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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. Despite the name, that kid is a beast. I would be very happy to have him on the team.
  2. I absolutely agree with that. On paper? We should win... And yet? I said the same thing back in 2020... sigh... and 2019... and on and on.
  3. And historically flukey things happen in their favor against us when playing them. Expect Tomlin to pull tricks and all sorts of other things out against us. Fake punts, fake field goals, crazy 4th down attempts. Punt blocks... Nothing would surprise me...
  4. I like Rich during his show and his podcasts. But he does seem to have a dislike for Indianapolis... Maybe it's the old rivalry from the Colt's AFC East days?
  5. Chiefs beating the Bengals in two weeks would help us out and additionally the Bills and Dolphins as well. That would essentially take Cincy out of the equation. If Cincy wins out, we'd have to win out as well to secure a place.
  6. The Dolphins have the hardest final month in football: Jets, Cowboys, Ravens, Bills. They could lose 3 out of 4 and miss the playoffs completely depending on if the Bills finally wake up and realize they've got everything they need to make a run. This is going to be a wild final 4 weeks.
  7. Fantastic. More one-sided biased announcing against the Colts.
  8. Winners like Mahomes and Brady hate to lose and take it badly, which is probably why they win so much because of the extra motivation. That said, still going off about the call to Josh Allen after the game was a bit ridiculous.
  9. Dude that transition back into the loop is smooth af!
  10. I know. But at least they provided something unlike others.
  11. Panthers are about the only team “tanking” this year… and they don’t even get a reward for doing it.
  12. The Dolphins confound me. I know Hill is banged up but they should be contending for the 1 seed right now.
  13. Running back mostly and sometimes safety. I’m not big (Only 5’8”) but I was decently fast and had high endurance thanks to cross country.
  14. I never celebrated on the very rare occasions I scored.
  15. Or doing snow angels on a clearly injured Nick Foles… and then doing the sleepy sign afterwards… where were the refs for that one…
  16. Make sure to put the sarcasm /s symbol next to that comment, some will think you’re serious…
  17. Please let Mostert score tonight. That would guarantee I have the 1 seed in fantasy lol.
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