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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. What does it matter if your coach shows emotion or not?

    People on a subconscious level tend to mimick their leaders. As an airline pilot, I see it all the time with the crews I fly with. If your leader shows some excitement, you will too. If he/she is a bump on a log, well, guess what?

  2. Not hate, I like the man on a personal level. But those who remember me from websites prior, I have been very vocal about Caldwell dating back to when he took the reigns. I didn't feel he was qualified then, and I don't think he is qualified now.

    For the record, I liked Coach Dungy both as a person and a coach, and was very disappointed when he chose to call it quits.

  3. Is this a joke??? Peyton has no experience as a head coach. However, I would let him be an assistant and allow him to move up but again we already have a solid coach!!! Caldwell needs talent and he will get us to the promise land for sure. The guy did it once before and if we had a little more on D we could have beat the Saints.

    62 points, but if we had a little more D we could have been better? Okay. I guess that six inches at a time thing must be working out because they only allowed 31 points the next week versus the falcons. Caldwell has all the talent in the world and he squandered it, he is far, very far from a solid coach. But since this isn't a Caldwell thread, I'll stop there.

  4. When I was at the game last week, I sure wasn't cheering for the Colts to lose, and neither were the 60,000 other folks in attendance....ok, well maybe the Jax fans were, but they were in the minority. Again, I saw very few Luck jerseys, in fact, I think I only saw one, and it was on a homeless person under the railroad bridge.

    So yes, there perhaps are some fans that are rooting for a loss, but they are few and far between. Most of us here just want a win on Sunday....Is that so wrong?

  5. Of any player in the league, I think Peyton is the only one that would probably excel in any position he undertakes. With that in mind, I think he'd be a fine head coach. He understands the game, and is able to motivate his teamates to be better than their abilities. The only downside to some would be he's not an experienced head coach, but in reality, he's a student of the game, so it will not be a factor.

    Hey Irsay, hire him now!!!! (if he can't play)

  6. Not saying the players have quit. But if the players are not put in the right position, or the wrong players are played because it is the decision of those in charge to secure the number 1 pick, why is that hard to be possible? I mean why is Painter still at QB? Why isn't our rookie RB getting more chances, why has there been no change of offensive game calling without Peyton in there, why has the D continue to use a system that doesn't work?

    Because our coaching staff is inept, and our front office is dillusional.

  7. Things to do? I'm thinking doing something other than watching or listening to the game. Perhaps exercising, cleaning the house, pulling your toe nails off with some rusty pliers....Any of those would be more pleasant than watching the train wreck in action.

    But who am I kidding, I'll suffer through each game just like all the others here.

  8. Curtis isn't a scapegoat, he's inept. 21 passing yards in the first half? 94 yards for the game? Are you kidding me? I was at the game, the passes he connected on were due to his receivers ability to jump and catch, every ball was high. He was not on target at all, not one pass that I saw hit the receiver in the hands, or in stride. Painter is not worthy of a second string QB, he's barely adequate for 3rd string above the punter. Scapegoat? No, he's just that bad.

  9. Considering that the D was playing against the worst offense (next to us) in the NFL, I saw no positives at the game, other than there were some nice looking women to look at, and we held the JAGs to under 200 yards rushing. Beyond that....zippo.

  10. Painter has proven that he is barely functional as a disaster (3rd string) QB. I suspect that Mcafee would probably do better than Painter has, actually. Therefore, we need a backup QB going into next season. So let's evaluate Dan, and see if he is worthy.

    I hope so, because otherwise we are going to need to draft two QB's, Manning's eventual replacement, and one to serve as 2nd string QB. Painter -- He's not worthy to remain on the roster.

  11. Granted. However, Painter is barely worthy of a third string QB, just above the disaster QB (punter) on most teams. I'd suspect that our punter would probably do better than Painter, as McAfee is a competitor, something Painter seems to lack. With that in mind, let's look at Orlovsky and see if he is useable as a backup QB, because if he's not, we need two more QB's, not just one in the draft next year. We'll need Manning's eventual replacement, and we'll need a decent backup QB. Painter certainly is not worthy of that distinction, let's hope Orlovsky is.

  12. Agree Caldwell should go. Part of the problem, and why Donald only had eleven rushes, is that the Colts had false starts on at least 4 plays, and holding a time or two for good measure. So in essence, we took ourselves out of a running position. Coaches have an impact on discipline, and it doesn't take a genius to see that Caldwell doesn't place much emphasis on it.

  13. I've been a fan since Gary Hogeboom/Mike Pagel era, and have been up to this point fairly indifferent in regards to Polian. However, his relentless standing by to Caldwell, and the same mantra of 'fixing the little things and all will be better' are really getting old. After starting the season pro-Polian, my paitence has worn out. Now I am leaning towards the crowd that wants him run out of town.

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