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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. Absolutely right on this. Luck will throw an INT on average a game, (which is annoying sometimes, I'll admit), but he will always do his best to carry this offense and have big game after big game. Today was another example that he doesn't have to do the usual game of throwing 40+ times a game and can beat you with deep passes instead. If we get him a running game, we may have a chance to be a super bowl contender just based on our offense alone. Moncrief was incredible yesterday and showed he should of been starting over Nicks from day 1. Fleener has broken out and shown he can be counted on as well. We know what we have from Allen and Hilton as well. This is why building through the draft is so important, so you can lock a group of young players like this up for their whole careers and have that chemistry together. We would never get a TY Hilton or Donte Moncrief for 10+ years through Free Agency, it just doesn't happen. They have to be homegrown talent. Grigson understands this, and that's why we will win a Superbowl sooner rather than later.

    If you throw the ball as much as he does the odds are there will be a few hiccups, but again a lot of his picks are on passes that are batted in the air either by the defense pushing the o-line back... or our own receivers trying to make catches. It happens.

  2. Loucheiz Purifoy, Chris Rainey, Brazill, Darick Rodgers, Whalen, Shipley (now benched), Whalen, the cornerback who i cant remember and went to show his talent some and now Wes Saunders?!


    Even the players who did minor things were let go. I think a suspension from the team would have been enough. It was like if Mathis shouldve been let go for the test but we all know he was using it for fertility. Im just surprised the Patriots havent picked them up yet but if they do, theyre going to grill us. We can really use Brazill, Whalen, and Darick if we let go of Nicks.  Purifoy is too talented to let go, his college highlights are amazing and hasnt gotten a shot to start yet..


    Shipley would help alot though for the oline...

    Guys like Rainey, Rogers, Brazill couldn't stop messing up while Shipley and Griff are the only debatable ones. If you can't recall a guys name he must not be that important... and Purifoy got hurt, and the team needed to use the roster spot. Nicks hasn't done much with ample opportunity. Moncrief is much better. The rest of you comment is pretty hilarious.

  3. When it happens in a PLAYOFF GAME the love will end...    really fast. 


    he has a MAJOR drop issue.         and it is simply fact.  Luck keeps hitting him and .......     


    It has to get better...    

    He had the drop, but got over that quickly with a catch for a first down followed by running over two guys for a 73 yard touchdown pass. Coby is fine.

  4. I'm watching the Broncos game and C.J. Anderson(UDFA), who was a 3rd string back until injuries, is putting a clinic on the Chiefs. Granted that's Denver and they've got a better line,etc... but I think the writing is on the wall. It may be possible that Richardson is the worst RB in the league. He was even out rushed by Andrew Luck. Boom completely showed him up today and showed you can't use the bad O-line excuse anymore.


    It's crazy that Richardson is that bad.

    He show no big burst of speed, and no vision unless he gets out into the open on a pass. I think he as well as the team needs to realize that is all he will ever be. Luck has out rushed him in a few games.

  5. Apart from two TD's that Tamme and Thomas messed up, Manning was all over the frickin' place. He was literally the only guy on that team besides Caldwell who played like crap. I expect it out of Caldwell because he screws something up on a weekly basis either receiving or on special teams. He did it again tonight by running out of bounds like a * negating a great ST play, but got bailed out by a ballsy fake punt.


    How Caldwell still sees the field each week I have no idea. He's worse than his cousin/sibling/whatever bug eyes Reche.


    Denver looked solid at everywhere but kickoff/punt coverage and QB play. They let up a lot of kickoffs to the 30, but that's not too terrible. Anderson looks like the real deal and that's critical for Denver to have down the stretch.


    K.C., meanwhile, has no signs of life. They're done.

    Those passes did go right through there hands, and were sure touchdowns. The odd thing is I have never seen either guy show a tendency to do that very much in the past.

