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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. The last thing we need to do is let him go...


    new england would be the first to pick him up like they did with austin collie...

    That didn't really work out to well for them. Unfortunately, Austin was too banged up to keep his career going... and I liked him a lot. 

  2. The TRich trade was worse than bad. As for RGIII, he might get it together whereas TRich will be out of the league within a year or two.

    Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I'd take a chance on the 3rd player drafted over all before taking a chance on a late round pick that you don't know will work out anyways, and Richardson has been productive whereas RGIII has been hurt so much. I'm sure the Rams are happy they got all those picks... and will be a good team once they could get a quarterback along with a few receivers.

  3. I just realized something. . . the refs let him get away with one there.  Maybe they knew the story and decided they would over look this one.  


    But correct me if I'm wrong but I think if you use the ball as a prop in a celebration it's an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.  

    Something tells me that the refs were well aware of the circumstances surrounding the celebration, and T.Y. didn't make a huge spectacle out of the whole thing. It was just a good moment for a proud young man as well as his family. We could use more stuff like this.

  4. The penalty was because when you blocker a gunner out of bounds you cannot prevent them from coming back onto the field of play which the Colts' player did.  It was an unfortunate penalty but it WAS a penalty.

    Yeah, if whoever stayed on the guy had just stopped it would have been fine. I don't know what he was thinking because the player pretty much took himself out of the play... and wouldn't have been able to do anything to stop Josh Cribbs.

    I like this article on him along with a video, and some fun comments. http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2014/11/23/new-colts-returner-josh-cribbs-does-not-like-to-fair-catch/19454419/

    "I told the guys right away (that) I don't fair catch too often on (returns)," the free agent pickup said. "If (the ball) stays inbounds, I'm bringing it out of the end zone." Cribbs said watching tape of the Colts' return unit gave him the confidence to unleash his talent from the outset. In the 23-3 victory over Jacksonville, Cribbs amassed 112 return yards, a total that doesn't include an 82-yard touchdown return negated by a penalty. "A lot of holes have been there (in past weeks), so teams are going to have to watch out," Cribbs said. "If they want me to stay in (the end zone) they're going to have to kick it out (of it)."

    No video of the return can be found, but it did hit the ground before he picked it up and ran with it. Needless to say Josh has amazing vision out there on the field.

  5. If we want to see Luck become the top QB in the league, we need a monster O-line.

    If Luck can put up these numbers with such a bad line wait until we get a good one because he could break all the major records. Right now, though the man in the driver seat for MVP is Aaron Rogers.


     He has been in a daze the last 3 games. Kinda hit the wall.

    Wow, your comments keep getting worse.

  6. Trent has never ... NEVER .... and I mean NEVER changed when his job has "supposedly" been in danger. It's not like the guy DOESN'T want to run better but seriously his team's O-Line stinks...sure BOOM did good today indeed and I'm happy for him. He averaged over 5 yards per carry but I definitely want BOOM to get some more starts and see what he can do...that's what we all need to see what he is capable of.

    The line is a problem, but I have to say Boom ran behind it and didn't seem to have as bad a time. Now I know the two guys have different running styles, and the situations are different... but Trent may need this. I hope he goes off to show up his old team in the process.

  7. The one pass was on 3rd and 3 when they needed a first down to be able to run the clock out, but the last one was kind of strange when it was for a loss. Reggie's streak is not what he will be remembered for... 

  8. I thought there were a lot of good things for the future like Cribbs, Purifoy, Moncrief, and Boom... as well as the overall way the defense looked and played. Vontae was scary good. The o-line was the opposite.

  9. Cribbs is one of the better return men in the history of the NFL.    Seriously.    I think the graphic today showed he's got 11 career TD's in KO and punt returns.


    He returned the opening kick off of the game about 45 yards.    And he also busted a long punt return.  (Can't remember if that one was brought back by penalty.)     Every time he touches the ball, it looks like he's got a shot to run a long way....


    Clearly an upgrade over Griff....

    The touchdown was indeed brought back for a guy getting blocked out of bounds even though it looked like he was heading that way on his own.

  10. Honestly,  I don't think Trent's job is in trouble.    I think he's lost his starting job.    I think Boom starts and gets about 60% of the load....   and I think Trent is the back-up getting the other 40%.


    Boom started today.    I don't see a reason for him not to start in the future until he either loses the job, or Trent takes it from him.... (which I don't see happening...)

    Well, he lost his starting which should make him run a little angrier... but odds are they will continue to still split carries so he will keep getting his 30/40 yards a game. I think next week Boom has his best though. 

  11. -- You wanted Boom to start, and he did.


    -- You wanted Moncrief to get more of Nicks' snaps, and he did.   He's now our #3 WR.


    -- You wanted Joe Cribbs and he delivered.


    -- You wanted more Purifoy and I think he played a fair number of snaps in the 2nd half.


    -- You wanted a return of a better defense (granted, J'Ville is terrible) and at least you got a great goal line stand.     That was lights out in that sequence.


    -- We may have also discovered a new right guard.   I think Nixon played most of the 2nd half for Thornton.    I think he did well.    Makes me wonder if he'll start next week?   At this point,  I think I'd like to see if that move pays off....


    Strange game.     Worst half of offense I've seen the Colts play since I became a fan.   Followed by a solid 2nd half. 


    Washington next week.....    I don't just want a win...   I'd like a big win!    :thmup:

    I liked seeing Moncrief out there catching passes and running the ball a bit. Cribbs looked like the Cribbs of old on the return they called back... and Boom deserves to start. He has a burst of speed that we haven't seen in these parts for a long time. 

    RGIII should be shaking in his boots, but chances are he would tear his knee up if that happened.

  12. With a game like he had today,  Boom is the starter until he loses the job, or Trent beats him out of the spot, and I don't think anyone sees that happening.


    Boom is the starter with Trent getting a fair amount of the load.....


    Here's hoping it's enough......

    They combined for 100+ yards today so I think the two of them will work well enough as combo. Maybe it will light a fire under Trent's butt knowing his job is in trouble. 

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