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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. I have no doubt that Brady was sincere in his belief that he is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, but it still doesn't explain what exactly "The Deflator" was doing in a bathroom with no urinal in there.

    The team (who is "the deflator's" employer) was punished...excessively imo...for the deflator's trip to the bathroom. That's not on Tom Brady.

  2. First of all , I said in the event. If this process is Brady , his attorney Wells and Goodall .. it's pretty unlikely anyone is going to prove Brady is lying. Get it ? Secondly what I said is how in the world does Tom Brady end up in jail if he lies to Goodall ? You and McCann are very very silly to say that Brady is risking his freedom. Tell it to some stooge Pat fan with his belly hanging over his pants . Please don't try to feed that on nonsense to me

    Technically, I didn't say he was risking his freedom. I just said that McCann said he was. However, from my perspective, I find it not all that plausible that somebody would agree to make a point of testifying under oath who feared that something might come out (say, for example, text messages on his phone or tales from former employees) that would make him look like a perjurer to go along with whatever else people think of him.

  3. And in the small event that someone could prove he committed perjury , who would be the one that presses charges. This just get's so silly. You and Micheal McCann really believe Brady is putting his "freedom on the lie ?" Oh my aching butt.... 


    So nobody can prove he's lying, but it's beyond question that he is...that makes a lot of sense.

  4. The irony in most of his posts is hilarious though and the probability that he doesn't see the irony makes for great comedy.

    Oh I can see the irony alright. Can you see the irony in you laughing at my irony? You are as closed-minded to the facts around this case as anybody here. You have dismissed every single thing that has come up in this investigation that doesn't 100% support the conclusions of the Wells investigation. So you are not really in a great position to be calling anybody a blind homer.

  5. Then why do you insist on none stop argument? You have helped turn the Colts forum into the place for Patriot fans to come to whine and cry about your so called misconception of being picked on. The poor Patriots are being treated unfair. The poor Patriots are hated for being winners. The Poor Patriots are being singled out. Oh Look! Mr. Kraft has spent more money on the super bowl ring that anyone in history! (Gloat) Brady is above doing anything against the rules because I say so. We don't need proof because I said so. My report is better that your report. Goodell is out to sabotage the Patriots. The Colt fans treat us so bad..... Did I leave anything out?

    I'm not even sure I've used the word "Superbowl" more than 5 times since I've been here. This topic is interesting to discuss with Colts fans, because I think for the most part you all come from a perspective of "they are guilty and I really don't care much about what the facts are...the NFL says they are guilty, they paid a guy a lot of money to back them up on that claim, and that's good enough for me". So to me, it's interesting seeing how people cling to that preconception over time as developments make it more and more clear that the preconception was flat out wrong. The NFL did a poor job making a case here. If you were objective, you'd see it clearly.

  6. And to take it a step further, the lie about the deflation level of the balls that the NFL leaked is probably also what led to all the communications with Jastremski. If you are Brady, and you hear the next day that all your footballs measured 2 lbs light and you didn't do anything, isn't your first reaction to think "crap...did one of my guys do something? I better find out what's going on".

  7. Florio got right to the root of why Brady's press conference came off so weak...


    The only two times Brady spoke at length publicly about the situation (at a less-than-convincing press conference and a less-than-convincing pre-Super Bowl interview with Bob Costas), Brady was under the false impression that 11 of the 12 Patriots footballs used in the AFC title game against the Colts measured two full pounds-per-square-inch under the minimum — a leak from the league to ESPN that was as jarring as it ultimately was untrue. The false information put Brady and the Patriots on their heels, leading them to believe that someone had done something to the footballs that had resulted in a significant drop in their air pressure. So maybe the clumsy “are you a cheater?/I don’t believe so” remarks from Brady were influenced to some degree by the uncertainty that flowed from the adroitly sinister decision by someone to provide blatantly incorrect information to ESPN, knowing that this would rattle anyone who chose to speak from New England’s perspective about the situation without knowing the truth about the air pressure inside the footballs.

  8. It's like when a report came out saying "one football was 2PSI under and many were found to be just a tick or two under." VL posted at least 5 times that "ALL" the footballs , other than the one the Colts had on their sidelines , were just a tick under.

    Yes this did prove to be incorrect. 3 of the Pats balls were over where they should have been and the other 8 were just a tick under.

  9. Why would he get a suspension? I thought you said he was innocent, and that it was unprecedented to hand down a suspension to a player for this?

    Maybe I'm confusing your posts with anther poster here :scratch:

    well come on now...I have never made the claim that I knew for sure what happened. Everything I've ever posted here has always been an opinion like everyone else's posts. So I'm not blind to the fact that many people draw different conclusions than I do. So while it's my belief that a truly independent person/persons would view the totality of evidence in this case and not come close to saying it was probable that Brady did anything wrong to warrant a suspension, I allow for the possibility they might.

  10. I hope it does go to court too. There is something on Golden Boys cell phone that he doesnt want known. Im sure he's tried to cover whatever it is up the best he can. Should be good entertainment.. I cant wait!

