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Everything posted by Happy2BeHere

  1. Meh..I don’t think he was a good HC. I think he was a little less than good IMO. As a person….probably great, but strictly in the head coaching world W’s are the most important factor. Some can get it done and some can’t…not always a 100% on the HC for sure…but Reich was oft unprepared and extremely predictable as a play caller and as a HC you’ve got to get the most out of what you’ve been given…he certainly was given some tough circumstances no doubt about that but I felt he just wasn’t able to bring a team together that mattered on the field.
  2. I would not at all be surprised if he wasn’t fired after this year honestly.
  3. https://www.nfl.com/news/panthers-hc-frank-reich-taking-back-play-calling-duties-after-giving-them-to-oc- I mean this is so comical.
  4. Craziest ending seriously!! You give up the PI penalty to put them into FG range after you knocked them out and then on a missed field goal they get another chance because 12 men were out there…Buffalo really blew it. Crazy!
  5. Thought about this one myself…lacerated disc at l4/l5, multiple bulged discs, degenerative disc disease…43 years old. Working construction since 10…never in my life would I imagine the hellish pain my back and legs have become over the past 5-8 years. Surgery is too risky for me for several other health reasons so I take medication and various other treatments to help. I wouldn’t wish it on a soul…so I sincerely say with great empathy that I surely hope you get the relief you deserve from the surgery. Wetting lines?? Is this a urinary problem or just a hobby of his ??
  6. Was not the best game we played but we won and that’s the only result that matters. Hats off to Pierce on the one really good catch he had (all season) this game lol.. Josh downs is a player and I am really happy he is a part of the team. Lots to look forward to with this team despite losing our QB so early in the season.
  7. I would bet money BB will not be fired in season. No way no how. You can argue the BB or TB dilemma all day long, truthfully I don’t think TB would have become the success he was without BB, and vice versa. BB will be coaching the pats till the end of the year easy money. After the year that could be a different story but even then I put the odds of him leaving after this year via any route at a small 10-15% chance.
  8. I’d prefer we keep moss and even extend him. I’d love him and Taylor in the backfield together for a few years.
  9. Well, Reich was a big problem, but Ballard was the bigger problem…and IS the bigger problem. He does not know how to assemble a proper football team. Again, and I’ll say it again and again, our team offensively may not be the chiefs..or eagles…but they are clearly capable of putting up enough points to win all with a backup QB and missing our star RB most of the games…it is our defense where we lack…trading Gilmore for example…what a lame move by Ballard….even lamer is not having gone out and getting someone worthy to replace him. He’s done this with O-line as well..and WR’s…he’s a mediocre GM and that’s being generous IMO.
  10. I still blame 90% of it on bad defense…from the players to the coaching side of that side of the ball…just poor.
  11. Our defense has been the biggest problem so far this year..even with a backup QB we are scoring what should be enough points to win the ballgame.
  12. I’ve said for awhile Ballard should have been gone. He has not been able to put together a competitive team. If not for luck carrying the colts for a few seasons we would really be on the high end of losses…
  13. No, Ballard will be back. He has a free pass with an injured QB unfortunately
  14. Best two running backs we’ve ever had at the same time for sure..
  15. I also was not a fan of the wildcat so much…did not seem to really benefit us in anyway. Much better snapping to the QB with our RB’s taking handoffs.
  16. Just watched the game myself…Minshew was as good as he was bad…completely sucked turning the ball over especially in the end zone that resulted in the browns getting a TD..but I’m a bit peeved with SS for calling the play he did. We needed to run it out of there. Also, SS went run heavy when on the series we were up by a few points and we got stuffed…should have mixed it up a bit there. Still a great game…shame we lost in the fashion we did.
  17. This years trade deadline will be spooky 👻 🎃…book it!!
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