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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. Legarrette Blount 


    16 Carries 166 Yards 4 TDs Final Score 43-22


    Jonas Gray


    38 Carries 199 Yards 4 TDs Final Score 42-20


    How do you literally let them do the same thing twice? How? 


    I tried to be optimistic after the Pitt game, but this is just awful. 

    Easy because the defensive line was like swiss cheese to a hungry run game. The Pittsburgh game was more on the passing side, but neither was good.

  2.  I agree with you on toler, but the entire team was not up to the task tonight and I do remember Pagano taking blame for the steelers game because the team came in unprepared, Well i see the same coaches not even attempting to make any adjustments during half time. and if the team contiunes to play the same schemes through out the game the end result is a lose. sorry but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you have to game plan each team different and the pats do this every year against this same coaches who look so lost on the sidelines as if they did not expect them to run

    You can make changes, but you have to have the talent to make them work. I question whether we have that after watching the last 10 games. Things need to change there, and that has not been something the coaches are quick to make on either side. I hope this game opens some eyes. 

  3. Say what you want to but they showed 5 plays and all were obvious PI or holding worse than anything Toler got called for . Watch a few times some were so bad it's comical they were not called .

    I watched the game, and technically any contact should be called. I saw one in which T.Y. was knocked on the ground... but was busy making a cup of coffee so I didn't see it close enough.

  4. Coby was the only bright spot tonight.  Too bad his performance was lost in the crud that the Colts were today.


    Almost forgot, Vinnie was another bright spot.  Even though I thought we should have gone for it on 4th and 1, Vinnie still has a huge leg.

    That kick might have been good from 60 yards out. None the less, we needed a td. Coby had a great game... and Andrew Luck has 8 straight 300 yard games with the Eagles game being the only one who didn't hit that mark.

  5. Are these buffoons masquerading as coaches, ever going to give him a real chance? Or, will they continue to trot out Reggie who is so damned slow it's almost beyond belief. I'm sick of it!

    Reggie along with Fleener looked plenty fast to me. Moncrief did too, but alas Luck over threw him on the one big play they had. I wish they would let him either play more as a receiver, or replace Griff for good. Griff again almost got a safety for trying to get involved with a kick that he should have left alone.

  6. Brady played lights out the second half. I don't know if you saw that. He made a lot of nice passes to open recievers. 


    He made a few pass here, or there... but again it was the running game that was on fire.

  7. Our coaching and game plan was pathetic tonight . Side not they just showed Pats DB highlights and every play was a PI not called

    No they were not. Unfortunately, the one who always makes stupid plays is Toler... and I have never seen a guy get caught pushing off/holding so much. It is like watching a little kid who can't stay out of the cookie jar. I do bet Gronkowski gets a fine for his purposefully slamming the guy into the camera man though. If he doesn't that would be a pretty silly, and for Collinsworth to say he is not harmless is equally so because the guy makes a fool out of himself constantly. 

  8. It wouldn't of mattered. The Defense couldn't stop Brady and company. 

    Brady did nothing that great, and the Patriot run game should get all the credit for this game. Having said that I think two plays could have changed this game the Bradshaw dropped pass and/or the play mentioned above. Ok, maybe three because the 4th down that gave them the ball at the 30 was pretty weird call. 

  9. Allen is a really, really good all around TE. Hurts to lose a guy like that, hopefully he's not out for the season.

    He is a hell of a blocker, and so is Bradshaw at times. So losing either... or both for any time is going to hurt. 

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