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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. I'm sorry, but I don't see how anyone who viewed this season with open eyes can consider the Colts a top ten team. Even with Manning back, the holes have been exposed. We are rebuilding, we ARE NOT a top ten team at the moment. We WILL be again, soon, but we are not going to be top ten next season. An objective person can see this plain as day.

    If Caldwell remains.....we'll be hard pressed to make the top 20.

    Now, perhaps I misunderstood...If we are talking top 10 franchises in NFL history, then yes, I think we would be in the top ten.

  2. I have to admit I had my doubts as to whether Jim Irsay would act, but I have to give him full kudos. This couldn't have been a spur of the moment thing, so I'm confident he's already been working on replacements for both the GM position as well as coaches.

    I wonder if Bob Lamey will be singing show tunes tonight on the Bill Polian Show...

    THIS JUST IN: Jim Irsay will be on the last minute replacement show per "The Fan".

    Not only that, streaming is back!! So we can listen to it outside of Indy! (Que the wizard of oz 'ding dong the witch is dead' music)

  3. Did we also not hear that the Colts are off today, via the same 1070 broadcast, uttered seconds after the initial tweet? I'll believe it when Peyton himself reports it.

    I believe the host of the show made some comment about Peyton tossing to Mr. Miyagi....he didn't really sound like he believed it completely, but then he didn't completely rule it out...so where does that leave us? Nowhere, until we hear from a reputable source. I'd thought that Polian would be sqwauking about it by now if it were true, wouldn't you guys?

  4. I don't see us winning any of those. The texans haven't really dropped off much offensively even with a third string QB, the titans always play us tough and we're out matched, and the Jags will be playing with motivation due to the firing of their coach. (think back to what happend the last time Indy fired their coach, if memory serves we won a few, right? Same will happen with the Jags.)

    End result, we are 0-16. But hey, it took Detroit several decades of ineptness to accomplish 0-16, WE did it in one season! That's got to be worth something, right?

  5. So we complain that we built a team and a strategy around one player's strengths: those belonging to Peyton Manning.

    Then the Broncos do the same for Tebow.

    It's bad to build around one player's strengths when it suits our argument to fire everyone. It's good to build around one player's strengths when it suits our argument to....fire everyone.

    Can't have it both ways, folks.

    Denver adapted their game for Tebow, Indy has had Peyton for over a decade. Show me where Indy adapted to anything. Tebow started the season as a third string QB, your argument has no merit.

    PS - Sorry Buck, just realized you beat me to the punch.

  6. With KC and Miami firing their head coaches, it occurred to me that now there are going to be at least three teams needing a head coach. Assuming that Caldwell has no future with the Colts, and I pray to God that he doesn't, then wouldn't it make sense to start pursuing a replacement now rather than later? With three other teams in competition for a few quality individuals out there and available, I would hope that we don't miss out because we waited until it was too late.

    What do you guys think? Is this a valid concern or not? Food for thought at any rate....

  7. If they aren't tanking the season, then they are pathetic beyond belief. I think the proof is on display every Sunday just about game time......

    Look at it this way. It took Detroit decades of being horrible to finally turn in the perfect 0-16 season. Being the over achievers that we are, apparently, we did it in one. We were a perinnial playoff caliber team, who in one measly season have sunk to not just worst in the NFL, potentially worst all time. Explain that please? The loss of Manning was catastrophic, but with the talent we STILL have on this team, we should have been able to squeak out a victory or two.

    There are many teams with less talent than the Colts that have won at least two games. (hint: every team but the Colts)

    Kansas City fired their coach today, so the more pertinent question is, why do we still have Caldwell and company?

  8. This just goes to show how inept our coaching staff really is. The Broncos shouldn't have won tonight, but they have made changes to their strategy to complement the players they have, and they have been very sucessful. Meanwhile, we do the same stupid thing each and every Sunday, and the result is the same....we lose in grand fashion.

    Someone explain to me why we even should entertain keeping our coaching staff one minute past the expiration of this season? This Colts fan wants Caldwell and Co. gone.

    Replaced with who? I don't care. Anyone but Caldwell and Co......Anyone, and I really mean that.

  9. Well, that was ugly, all the way around. I think Orlovsky is better than Painter, but when faced with a top rated defense, they both leave a lot to be desired. I do think the focus needs to be on why we are 0-13 after losing several players, most noteably PM. Focus the attention back on Caldwell, and realize that even a moderately competent coach should have been able to win at least one game with the talent on this team....just one. The way it looks now, 0-16 is looking very promising.

    I hope a new coach is looking promising too, because this is Caldwell's legacy.

  10. so you're betting you little sister on Baltimore giving 16....

    remember..you lost your little brother last week giving NE and 21??

    What are you talking about??????? Been hitting the booze a little early this evening I see.

    Sorry Jason, I just read through the remaining replies, it seems you and I think alike.

    For the record, I think I predicted 106 to 7 or something like that, but the madden gods gave me that score, so in effect, John Madden was betting his best friends uncle's brother in law, or something like that.

  11. While I don't really have a firm grasp on who might replace Caldwell, I do find it interesting that I last night I dreamed (Still fresh in my memory) that Tony Dungy came out of retirement to retake the reins. While I liked Tony, that's not something that I really long for...but obviously the desire to get rid of Caldwell have entered my subconscious throughts.

    I would not balk at Fisher coming in, nor a FATHEAD cutout of John Madden, Al Pancino, or even Pee Wee Herman at this point.

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