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Posts posted by CopenhagenColt

  1. Hybrid Safety/Corner it seems. Speedster. Unlikely to be the finished article, as he's only played on defense two years. But he's been getting lots of attention the last week.

    Not super excited, and had hoped for Whitehair or someone like Reed, but he'll probably do well on special teams while he learns.

    Hope he does really well.

  2. If, and that's a big if, they're going for a OT, I think they might as well wait until the 3rd round, unless they're really into Le'raven Clark or Shon Coleman, and don't want to gamble on them being available in the 3rd.

    I think Spriggs will be gone when we pick in the 2nd. round.


    If Whitehair is there when Grigson's on the clock, i wouldn't mind grabbing him.

    The big boys from Alabama (Robinson & Reed) will be gone when we pick. I would have liked one of those guys, but there are a few big DT's who I could easily live with.

    Ragland isn't a sexy player, but I wouldn't mind him being a Colt.

    The speedy safety from Clemson could maybe be an interesting prospect.

    The second round looks actually really good this year. Lots of players I would like to see wearing the Colts uniform.

  3. There are lots of these guys we could use. Most of them would be a starter if they were Colts right now.

    Who our HC and GM is next season is somewhat unclear right now, so who knows about scheme etc. But I wouldn't be surprised if we signed one of the CB's. Go for the best deal, value for money.

    No WR's please and keep Hardy far away from our Colts!

    Lots of these guys wont hit FA, but Wilkerson and Trevathan could be solid signings along with a CB.

  4. Who knows what's true, and what's only rumors.

    Fact is that both have made their mistakes, and don't look very good right now.

    Grigsons drafts, since the first where he was gifted a once in generation opportunity to draft a major QB talent like Luck, have been poor. To say the least.

    Quite a few free agency signings have turned out less than impressive, and very few trades have really worked out.

    + T-Rich

    Despite everyone in the world being able to see that the O-line was not nearly good enough at protecting the face of the franchise or opening lanes for the RB's, it's still not working.


    Now Pagano shares the blame on some of these points,

    Clearly, or hopefully I should say. a HC and a GM works together on the draft and offseason. If not, something is fundamentally wrong. I simply cannot imagine a HC wanting a D-Lineman or a linebacker and the GM picking a WR in the first round.

    The insistance on running the ball a lot despite not having a great RB and an O-line that didn't work, seemed bewildering at times the past couple of seasons.


    This season would have been a different story had Luck been fit, no doubt. Whoever is left in the building when the planning for next season begins, needs to realise that keeping Luck healthy and on the field is the most important thing for the team.


    Personally I would like to start over with a new HC and a new GM. If I was to pick one who would stay, I would keep Pagano. I'm done with Grigson, and have been for a long time.

  5. Dorsett:

    I didn't like the pick one bit. Still don't. Grigson went BPA, according to his board. I'm surprised Dorsett would be BPA on his board, considering who else was available. Personally, I think BPA is a good way to do things, but with some limitations.

    When you have big holes in some areas of the squad, and lots of available talent in other areas you just don't pick a player for a position where you have lots of quality and depth, unless it's a "Can't miss" talent who's heads and shoulders ahead of the rest on your board. If you're not in love with the available options at OT, DT, DE, ILB, S or even RB and CB - Trade down. Would have loved to have made the trade that Titans made with the Giants when they got Collins. But we didn't, and we could have had him late in the second if we really wanted him.

    There's no doubt that the kid is talented, and I hope all the best for him. But I still think it was a bad decision.


    D'Joun Smith.

    Not overly ecstatic about that on either. Mostly because I thought there was better options than a CB at that point. But they went BPA again. I did like the trade down, though.


    Henry Anderson.

    Best pick in my opinion. Very pleased with that pick.



    Seems like Pagano knew his coaches, so he has good intel on the kid. Let's hope that the intel holds up. To me, he seems like a "project". Maybe a special teams guy.



    He knows Anderson, so that should be a plus, if they actually get to play together. A good run stuffer,



    Depth to the RB position. Liked that pick, and what I've seen of him.



    Don't know much about him, but he fills a need.



    From the little I've been able to find on him, he's unlikely to be a tackle in the NFL, due to agility and feet. But a big mauler in the run game. Could be a future guard perhaps.


    When looking at the draft this year, you also need to look at who we didn't pick when we had the chance.

    I think there was better options for some of our picks, especially the first two picks.

    We didn't improve our O-line, despite having the chance to pick several good RT's and while getting more options on D, we're still going to have problems against the run.


    So putting a grade on it, weighing up the good and the bad.. Probably a C+/B-. Solid, but nothing exciting.

  6. So you think the so called experts out there know more than Girgs, Pagano and all the Colts Scouts??? Hahaha really??? Half the time the know less than the average fan!!! And how can you say there is No way Dorsett is the BPA to the Colts??? Did you see the board? Do you know how they grade and evaluate their talent??? If not than you quite frankly know nothing as it refers to who was the BPA on the Colts board. Are Grigs and staff always right? Heck no. But who is? It's about playing your chances, testing your scouting and evaluation and hoping the guy turns out.

    Andre might be here 2 years and Duron is no guarantee. Plus there is the possibility we could loose Hilton. Our WR core has alot of questions still going into the future.

    Let me put it another way. Has Grigson ever been right?

    Do you seriously think Dorsett is a "can't miss talent"? At the bottom of the first round, as the sixth reciever picked this year? So what if Andre only lasts a couple of years. There are good, proven players available in FA each year, and there are still a good draft class next year.

    If Dorsett is really "that good", why did he slide to 29? Why is Grigson the only one "who got it" with regards to Dorsett?

    Perhaps he really is the Yoda of talent evaluations. The force wasn't there for a looooong time, but he found it in time to pick up Dorsett ahead of "everyone else". I'm betting The Hoodie is kicking himself right now because he got Brown and not Dorsett.


    You're one of those guys on this board, who will defend any decision Grigson makes, no matter what.

  7. You're not getting it! Its NOT...NOT according to need!!! Its BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE!!! Thats the fundamental flaw alot of people have. They base their thoughts and projections on need. Thats not how it works though.

    And I'll call nonsense on that. There's no * way Dorsett is BPA, unless every other pundit in the world is way off, and Grigson is the Yoda of talent evaluation, and I have my doubts about that based on previous drafts.


    And even if you pick BPA, there will be some position(s) that you would probably still not pick at, because that's where you have plenty of talent. You wouldn't pick a QB if he was BPA, would you? Why pick a WR, when you're already loaded?

    Especially when there are higher graded players at positions you're not well set at, like DL, OL and S, and there was.

    But hey, why not let the Patriots pick up Malcolm Brown.. The Hoodie is of course completely clueless, right?

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