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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. Honestly I don't know if Orlovsky is better or not so I am not trying to argue he's not I am just goin to say it's worth mentiong Orlovsky is completeing a high number of passes when the other team is in prevent defense. With that said if someone said Painter couldn't even do that right now am not sure I would believe myself if I even tried to say they were wrong.

    That's not completely accurate. The safeties were loose, but the cornerbacks were playing man to man predominently. It certainly wasn't a Colt's style prevent defense.

  2. I agree, I'd even entertain Elmo over Caldwell at this point. Grover could be the D.C. and Big Bird could be the O.C.

    I can see it now. "Hey Coach, we're 4 and 2, should we go for it?" Elmo talks it over with his staff, and you can hear a muffled "Near.........FAR........Near.......FAR!" as grover is running back and forth.

  3. We need to listen to one voice and ignore all the noisy negativists.Most of our errors are correctable.What the pundits and talking heads don't understand is we have been in all but 2or 3 of our games.A play here and a play there and we are 7-3.Coach Caldwell is doing a fine job.We will shrug off all the rats out to sea and finish strong.

    I beg to differ on almost every point you made. We haven't been in a position to win more than two of the games we've played. Our correctable errors are not being corrected, every week we have the same stupid false starts, stupid play from Lacy and special teams in general, and stupid play calling. Open your eyes man!!!

  4. I just about fell out of my seat when they ran the reverse. I was giddy with anticipation of what else lie in store for us. Sadly, I was duped, as the play calling became more and more ponderous throughout the game. Once Orlovsky came in, they actually made some progress. I really think that had O started, we might have pulled out a win today. You have to be pretty darn bad to only throw for 21 yards in an entire half.

  5. I know what you are talking about, I couldn't see Peyton's face from my vantage point, but the heat blast seared off my eyebrows. That series was laughable, the play calling was ponderous at best, and the whole section around me was very vocal about why we ran the same stupid run play around the 20 yard line (ours, not theirs).

  6. Okay -- This is for Peyton Girl:

    The one positive...the halftime show was awesome, and a great tribute to our men and women in uniform. Prior to the game, I am not ashamed to admit I had a tear in my eye when the soldier's wife and child were suprised with his appearance (He was dressed as Blue)...that was a wonderful display.

  7. Painter should be painting the bench with his backside. He's done, the Painter experiment is a complete failure. F-A-I-L-U-R-E!!!!!

    21 yards passing in the first half, how can anyone defend Painter after that?!? Pathetic. Orvlosky outperformed Painter in the pre-season, and he out performed him today. He (Painter) is toast, cut him at the end of the year, he is a waste of a roster spot, period.

  8. Hey Hey, HO HO, it's time for Caldwell and Coyer to go.

    I know the D played better today, I was there. But one game does not a coaching legacy make. We know our D has stunk for a long time, and now our offense matches.

    There is no way in heck that Painter should start against Carolina. 21 yards passing in the first half????? Give me a freakin break.

  9. There is a history of head coaches that "took" their teams to the SB. That isn't an indicator, long term or short term, on the coach's ability. If management continually gave Caldwell less talented players (and most agree with that sentiment) why didn't he say something about it or demanded a change in acquisition philosophy or just quit?

    Fans have a diversity of viewpoints on the Colts season, its management, coaching and players. So what, some fans disagree with your outlook. One might ask who the heck died and made you the judge of who is a true or fake or "fairweather" fan or a "bandwagoning fans". As a long time fan, I can make a statement that anyone who was not a Colts fan, either in Baltimore or Indy, pre Polian or I only like the Colts because of Manning is not a real fan and only those who mindlessly support Polian and the Colts since Polian came aboard are true fans. That would be an untrue and highly stupid thing to say or write.

    As far as your suggestion that people that don't agree with Caldwell's direction with the team should become a fan of another team suggests to me that you really don't know the true core of being a fan. A fan becomes a fan of a team, good or bad and just can't change teams because of bad seasons or bad managemen. They have the right to laud or criticize as their views dictate. You may think you know but you really don't know. You think you know, but you don't know. And you never will (sorry Jim Mora).

    Well said...Well said indeed.

  10. Maybe I am blind, but I didn't see anyone at last week's game wearing a "Luck" jersey. I'm sure some were there, but in my journey from New York st and Capital to my seats, I saw none. Lots of Manning jerseys, Addai, Wayne, Clark, but no Luck, so I don't know what Wendy's beef is. Hey Wendy, Where's the beef?

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