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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 25 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    All gone with concussion #2. Now he can't even hold a nail to hammer it. He has memory loss. He suffers from uncontrollable tremors and can't even write his name legible.


    Sorry to hear that. That second concussion must have been really severe. Are his tremors seizures or something else?


    All this "blue collar" talk is nonsense. It sounds like someone who derives pleasure from seeing other people getting hurt.

    • Like 2
  2. 26 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

    I hope your Vikes get one too. The colts aren’t exactly contenders so if we don’t get it done this year, I’m all in on



    dont think I can say the same bout the Mets tho haha 


    Lol. I was not sure how to "react". Should I select "thank you" or "haha" or just "like" this. 


    You and I must have been thinking along the same wavelength. I was going to reply earlier and tell you the Vikes are due before the Colts. The Vikes have never won despite having been to the SB four times and having a higher than normal number of players inducted into the Pro Football HoF. The Vikes and the Lions are the only NFC teams not to make it to the SB in the last 30 years. I am hopeful this season will be a good one. Thanks! 


    As for the Mets, they are done. 


    Congrats again. I can't wait to feel the same emotions of my team winning a championship.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Reality Check said:

    I remember when Tim Thomas chose NOT to go to the WH after the Bruins won the Stanley Cup in 2011, based on his political beliefs...




    He was blistered by many, including his team/teammates, the media, and politicos.  The Washington Post, NY Times, and ESPN (among many others) ran articles very similar to this one...




    Few excerpts ...


    Playing Thomas in the nation's capital one day after he refused to visit the White House with his Boston teammates would have created a stir, though none equal to the controversy Thomas sparked with his snub of President Obama and his subsequent explanation on his Facebook page.


    The goaltender failed to recognize that in his absence, he was demonstrating a lack of support for his teammates – not just making an individual political statement. If he wasn't anticipating such a harsh reaction from the hockey community and beyond, he should have taken another look at the game he plays – one that steadfastly adheres to team-first values, known for its selfless and approachable personalities and commitment to a workmanlike mentality.


    Let's not sugar coat the Eagles' players individual decisions not to attend as "it happens all the time".  Their decision was as politically motivated as Tim Thomas' decision to do the same thing.


    Instead, maybe we should as why The Eagle's are looked at differently?   IMO, it is the definition of "Political Hypocrisy" no matter which side you see it from.


    There is one difference that you failed to mention. This is the first president that has ever made an issue of players' declining to show up for the White House celebration. Tim Thomas was not the only player who refused an invitation to the White House. Some Patriots have not gone to previous White House celebrations. There have been others that I cannot recall. But no President has called players out for it. This is the only President who has done so.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:


    Not sure what is worse, or more disrespectful to the American flag? Kneeling as a form of peaceful protest, (an action that in this case literally can not be discerned from the act of prayer) or using the national anthem & name of fallen vererans as a propaganda piece in a clearly divisive piece of culture war.


    Yep. All that needed to be announced was that the visit was canceled. Period. Nothing else. Everything else that was added (the anthem protests or the quote "abandon(ing) their fans") was done for propaganda. It is pretty sad that so many are being influenced by such propaganda. 


    7 hours ago, Buck Showalter said:

    Interesting, reports are saying that apparently Fox news has been using pictutes/images of Eagles players in pre-game prayer to look like they were participating in anthem protests...



    As Nadine wrote, Fox News apologized on Twitter after Zach Ertz and Chris Long called them out on it. I wonder if they apologized on TV, as many don't read the news or follow Twitter but do watch Fox News on TV?

    • Like 1
  5. Rest in Peace, Dwight Clark


    ALS is such a horrible, debilitating disease. Clark died relatively early in the disease, probably for the better. No one with ALS ever gets better. Many people live many years unable to move, talk, eat or even breathe without a breathing machine, but their mind is still intact. It is like being trapped in your own body. It is awful. And it seems that there is a greater prevalence of ALS in football players. 


    My condolences to his family and his fans.


    I want to see that movie. 

    • Like 6
  6. 8 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    It is definitely not entertainment for me especially those that involve one of my teams because entertainment is supposed to be enjoyable not make one physically sick


    Entertainment can still make people sick even though it is supposed to be enjoyable. 


    I don't really know how to answer that question because I believe that sports is more than just entertainment. Sometimes I believe our sports teams are like our family. When they lose or one of our players gets hurt, we take it personally. And yes, sports can make us sick. I recall a long time ago, Vinny Testaverde's father was advised not to attend his son's games anymore because doing so made him sick. He had heart disease and watching his son's games put stress on his heart. 


    I know that while watching Vikings games, it seems that my blood pressure goes up. My heart beats harder, especially if the game is still on the line. Having said that, I still enjoy the games very much. I guess I will answer "yes".


    How do you get "physically sick"? 

    • Like 2
  7. I have written too much for the day. Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone. Continue the discussion.


    Remember those who died for us to have these conversations.


    "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America."

    – William J. Clinton


    (This is not meant as a political statement although it can be viewed as such. Take it for the message itself.) :)

    • Like 5
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  8. 2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    The dates were in my post a couple pages back, August 26th is the date ESPN has as the benching and the first recorded protest.  If he'd done it before hand, no one noticed or recorded it. Let me know if you find something to the contrary please.


    Ok. I will check on that later. 


    So you are saying that the first protest took place in preseason?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Cynjin said:

    Because they won't be talking about the issue,  they will be talking about the act causing teams to not hire him.


    But they are working on issues. There are now a lot of different initiatives taking place because NFL players are now more involved in the community since the whole protesting started. Many fans are not aware of it and are only aware of what the media puts out, which is fans are upset about kneeling and others are upset about Kaepernick not getting hired. There is a lot more happening but it is not sensationalistic and don't drive up ratings for the networks.

