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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. So it was evident his knee was down hence the reversal. What was was the on air official trying to sell? I honestly had no idea what he was trying to say.


    Whatever Mike Carey calls it you know the opposite is true, and I don't think he has made one correct call in the time he has been on tv. Glad he isn't a referee anymore. 

  2. Laron Landry was actually good today, best game he's played with the Colts. After the one catch to Thomas, he played great coverage on him the rest of the game.

    Laron got burned on two strat plays including the td, and I'm not surprised. We know he is good at stopping the run for the most part... but is a liability when people are throwing. I trust Sergio more in thos situations. Aside from that the defense desrves credit for such a great game. Vontae especially.

  3. Thanks for putting up with my insanity :). Emotional win for the Colts and all their fans.

    Celebrate this win. Because another one isn't guranteed. Have fun tonight.

    Andrew Luck is our unquestioned future. If the D plays this hard we can play against anyone.

    Just need to get these pesky refs under control.....

    Yeah, Talib was holding on virtually every single play along with Ward... but despite that you have to overcome wich the Colts did well.

  4. 200.gif

    Ric Flair is without a doubt the dirtiest player in the game, and one of the best overall. I'm glad I got a chance to see him wrestle Randy Savage for the WWF title at Wrestlemania 8 right here in Indianapolis. The Hoosier Dome was rockin'.

    /Sergio was on a roll too.   

  5. harrison shouldve been a first ballot. dungy should never get in. his sucky tampa 2 scheme prevented peyton from ever winning big. dungy was a joke, idk why people dont see it differently. 


    if dungy ever gets in, it will be for squandering the most potential of all time

    It most be tough when you hate all the coaches. Your comments about Tony Dungy are so far off base it isn't even funny.

    Now that is out of the way I'm glad to see Marvin Harrison get in, and think Edge will go next year for sure. Tony has a 139-69 career record, and a Super Bowl win... and is also deserving. Maybe not this year, but sooner than later. 

  6. Ya i saw the holding.  I was talking specifically about the PI.  When the guy is pulling you along by your facemask, theres goiing to be contact cause your trying to prevent yourself from falling into him.  As far as Dez Bryant.  That cant be called.  The helmet thing applies only to players that are playing.  Meaning out on the field.  This was address on NFLAM this morning by some ref official they had on.  So Bryant couldnt be called for a penalty for unsportmanlike conduct cause he was  not in the field of play.

    The whole thing was bad all around. I just hope the NFL will star holding these refs accountable so that they will have an incentive to clean up their act, and improve the game for the players as well as the fans. A certain number of missed calls should result in missed pay.

  7. Bryant could have been called but the pickup was right. He couldn't turn his head to play the ball because he was being face masked. That's why they took it back. Did they miss the holding, sure. But didn't miss the PI because there wasn't one.

    NFL's head of officiating Dean Blandino admitted they botched the call which should have been a holding penalty at the very least, but there were 4 seperate penalties on the same play... and in my opinion they really should have offset. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/05/dean-blandino-acknowledges-cowboys-got-away-with-one/

  8. "This whole episode circles back to the proposal last spring from Patriots coach Bill Belichick that all plays – not just the boundary plays, turnovers, possession plays – should be subject to replay challenges"


    I dunno- would slow the game down more than ever but it is one solution.

    If the number of challenges the teams get stays the same it won't make the games any longer. This was a bad pick up, and at the least should have been a holding penalty along with a penalty for Dez Bryant being on the field helmetless... but the ref made a huge mistake either way.

  9. I don't know how to post it from twitter (maybe someone else can) but it says

    "Amazing playoff-game feat for Andrew Luck:

    He didn't throw a single interception!"

    This dudes a flipping joke.

    Right now the only thing that is keeping him going is that he just makes off the wall comments, and you guys keep bringing him up. If you ignore him he will disapear.

  10. Peyton's arm has not looked all that good in the last number of weeks, and if the defense manages to keep the run game in check thus forcing Manning to throw this is in our favor. I hope Vontae Davis is gameplanning for the wrong guy again, and makes a big splah in Denver. Then Baltimore wins so we can host another AFC championship game.

  11. That sack was just a smuch on Andrew as it was Harrison, He had Fleener running open towards the sideline and even looked at him and passed him up

    When you have guys running at you unblocked hitting a receiver is easier said than done, man. That was a big miss by Harrison.

  12. Hopefully we will get a better sense Sunday versus the Texans how the OL is.  Luck did look confused when he actually had a pocket to stand in and plenty of time to throw.  I just hope when the season is done the Colts use one draft pick for the secondary, one for linebacker, one for running back, one for wide receiver, and the rest for OL help.  The Colts do not need much DL help.  Without Mathis, the defense is 5th in the league in sacks. 

    Luck was clearly shocked he had time to throw. 


    Shipley is quite a bit better than Harrison and Shipley is just an above average center.  it was good to see Homes in there but he whiffed badly on a few pass plays but then he made some really good blocks on others.  Holmes did not play better than a healthy Thornton though and the people that are saying that are fooling themselves (much like they did when Harrison got the start over Shipley the first time).  


    I hope Reitz injury is not serious but the way he was acting after I will not be surprised if it is season ending, but as long as Thornton is injured I would not mind seeing Shipley and Holmes in there and then when Thornton comes back maybe move Holmes to center, I was impressed with how well he (Holmes) moved and how well he controlled his guy once he was locked up with him.

    Harrison just got beat, and after the fumble in the endzone I was hoping they would pull the young man... but said he was hurt. The o-line played way better after that. Not a knock of Harrison because the kid is young, and to do what he has been asked to do this year is amazing.

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