouldn't bother me in the least. 

  2. Been reading a few of these anti-Ebron comments. I call nonsense on that.  I think he's been an overall positive for the team, and don't understand the bashing. I know he dropped a few this year, but so did every other receiver not named TY Hilton. And in 2018, he was All Pro. I have no idea whether he'll be back or not, but he's been happy to be a Colt, and for the most part, has been a positive locker room presence. I wish him well wherever he ends up.



    • Like 4
  3. 8 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I'm more concerned with him not finding the ball than with the penalties. Actually, I think he panics when he doesn't know where the ball is, so it kind of feeds into the penalties. He's played ten games, so I'm not writing him off, but it's definitely not automatic that he'll improve in these areas.


    If he cleans up his technique and gets more comfortable defending the top of the route, I think the game might slow down for him. 

    I think you’re being a little tough on the Rock. No doubt he has room to improve, and you’ve properly pointed out where that has to be. But he’s a rookie and will get better. I think he has the foundation for a solid starting CB and I’d look for a big improvement next year on the holding and ball location. 

  4. Put me in the camp calling for a free agent WR as well as one taken high in the draft. We all know that it takes a couple of years to hit your stride as a pro WR. I don’t think the team can wait for that. The Colts need to improve at this position immediately, especially with TY showing the inevitable signs of aging, i.e. he’s dinged up constantly. I’m not sure what will be out there next year FA-wise, but I know this: they can’t fix this problem with draft picks alone. 

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  5. 19 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Huge game on Sunday, that is the season IMO. We win that we are in good shape, we lose we are screwed.

    I don't think the season is over if the Colts lose Sunday, but the path to the playoffs will be infinitely tougher. I think a 10-6 record gets them a wild card spot, which means they have to go 5-2 from hereon. I see them losing to the Texans in Houston, and to the Saints. I think they can and should win the rest of the games. That means beating the Jags Sunday, of course. If they lose Sunday, it means they have to either beat the Texans or the Saints. That's going to be tough, but not impossible. So, no, I don't agree its over if they lose to the Jags Sunday, but they will have to go 5-1 over their final 6 games if they do. Not easy. 

  6. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

    What is Ballard supposed to do?   Go shopping at QB’s R Us?


    This next observation is not about Colts fans.   In general,  it’s equally true about all 32 fan bases.  When the QB struggles, fans think “put in the backup”,  things couldn’t get any worse.

    That sounds true, it seems true, but mostly it’s false.   Things often can and do get worse.  The backups are the backups for a reason.  They’re not as good as the starters.  Hoyer isn’t as good as Brissett.  Kelly isn’t as good as Hoyer.  Kelly might be better someday, but that day hasn’t arrived.   At least not yet. 

    Things are never as simple and obvious inside a franchise as fans think they are looking from the outside.


    I’m not predicting Hoyer will even last to the end of the season.   I think he should be considered week to week.   One more week like the last might do him in.  But I don’t think he’s a lock to finish the season or to get cut next week.   I’d say he’s week to week is the safest viewpoint. 


    Good post. But I think you're being generous here to the Hoyer haters. The fact is the Colts were left in a lurch after Luck retired and they had to find a backup quickly. They got the best they could. Don't for a minute think that Luck's retirement hasn't led to this moment. Its a full blown result of it. Next year, the Colts will have a much better opportunity to decide who their starter is.  But until then....... lets just say that Andrew Luck has put the Colts in a tough spot that is still to play out. Personally, I'm pulling for JB to bust out and leave no doubt. I think he'll be the man now and in the future; his backup next year? Who knows. I hope its Kelly. I think it will be. But give the Colts' brass a break here; they were dealt a terrible hand and have done a pretty decent job of figuring out how to make it work. 

    • Thanks 2
  7. Consider TY, Pascall, and Campbell as the 3 sure things for the WR corps next year. That leaves the room wide open for a free agent and a draft pick..... each of which I think the Colts should explore. A player like Agholor might be perfect. Nobody will know him better than Frank Reich, and understand his upside. If this guy just needs a new chance to reach his potential, the Colts could be a perfect fit. And he'd come at a reasonable price. 

    That said, I don't think the Colts can afford to hope that Fountain, Cain or even Rogers will be an answer. They need to spend the draft capital and get a future #1 to pair with TY and eventually take over for him. They are in a perfect spot to do that, too, with their own #1 or what will likely be the second pick in the 2nd round with Washington's pick. Time to pony up and get another difference maker. 

  8. The Chargers aren't going anywhere. This new stadium is ultra expensive; you really believe they can just walk away from it with no consequences?  Ridiculous. Eventually, they will build a new fan base in LA. But it will take a while. Nothing like a winning team to speed up that process, Mr. Spanos. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, esmort said:


    We were more than a couple acquisitions from being legitimate SB contenders.


    Regardless of what the Ballard/Reich were saying publicly they knew we weren't SB contenders without Luck, and Ballard isn't going to spend a bunch of draft assets until he knows what he has at the QB position; I don't think they are nearly as confident in JB being the answer at QB as many posters here seem to be.

    With good reason. The work product is dramatically less for JB than with Luck.   Time will tell what Brisett’s potential actually can be, but it’s too early for that. Which is why you’re right: hold the draft assets while you assess what you have today.  