  10. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:

    from what I gather, the media didn't catch it until a couple days AFTER he started but that the day he started was hours after officially being benched for the second time to Gabbert. 


    Can you provide dates? I understand that his protest started a while back but no one realized it. I will have to research it but I don't have the time at the moment. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Exactly what I was trying to say, thank you.


    In your timeline, do you have when we learned of the protest or when the protest actually began? From what I have read, he started his protest well before the media publicized it. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


    Why can't it be both?  


    My larger argument about the protests has to do with what I perceive as the disrespect.  I did not know about the timeline until I saw it here.  It seems very coincidental that his protest occurs right after he was benched.  Could it be a coincidence?  Sure, but it is also plausible that he just got mad about getting benched and decided to essentially throw a figurative fit.


    I don't have the time to check but I think he had that in mind a while back. I don't think the timeline changes that. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I'd love to talk it over with him one on one


    I would pay to see that. Lol. I would love to see the two sides talk to one another. I see both sides. I see why it upsets you and I see why Kaepernick wants some issues addressed. 


    I think we have had a good discussion going. We just have to show more empathy to all sides which I know is hard to do. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I'm not going to sugar the truth man.


    7 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    I don’t need it sugared

       That went away in childhood



    You two are arguing against each other and not listening. Try to understand where the other is coming from. It is very hard, I know. 


    Can you find any common ground?

  15. 2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    No no, I'm playing devils advocate. For the sake of discussion, I'm merely examining his actions against a timeline is all.  Ultimately the only part that gets me to say that I have issues with the whole thing is the getting away from politics.  however, for the sake of discussion, I merely examining the timeline posted simply to look at this rationally from all perspectives. 


    Would it have changed your point of view if the timeline was different?


    Just trying to understand where everyone is coming from. I think you should sit down with Kaepernick and talk these through. :peek:


    11 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Here's what bothers me with this Kaepernick thing.  This was tweeted out the morning of the first "protest kneeling". Copied from espn


    "Aug. 26


    Kelly announced Blaine Gabbert will start Week 1 against the Los Angeles Rams, with Colin Kaepernick serving in a backup role.


    Fox Sports' Jay Glazer said he would be "shocked" if Kaepernick is on the 49ers' 53-man roster at the end of the season (via RotoWorld). Glazer said Kaepernick "may not even be on [the roster] in the next two weeks." 


    When asked whether the team had considered cutting Kaepernick, Kelly told reporters the 49ers have "never had a conversation about that."


    It was just hours later, that Kaepernick started his "protest"


    Two days later, 

    "Aug. 28 — Kaepernick expands on his reasoning for the protest

    Kaepernick met with the media two days after the game and for the first time since the protest gained national attention. He reiterated that he was acting to give a voice to people who didn’t have one."


    But why does this matter? I could point out how many different reasons that you said you are against what Kaepernick did. Does that mean you were lying or were being disingenuous when you mentioned a different reason?


    Is it the disrespect to the flag and military, is it because you want to get away from politics when watching a football game, or is it that Kaepernick is bringing attention to himself?


    I originally thought that you were against it because you believe it is disrespectful. I can respect that and I agree. But this comment above makes me question your actual reasons.  

    • Like 2
  17. 49 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Any job I know of, if your boss tells you to stop doing something or do something different and you don't comply, you get fired. In the NFL even if someone still kneels they will only get fined. These guys make million of dollars to play a kids game so just stay in the locker room while the Anthem is playing. NFL Players have it made in life in reality. You lose your job in the real world if you don't comply with your bosses. Tomorrow if my boss told me to stop doing my paperwork the way I am doing it and do it differently, even if I hated the new way and disagreed with it I would get fired if I kept doing it the old way.


    I did not mean to minimize your point with my earlier post. I was just giving other examples to consider.


    Your point here is well taken. If you don't comply with rules/policies/etc, you run the strong possibility of losing your job. 

    • Like 1
  18. 4 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Perfect story 

       The only people that should are the family

    Even family are not allowed. The executor of the will can do that but it still has to go to court.


    Now if the account is jointly owned, then the other person on the account can access the funds. In addition, you can also have an account that has "in trust for" someone else. When the account holder dies, the person that the account is "in trust for" can access the funds. 

    • Like 2
  19. 10 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Well yeah if something isn't Legal of course, but in most cases a Boss isn't going to tell you do something Illegal or make a new policy that is illegal - that would be very odd. If they do they need to be fired. I have never been to ask to do anything illegal.


    Sometimes people don't realize something is illegal. In the case that I mentioned, this boss was managing a person's money (it was court-appointed). That person/client died but still owed money for services rendered the week before he died. I was asked to go to an ATM and withdraw funds to pay those who were caring for the guy until his death. I refused to do that, as I knew that once someone dies, no one should be withdrawing money from the deceased's accounts. The money is now part of his estate and it has to go to probate. I was told to try to withdraw the money anyway. I said I won't do it. 

    • Like 1
  20. 10 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Any job I know of, if your boss tells you to stop doing something or do something different and you don't comply, you get fired. In the NFL even if someone still kneels they will only get fined. These guys make million of dollars to play a kids game so just stay in the locker room while the Anthem is playing. NFL Players have it made in life in reality. You lose your job in the real world if you don't comply with your bosses. Tomorrow if my boss told me to stop doing my paperwork the way I am doing it and do it differently, even if I hated the new way and disagreed with it I would get fired if I kept doing it the old way.


    I hear you but that is not always the case. I once was asked by a boss to do something that I knew was not legal. It was also against my ethical principles. I said I would not do it and explained why. They were not pleased but I kept my job. I knew I was in the right. If I had complied, I could have been prosecuted for something someone else told me to do. 

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