  6. Bottom line is "get your talent on the field" ....       screw all this "age" "dues" and hierarchy nonsense.


    The BEST players need to play ... regardless of length of service.     


    Hear that ChucK?   

    I'm with you, and I think as they come to the finish line a lot of these younger players will see the lions share of playing time.

  7. He is my favorite Colts WR, not only because he has speed and he can catch but because of his willingness to play without the ball, which is blocking for his teammates and completing his routes even when he knows he is not going to get the ball. As a bonus he also seems modest and doesn't boast.

    The kid has heart, and a big stomach. I hope they keep of feeding him so he grows up to be big and strong. He has a great future ahead.  

  8. I can only hope this is true.


    Brees is done. The whole short pass, dink and donk offense only lives and dies off stats.


    I don't care what his stats look like, if you guys watched him play for at least 3 games, you'd totally agree with me. He can't hit deep balls, or just about anything past 15 yards. The Saints offense is incredibly one dimensional. Everything is short passes and predictable runs because he can't complete any medium to deep balls anymore.


    We made ourselves into the Falcons by turning Graham into Gonzalez 2.0 and watch Brees and Graham. He won't even look down the field for Stills and Cooks when they are open down the field, instead he'll force that pass to Graham even when he's doubled, tripled, or even quadrupole covered.


    The Saints offense is done.

    They run that silly short pass offense all day. We've turned Cooks into a slot receiver and practically ruined what he's capable of. Last year, Stills went deep, not this year...They are just decoys for Graham.

    It takes them 7-8 minutes to go down the field, get to the red zone, and not score a TD, or go for it on 4th down and not get any points at all.


    It would only be genius to get rid of Brees, and Graham, and Payton and draft a young guy and rebuild.

    You want to clear house, huh? I think Graham is a darn fine tight end and Payton a coach minus the whole bountygate stuff. I think the team has some nice pieces in place, and drafting a young quarterback to sit behind Brees for a year would be a smart idea. 

  9. To be fair..KC's season may have ended when they lost at oakland

    Losing Berry hurt them as well. I though after the New England game they were for real, but it is hard to be successful when your receivers have 0 touchdowns on the season. Give the ball to Charles... and let the guy run because Smith is not a big thrower.

  10. Nah. The raiders and their fans are used to it. It's just another day at the park for them.

    The correct answer involving Oakland is:

    Having Tony Sparano as your coach.

    Yeah, I always think of Tony Soprano when they mention his name. If Gruden wants to go back to Oakland he is truly a madman.

  11. Talent, and smart play by the quarterback won the Packers the game. Brady on the other hand was not very accurate when he threw the ball more than

    We watched different game apparently.

    Apparently someone was watching an old tape, or something Brady has had some good games this year... but has also had his share of games in which he was missing guys left and right. The plays that were made were shorter passes in which receivers made into bigger plays. There is nothing wrong with that, but I know what I saw. Odds are you saw the same, but just don't want to admit it.



    Midwest sensibilities are on full display again.

    Someone disagrees with you, or makes a comment that you didn't like so you attack an entire area of the country?!? Good lord, you need to learn to handle criticism better. 

  12. I'm not being that dude.

    No one outside of this forum would describe Newsome as spectacular this season. Its not like I'm saying Luck sucks or something.

    Plenty of people would, and are saying his play has been spectacular for a rookie if you look around. I will live it at that.

  13. Great game IMO. Refs were pretty even and each team had there mistakes but showed they are championship caliber for sure. The Patriots D needed to get off the field on 3rd down more. No turnovers was huge. Home field was a winner for GB.

    Talent, and smart play by the quarterback won the Packers the game. Brady on the other hand was not very accurate when he threw the ball more than five yards.

  14. 4.5 sacks is far from spectacular, even for a rookie.

    Considering he is not a every down guy it is. Newsome has been the most impressive young man on the defensive side of the ball. You don't have to be the one dude, or dudette who just says stuff to be the opposite of everyone else. 

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