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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. DUDE! Are y'all trying to kill the Colts next year? LMAO... Good choice!
  2. Yep, that's just how it goes with these kinds of mock draft games. Can't wait all night unfortunately!
  3. If you're available just make the pick you want. If you miss your time slot, you'll still get a choice, but it'll have to be at the mercy of others' choices.
  4. Doing good my friend! I’m excited at the prospects for this game but also for the real thing later this month. It’s nice to have one of my teams relevant now!
  5. A huge win for AZ imo. They got Anderson and managed to trade back for more picks.
  6. I think I know the way to success in Cincy. It's for them to just ignore the bullpen and keep the starter out there. Is that a sustainable tactic? Probably not, but who cares we ain't winning the division anyways lol...
  7. Reds bullpen remembered they were supposed to suck tonight. Cubs up 11-5.
  8. Lol so it looks like I'll actually be picking on Tuesday night most likely. That's good with me, gives me more time to stratergize.
  9. Omg.. I love the new home run celebration the Reds are doing… LMAO!
  10. I think that’s a fair and reasonable prediction for them.
  11. Reds opening day started out okay, and then fell apart once the rest of the bullpen showed up. My prediction for the season: 68 wins, 94 losses.
  12. Man I was so loopy too. Checking the time stamps I noticed that was right around the time I was in and out of the hospital with a “mystery virus”. In hindsight I know what that turned out to be… I spent a lot of sleepless nights reading this forum and wondering what if on these kids… and now look at them, three years later. Amazing how fast time goes by… my son wasn’t even a year old at that point.
  13. I was hoping some miracle would happen back then and we’d get him in that draft. Oh well.
  14. Exactly. And I think even post divorce he’s still doing pretty darn well for himself without those mega contracts.
  15. Perhaps Mahomes has realized all that money won’t go with him to the grave many years from now. Legacy lasts a lot longer than money. And winning rings sure helps with being remembered. Will anyone remember Watson and his contract 20-30 years from now if he doesn’t win a ring?
  16. Yep. I agree. If Lamar Jackson was Mahomes, he’d get his money. That’s the difference. The Browns were stupid and offered a ridiculous contract to Watson who couldn’t even beat up the AFC South, including our Luck-less Colts. Mahomes was injured, played through it and won it all. A guy like that should get a guaranteed contract.
  17. They had their chance for years with no real competition from the rest of the division. They know the writing is on the wall now. Lawrence paired with Doug is formidable, Texans are rebuilding and so are we.
  18. At this point no. How many times has he been upset by a double digit seed?
  19. Ah dang it. I’m not surprised he’d want to move on. I heard they were thinking of pushing him over to the right side. He would probably get some big money leaving.
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