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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. I agree, I'll watch and cheer for Peyton where ever he goes, as long as it's not New England. I am near tears with the thought of Peyton not being a Colt, and more furious than ever at Jim Caldwell for bringing us to this point. The Colts will survive with a new QB, and maybe even excel, but Peyton is unreplaceable.

  2. I wish he had handled 2011 differently. Not the greatest coach, and I always knew that, but I like the way he handled 2009, up until Week 16. His flaws started to show in the Super Bowl, also. But, as has been mentioned, a great man, despite the disparagement he took at the hands of some fans who didn't like his facial expressions.

    Still, this is a good thing for the Colts. There are several better options available right now, and -- if we handle this right, and don't just hand the job to someone -- we can have a great coach.

    Pardon the question...but...He had facial expressions??

  3. Nobody is happy that Manning is getting old (in football years) but that's life. Sure, we could live in the past glory, (and we will remember fondly) but wouldn't it be better to have a glorious past and a promising future? Manning (he is the best) is reaching the end of his career and that's life. We all get old, we all die, there is no escaping that.

  4. I have one of those big foam fingers.....does that qualify for being a fan? (Please don't tell me where to stick it...)

    I tried to follow the gist of this thread, but I got side tracked and am now watching my Star Trek DVD collection, I'll check back in a couple days.

  5. Yeah, look what he did for Manning as his QB coach. WOW !

    I highly doubt that Caldwell 'coached' up Manning. More likely, Caldwell spent his time developing Curtis Painter and Jim Sorgi. How's that working out?

    Thinking the whole QB debacle this year, the whole coaching staff should have been canned immediately with Polian's, don't you think?

    See ya Caldwell, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  6. Even if Peyton never takes another snap in the NFL, or worse, is taking them for another team...someday, we may have a baby Manning on our beloved Colts. Something tells me the football lineage will not end with Peyton and Eli.

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