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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


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Status Replies posted by HungarianColtsFan

  1. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party? A: He had no body to dance with. Hahahaha.

  2. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party? A: He had no body to dance with. Hahahaha.

  3. Anybody else exhausted? I want a bowl of soup and a blankie. So glad the next game is a day game

  4. Anybody else exhausted? I want a bowl of soup and a blankie. So glad the next game is a day game

  5. My prayers and thoughts for all souls lost at 9/11! God bless the World!

  6. My prayers and thoughts for all souls lost at 9/11! God bless the World!

  7. With Mathis' injury our chance for PO is vanishing.

  8. Got home from the hospital late on the 7th. pneumonia came back a bit, and had a painful obstruction. Thank God no surgey, but I'm going to be wek for at least a week. On all kinds of new meds, but at least I'm home now. I taped the game, but was too tired to watch.Just wanted y'all to know I'm back and ok...

  9. "Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne..."

  10. "Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne..."

  11. "Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne..."

  12. I'm watching my brothers cat while he's between houses....his name is Lou but we call him Lucifer!

  13. I'm watching my brothers cat while he's between houses....his name is Lou but we call him Lucifer!

  14. Come season, come!!!

  15. ATTN ALL FORUM MEMBERS,,We only have 9 people in the Pick'em contest and 5 in the Survival League..Please sign up now!!! The more we have playing, the more fun it will be for all.

  16. I want to shout out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Colts friend Hungarian Colts Fan..Have a great day...and a couple of cold Guiness!!!

  17. Square watermelons. Who knew?

  18. I want to shout out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Colts friend Hungarian Colts Fan..Have a great day...and a couple of cold Guiness!!!

  19. Preseason is just around the corner, Football-draught is almost over.

  20. Hey Welcome back everybody! Sure is getting busy around here. Good to see you all! :)

  21. I'm back, and hungry for some FOOTBALL!

  22. I'm back, and hungry for some FOOTBALL!

  23. I'm back, and hungry for some FOOTBALL!

  24. My apoligy to all who sent me Birthday wishes May 30 im sorry I missed it.Have had alot on the table and not been on as much as I would like.

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