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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. I wonder if the nerve damage was caused by the neck injury or a botched surgery, (the first one). Reason I ask is because I had both of my hips replaced over the last two and a half years, and I still have nerve damage (numbness) around and under the incision sites. If the nerves are cut, they may never recover, and he may have the numbness in his tricep for good. Hopefully they were just compressed and not cut, but time will tell.

  2. Humor me on this one, okay?

    Strange as it seems, I had a revelation while drinking my coffee this morning. Suppose the strike hadn't been resolved and the season were cancelled....Madness, I know, but just suppose.

    We wouldn't be 0-8.

    Peyton probably, possibly, just maybe might not have needed the last surgery.

    Bob Lamey would be able to sleep at night.

    The most popular halloween costume wouldn't be Jim Caldwell.

    Jim Irsay would be tweeting....well, I suppose there's no predicting what he might tweet about, is there?

    What other positives can you guys think of that might have been, had the season been scrapped?

  3. I'm still trying to comprehend what anyone sees in Caldwell that merits keeping him around? He's and his staff have done zero, ZERO, to improve this team since Dungy left. ZERO! The wins that came after D left were solely due to Peyton Manning, and this season is the absolute, undeniable proof.

    Caldwell and his staff are dead weight, and need to be jettisoned as quickly as possible so that the Colts can start the upward climb again. If we don't get rid of him, this season is going to be our future.

    So, Caldwell lovers, I've asked before, and I'll ask it again. What has he done that we want more of? (And don't give me the same old crap about the wins and Superbowl, and such...That was Peyton, not Caldwell)

  4. Peyton has gone on record numerous times (remember when he said it was unlikely he'd ever face his brother on the field again due to retirement?) that he has no wish to continue playing as long as Farve. Even if he comes back entirely from this injury, something I think is unlikely, he will probably only play another season or two and then retire to greener pastures. I don't think there is any chance he will be around for another six years.

    That being said, whom ever we end up with behind center needs the best offensive line money can buy.

  5. Manning was carrying the team.


    Now, Peyton is not going to be playing for much longer, which makes it all the more important that we have a coaching staff that is up to the task. The next QB we have will most likely not be anywhere near the caliber of Manning, do we really want this coaching staff to stay knowing this? Caldwell and crew are clearly incapable of coaching a team that has an average to below average QB behind center. Get rid of the coaching staff now.

  6. To say the game was not out of control at 20-0 is utterly dumb. I'm sorry, but it is. When has the offense, less Manning, shown that it is capable of putting up 20 points in a half? When? I want to know.

    Newsflash for you Trueblue, the game was very much on the line. In less of course, you already conceded defeat at that point, which is obviously what caldwell did prior to taking the field today.

  7. I don't understand the logic in keeping caldwell and his staff around until the end of the year. All we gain by doing that is getting our team accustomed to losing. I think it would be better to get some new coaches in place, and let them use the rest of the year for evaluating personel, and then they'd be armed to make smart people moves over the winter.

  8. I feel that if you won't say it to someone's face, then don't post it to a public board where it could get back to them. The net provides too much anonymity at times so that folks feel it is okay to be cruel. :(

    I tend to agree, that's why my photo is of myself and family, reminding me to stay true to my principals. Everything I have posted on the this site, I would have no issue with saying to the individual's face, given the chance.

  9. I agree with some of the others, lack of interest will rule the night. The Titans will score a field goal, and then somewhere before halftime, a butterfly will make it's way down to the field. Jacob Lacey will notice it first and start to chase it, ignoring his assigned reciever, but that's okay, because the reciever will notice the butterfly too, and start chasing it as well. The butterfly will make a slow turn, which causes Lacey to miss, and careen into the Titans bench, spilling their latte's and a shoving match will ensue between the two teams. However, one by one, they will become distracted by the butterfly again, leaving both teams chasing it, and Caldwell desparately glancing around for a butterfly net, as it's species is one he cherishes the most. Meanwhile Peyton Manning will have a stroke and will last be seen being led away in a straight jacket uttering "they suck, they suck" over and over.

    Finally, the time will run out in the half, and both teams, rather than heading down the tunnel, chase the butterfly out into the parking lot, and forgetting that they still have 1/2 of a game to play, head out for Pancakes at IHOP.

  10. While it's true that as fans, we don't have all the facts. However, we are not lemmings who blindly follow and cheer as we supposidly improve six inches at a time. Why on earth would you support the kind of product that we saw last Sunday? I love the Colts, but I won't pretend that it's okay that they got blown to bitty bits by the Saints. Kiss mod edit is not in my job description as a fan. If I am displeased, I will voice my opinion, loudly. I will not stare off in the distance and shout an uninspired Yea! as they lose by 50 plus points against the Titans next week.

  11. That is the elephant in the room. the question won't be answered anytime soon and has the biggest impact on this fracnhise for the next decade. We can only hope he is able to return.

    Holy crap! This is something that I actually agree with...now I'm really getting worried.

    Peyton's done it before, going from 3-13 to 13-3 in one season, so it is possible if he is healthy and gets some support from his teamates, and someone besides Blinky as a head coach along with his abissmal staff.

  12. They can't IR Manning. If they did, the colts would be completely coachless too, so he must stay active to be kept in the loop and allowed to glare on the sideline (as opposed to caldwell's useless stare)

    As for Collins...I guess that he was part of the problem that Irsay identified after the Saints game, and was corrected.

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