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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. The T.Y. Hilton drop was well placed by Luck, but T.Y. had to bend back a bit... and the guys hand was right in his line of sight.


    They were damn lucky to walk out of there with a Win today.    I know a Win's a Win.....


    .........but they played like crap, I thought the Offensive line was going to get Andrew killed today and need to get it together before the Playoffs.

    The o-line and the runningbacks  both were letting guys come unblocked. I was surprised by the lack of Doyle, or another tight end being put in to help because they had really stepped up win protection has been needed this year. Not today.  

  2. most of those 16 have been fumbles and most are by Luck. I love the kid too but even he will be the first to tell you he has to do better when it comes to protecting the ball.


    I'm talking about turnovers as a whole, but yes Luck has fumbled, T.Y., Boom, etc... It is time for the team to clean that stuff up, and get a line that doesn't give up that many free shots to the ball carries whoever that happens to be. Trent wasn't blocking at all today which let the corners tee off.

  3. That's the problem the Colts have had 16 fumbles or INTs in four games with a good chunk of them at the hands of Luck.  The Colts MUST get that under control. 

    A majority of the picks that have been thrown have come off the hands of the receivers, and I can't recall see a team that has had as many balls batted into the air in my many years of watching football. A turnover is a turnover though... and the fumbles have been tough too.

  4. Yep, Moncrief is a stud in the making. With the news about Reggie, I think Moncrief, Hilton, and Whalen is actually a solid receiving corps too. I hope Nicks steps up but I'm not counting on it.

    Nicks looked slow out there today as well, and it is clear injuries have take a toll on that young man. I think Whalen will serve much the same roll has Reggie as a pure pass catcher. Throw in Nicks and Cribbs could be used in a pinch.

  5. I don't know if there are enough feet here in Indy to keep the man happy. He will only be a head coach... and I can see a team like Oakland bringing in both Ryans because that is the kind of thing they seem to enjoy doing. Inflicting pain on their own fans. 

  6. We signed him off the TV job though? haha


    @Colts: A few weeks ago, @JoshCribbs16 was a sports analyst in Cleveland, now he's preparing to play in #INDvsCLE

    P.S.: Can we PLEASE stop getting penalties when this guy is returning kicks??!! He's literally breaking big returns every time!


    Most of the games I have seen that involved a spectacular kick return this year has ended up getting called back for holding. It is a league wide problem. The craziest one was a Devin Hester return called back after he got called for a facemask at the 3.



    It amazes me how one return guy like Cribbs makes such a difference on field position almost

    every return. I don't remember a better returner wearing a horseshoe.

    Clarence Verdin was the last Colts returner that I can recall that was a threat to return a kick anytime he touched the ball looking at his stats I'm shocked he only had 4 tds. Cribbs is so much better though... and I hope he stays.

  7. Julian Edelman (77-742 yards)

    Brandon Lafell (53-712 yards) and Gronkowski (65-910 yards)

    with 4 games left....they all make it

    But how do the pats match up with SD's receivers Keenan Allen, Malcolm Floyd and Antonio Gates..

    that's the key to this day.....Rivers doesn't miss many and he gets the ball away too fast to get sacked most days


    Odds are one of the three is not two will miss out. If Gronkowski doesn't it would be kind of odd, but expect teams to play it a little safe down at the end of the season. I'd bet this game will be a good one because both teams have a lot riding on it. San Diego has a chance to make that division, or the conference for that matter even tighter than it already is. There is a log jam for the wild cards with a lot of 7-5 teams... and the top seeds are going to be crazy too should the Charges win. 

  8. Well, no matter what Reggie does there is no doubt that he will be a hall of famer. Plus the numbers that both he and Steve Smith are putting up at their age are pretty awesome to see because it hasn't happened since Jerry Rice... and like Rice they are still both huge contributors to their teams in a time when they are much needed. I just hope they both walk off into the sunset peacefully unlike Jerry's last two years in Oakland and Seattle respectively where he was hardly used. 

    In the end I think we will all miss the sound of those famous chants of Reggie, Reggie, Reggie here in Indy.


  9. No but it got the attention of the power rankings LOL




    "Yes, the Patriots lost at  Lambeau. Big whoopie. What a game. If Sunday was a Super Bowl preview, then we are due for a much better matchup than the last time these two franchises faced off on Super Sunday. On another note, Tom Brady's visceral reaction when Randall Cobb caught the game-clinching first down showed you precisely why he's the best quarterback the NFL has seen since Joe Montana hung 'em up 20 years ago."

    Good job thrwoing the since in there because Joe Montana can say something not many other can... and that is he never lost when it counted the most. Joe will always be the best in my book no matter what.



  10. Well, not everyone can be as in control and well spoken as everyone here is all the time. :hairout:  :rant:  :hissy:  :argh:  :flaming:  :cuss:  :censored2:


    Honestly, I've seen people who are not football players and who I would never expect to utter such things........cut loose with a string of expletives when they are very riled.


    It happens and it also happens with Colts players.


    We all should make an effort but we are none of us perfect.


    True story, my nephew has taken up heavy metal music and on thanksgiving the guys were jamming and he had a hard time coming up with something he knew that was 'thanksgiving friendly'


    And he's been home schooled in a very christian home.


    But there were other words that he didn't know.  He asked what 'repertoire' meant and my other nephew said "That's french for songs you know"


    I'm still laughing about that one.

    I dropped an :censored2:  when talking to my aunt and cousin on Thanksgiving. I don't think we were even talking about anything to crazy, but couldn't help saying  :cuss: before shoving a handful of turkey in my mouth to stop any other bad words from popping out. Cussing is like a second language to me, but not on the holidays. As far as Brady dropping a few choice words on the sideline after losing I have no problem with it since it shows he has heart... and I don't think it is too smart to go shoving a camera, or mic in a players face after such an emotional deal is smart. None the less, I'd rather see that from a player than stuff like Mark Sanchez is known for like eating hot dogs.


  11. Considering he was a receiver for Ole Miss he was never given a chance to really shine, and together with a few other issues he fell to the Colts... and I'm glad he did. I also think getting to learn from a guy like Reggie will have a huge payoff as well when it comes to his hands. In the end he may very well be the biggest pickup in the draft for us. A true partner to T.Y. Hilton who was also a big draft pick for us.

  12. I agree. I believe a suspension from the Colts would be fine. Now if it was serious like Ray Rice or AP i would agree.

    Brazill has been caught twice with failed tests, Rainey likes to pay with fire extinguishers allegedly, and Rogers (no d) got a dui which along with his past is troubling. There is talent... but having guys like that around isn't worth the trouble. 

  13. Here are the teams that I think Ray Rice will end up on their roster:


    1. 49ers, they need another back, Gore and Hyde alone are not going to get it done, Rice might be what they just need.

    2. Colts, Bradshaw can't seem to stay healthy, I think Rice would be a much better alternative solution than Richardson & Bradshaw...

    3. Oakland, why not, that's where careers end...plus he would be making a paycheck.

    4. Miami, I think Ray Rice would fit perfectly in their system.

    5. Seattle, I am sure Pete wouldn't mind someone like Ray on his roster, he might be a good fit for them too...

    49ers have no need.

    Colts already have said no, and Boom Herron will do just fine.

    Oakland can't do anything with McFadden, or MJD.

    Miami won't because they have just gotten over a major problem with two lineman going at it.

    Seattle... Well, if anyone will pick up a loser it is Pete Carroll.


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