    He probably just doesn't want everyone to see all the texts he was sending making hotel arrangements in Phoenix as soon as the Colts had beaten Denver.

  11. Would you like to make a little wager? How about if Brady does get a suspension you will change your avatar to a Colts emblem for 2 weeks? If he doesn't get a suspension I will use a Patriots emblem for 2 weeks? If you really seriously think Brady gets no games off put your month long ranting on the line?

    lol...I already have a Colts logo, but sure. And by the way - I'm talking about at the end of the process. I want to be clear that I don't think Goodell will even take a game off the suspension. I think he's going to stick to his guns and it will end up in court. Florio recently put it out there that if it goes to court it could drag into 2016 before the suspension gets served. So my dream scenario is that Brady plays the whole year, wins one more SB, then gets a suspension for 2016 at which point he says "Sorry...I'm retired now".

  12. I understand your point of view but when looking at what we all do know is what makes this whole thing subject to what it is. Brady skirted the question when ask if he cheated. Brady did not cooperate with the NFL's investigation. Kraft said he would back Brady 100% and then backed off. Brady was assured by Wells that his phone records could be filtered by his lawyer so that any none related items would not be made public. When this whole thing came to light Belichick put it all on Brady and has kept out of it.(smart man). All this could have been avoided had Brady either cooperated or just fessed up if something was not right. Brady would have taken his token fine and all this would be old news. When someone acts like they have something to hide no one can blame anyone who distrust them. There is only one person who is responsible for this and that is Brady himself. By him not being forthright he has cost Kraft 1 million dollars, his team 2 draft picks and himself suspended 4 games pending an appeal. Anyone can make all the excuses in the world for or against Brady but it is him who made this chain of events happen. You can point the finger at Goodell all you want but it was Brady himself who made this happen. This whole Patriot thing about the whole world is against us is horse dung. You have been in this thread retreading all this over and over and have not made a dent in it except excuses for Brady. At this point no matter what happens to Brady you will refuse to accept that he could be guilty. Brady himself has made a mountain out of a molehill because of his actions and or lack of actions.

    Fine...and the precedent we have for that is Brett Favre refusing to hand over his phone in the Jen Sturger case...$50K fine for lack of cooperation with a league investigation and no suspension. The TEAM has been punished (excessively, imo) for the actual "crime" of the balls being deflated...$1M and a first round pick. Why are we punishing an individual player both for the actual violation (which the team already paid for) and the lack of cooperation? Why not suspend Gronkowski too, while we're at it? Maybe he knew about the balls supposedly being deflated. Maybe everyone on the offense was "generally aware" of this...so shouldn't they all be subject to a 4 game suspension? It's a completely arbitrary punishment of one player and the fact is none of us know what he's actually been punished for. We all assume it's some combination of not cooperating and the supposed knowledge of balls being deflated. But it doesn't seem right to me that you punish both the team and an individual player for the same violation. It should be one or the other imo. If the player is responsible, punish him. If the team is responsible, punish them. Can't be both.

  13. Well, somebody has got to pay, in Goodell's mind.  Taglibue basically said 'yeah everything the Saints did in bounty gate is true, but suspending players is bad for the game, so no suspensions for any players!!'  Then courts reduce or throwout all NFL's punishments, mostly for technical reasons. And there has been over a decade of chicanery by a certain team causing lot's of rules changes over time. So....

    That's the arrogance of the NFL, though. Players are why people watch the games. Most sports leagues understand that people want to see superstars playing. Why do you think all these crazy rules that basically don't allow defensive players to touch quarterbacks came from? They are in place because the NFL wisely figured out that the paying customers want to see Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers...not their backups while those guys are on I/R because they were knocked out. Yet here is Goodell putting the face of the league on the sidelines for a quarter of the season over incredibly thin evidence of an incredibly minor offense. It makes no sense whatsoever.

  14. And then there are documents the indicate that the radar was calibrated and documented, and the sentencing was mostly for obstruction of justice, not speeding...

    The sentence was not for obstruction of justice...it was a way for the previously unpopular sheriff to win back popular support by over-penalizing the guy with the expensive sports car that everyone else was envious of.

  15. I just want to point out that yes, you can, violate the letter but not the spirit of a law, and vice versa.  And there is culpability for doing so.  There's "Black Letter Law" (law on the books) and Commonsense Justice, and it is what typical people think is just and fair.  Do you know who operates by commonsense justice? Jurors, for one. They are more thoughtful about the whole context and sensitive to intuitive notions of justice when they interpret the law to inform their verdicts.


    Here's another scenario- say the speed limit on rural 2-lane highways in your state is 55 miles per hour.  You were observed going 57.  Did you break the Letter of the Law?  Did you break the Spirit (intent) of the Law?  Do you deserve a citation and stiff fine? Could you receive a citation and stiff fine?

    not a bad analogy...and to take it further, we are now at the point where the driver has been given a 20 year prison sentence despite evidence that the cop's radar gun hadn't been properly calibrated, but all the other citizens in town think the 20 year sentence should stand because 7 months earlier the driver sent a text where he referred to himself as "the speeder".

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