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  10. Guys, this team is still very, very young with many just learning their craft. They are also very talented. But the Colts  aren’t winning a SB this year no matter how many miracle trades they make. This team isn’t ready. But they will be soon. Patience. The trades people want to see will happen in the future as the Colts transition toward championship caliber. Until then, enjoy the ride as this young team grows and gels. Ballard knows what he’s doing. 

  11. I agree and disagree with the complaints about not trading mid round picks for a player before the deadline ( such as SF did for Sanders). 

    1.  The Colts are fast approaching the day when only half their draft picks will make the team. The youth and talent already brought in is creating a team with far fewer opportunities for future draftees. So those 4th and 5th rounders won’t be making team automatically like they have been (exception Banner ). This argues for more aggressive use of draft picks in trade opportunities. BUT

    2. The Colts are not there yet. They still have holes and Ballard is committed to using the draft to build the team and fill those holes. AND using the cap space to resign the talent deserving of a second contract. 


    Since I’m in the camp that believes this team is a year or two  away from being a true contender for the big prize, I think Ballard is right to hold onto those picks for another year. 


    This offseason, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a younger WR picked up in free agency or via a player for player trade.

    And after the next draft, watch Ballard 

    begin to trade some of those 3rd and 4th round picks to improve the team. He’ll have the luxury to do it then. 

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  12. 18 hours ago, IinD said:

    Not this thread again :)


    Where's the Antonio Brown thread to make it feel like summer 2019 again?



    But to anyone who actually believes Bell is worth his salary, please know we have a spot saved for you at the next Looney Toons convention. It speaks volumes about the Jets' management that they actually believed Bell was going to be a stud on their team. On a team like the Pats? OK. Maybe. On the Colts, or for that matter, most any other team? Less likely. On the Jets? No chance. And paying him all that money? What a mess of an organization. They made the big splash, and now they're all out of cash.


    All this said, Bell was a fabulous football player in Pittsburgh.Was. But he's going nowhere in NY, and he'll likely fade away after his guaranteed money is paid.  Yes, he's laughing his way to the bank, but the Steelers are thrilled that he didn't take their offer; and the football world is hardly noticing he's still playing. Such is the life of a running back in the NFL. Which is why you don't sign them to a big money, long term contract, no matter how good they were in their first few years. The sad truth: a RB rarely makes it through that second contract. The shelf life is just too short. The odds of a serious injury are just too high. The investment simply isn't worth it. 

  13. I’m good rolling with Campbell who is just getting healthy and Funchess when he returns. I like the emergence of Pascal. Rogers is fairly solid. Cain is a nothing burger as it turns out. They should park him on the PS and let him learn his route running. Let’s keep those high draft picks and, if it makes sense, grab a FA WR next year (unless a good WR can be stolen by tomorrow for a 5th or 6th rounder.....don’t hold your breath).  This is not a Championship team yet but they are getting there. A new WR this year won’t change that. Stay the course. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, krunk said:

    Yeah really think about it.  The Colts are likely going to be one of those teams that get stronger and stronger offensively as the year goes on and people are going to be like "Where in the hell did all those weapons come from?"  I mean we are starting to have guys like Zach Pascal go off and have TY Hilton type days and he's 4th or 5th string WR.  Imagine when all the horses start kicking!

    Pascal is better than you give him credit. A young version of Inman with more upside. He’s become the safety valve every QB needs. Good for him. His future is very bright with the Colts. 

    • Like 1
  15. 13 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    I am not worried as I think Speed  and Bobby O will fill in.  I beleive they have more upside than Leonard and Walker

    Speed and Okereke have more upside than Leonard? Wow, that's a major stretch. I think both of these rookies have genuine promise, but Leonard had a special season last year that neither of these guys are likely to replicate. Leonard is an all Pro LB and earned it. 


    Now, you want to talk about Willis already being better than Geathers? That's one where we could find common ground. 

  16. Concussions are bad news. I had a couple in HS football and another in a bike accident in college. My first one in HS, they gave me some smelling salts, patted me on the back and sent me home. I apparently rode my bike home. I became aware of my surroundings about two hours after I got home. No idea how I got there. No memory of anything after the collision. My third one, in college, was the worst. Same memory loss; but it impacted my brain for a good 6 months or so. At least today there is an awareness of how to deal with concussions. But its scary stuff; football is a concussion waiting to happen for everyone on the field. 

  17. Fair enough. 3 years is not outrageous for a top 25% LT.  AC is one of the best at his position today. If I know Ballard and 3 years is the deal there will be an out after year 2 but AC will get a very fair payday. Everybody wins. AND, if they grab a T with one of their top picks next year, they can groom him. Smith can move to RG when appropriate and the AC apprentice takes over at RT. And waits in the wings for the day when AC isn’t top tier any longer. 

  18. This move is a wish and a prayer. It shows where the team needs to go in the off season. They’ve miscalculated on all speed DT’s vs. a few space eaters. It’s not very hard to see the results on Run D last season vs this year. They need 2 space eating DTs on this team. Grover MAY be one of them. But size matters. The failure to build a run stopping D will challenge this team for the rest of the year. 

  19. Bottom line is: the Colts are not as deep at WR as some believed. Behind TY and Funchess there was a lot of untested, young talent. Hopefully, a couple of these guys step up. But they are young; they are green; and they are rookies or no better than 4 and 5 level WRs.  TY cannot get back soon enough. And the Colts need to invest in a true #2. Ballard knows this; next year, watch the Colts grab a high level WR in free agency. This position has been exposed as a need. 

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