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Status Replies posted by HungarianColtsFan

  1. Trent Richardson, Josh Gordy, & Hakeem Nicks........ Get rid of them all. Done with defending Trent. The 3rd string RB looks better than you, Thank you Boom BTW. My fantasy team thanks you

  2. Bolted out of bed at 6:20, afraid of being late for work. Then, I remembered it was Sunday. UGH...........

  3. Bolted out of bed at 6:20, afraid of being late for work. Then, I remembered it was Sunday. UGH...........

  4. As I predicted from the first time I saw him play, Marcus Mariota is the best QB in college, and will win the Heisman this year. Being a Junior that hs already graduated, he could possibly come back next year, and set even more records. He is THE REAL DEAL!

  5. As I predicted from the first time I saw him play, Marcus Mariota is the best QB in college, and will win the Heisman this year. Being a Junior that hs already graduated, he could possibly come back next year, and set even more records. He is THE REAL DEAL!

  6. Four day weekends are THE BEST!!!!

  7. Four day weekends are THE BEST!!!!

  8. Four day weekends are THE BEST!!!!

  9. Is it bad that I want to go to this Sundays game too? I got into the game WAY MORE in person than having my big mug in front of the TV!!!!!!

  10. Big question in a life of a turkey: Is there any life after Thanksgiving?

  11. Thanks for all the well wishes and kind words. I just got home from the hospital right before midnight Thanksgiving, so I can be home with family. I'm still not totally recovered, but they are trying a different and stronger IV med, to hopefully kick this out for good...Love you all!

  12. Is it bad that I want to go to this Sundays game too? I got into the game WAY MORE in person than having my big mug in front of the TV!!!!!!

  13. Is it bad that I want to go to this Sundays game too? I got into the game WAY MORE in person than having my big mug in front of the TV!!!!!!

  14. Dog ate entire box of crackers intended for thanksgiving

  15. Dog ate entire box of crackers intended for thanksgiving

  16. Is it bad that I want to go to this Sundays game too? I got into the game WAY MORE in person than having my big mug in front of the TV!!!!!!

  17. Dog ate entire box of crackers intended for thanksgiving

  18. Dog ate entire box of crackers intended for thanksgiving

  19. SO PROUD OF THE PACERS LAST NIGHT! All the boys came to play. That's awesome. Was watching IU throw their game away. Should have stuck with the Pacers!

  20. Just got tickets for Sunday's game! Man, I hope we win!

  21. Gronk fined for unnecessary roughness, Gray sent home for tardiness. Hmmm

  22. Just got tickets for Sunday's game! Man, I hope we win!

  23. Hungarian rangers have unexpected help: newly 'imigrated' bears. In awe of them no one dares to enter the forest. Good work Yogi & Co.!!

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