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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. Poison the locker room, perhaps...But just think of the nasty stare that Caldwell would give him during cookie and punch time (halftime). I'm not sure that the locker room wouldn't benefit from some dissention right now, as the coach has them all thinking that they are playing with great effort.

  2. I guess we'd better use stronger duct tape next time, seems someone escaped from the rafters at LOS. I thought we did a pretty good job taping him up there, but I guess not.

    DN, you have any idea how free markets work? DN, do you know that Peyton Manning has on multiple occasions given money back the Colts in his contract so that the team may pay other players? DN - oh nevermind, you are incapable of reasoned thought, so any more effort is a waste of time and energy. Besides, my father always taught me not to argue with idiocy, because often they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Good day to you sir.

  3. No, no and no.

    What's a resone? You mean reason? Probably not.

    Who knows what Polian will do with his draft pick, but I don't think it'll be on Luck Maby...Maybe Andrew Luck, but who knows.

    (sorry, I'm not the best at spelling all the time either, but I do put an effort into it, unlike our colts coaching staff)

  4. Hey, I was there last Sunday at LOS, section 624, and no one was chanting. I did scream "Fire Caldwell" from the rafters a few times though, but everyone was in so much shock from the abmissmal failures on the field that it yielded no results. I'll be in section 605 this sunday, maybe we'll have better luck.

    Seriously though, I was really shocked by the atmosphere at LOS. I was a season ticket holder from the time the colts arrived in Indy to the mid nineties, (some real bad teams) and had never experienced that kind of aire of defeat. It was smothering. The Colts were very much not interested in playing, and in the past, the crowd would amuse themselves by doing the wave, or picking on the fans of the opponet. This Sunday, it was as if we were attending a funeral....In a way we were, I suppose...

    I did notice a large number of fans were texting on their phones throughout the game. So that begs the question, is the crowd not into the game because the Colts stink, or because of smart phones?

  5. Well then I probably had a better seat - right in front of my tv. :D Short answer, Atlanta punted the ball seven times, and we had the pick 6.

    Long answer, I never had the feeling that the defense was beat up and getting pushed around as has been happening all year. The two home runs were disturbing, but on many occasions we were able to flat out stop them - and they have a pretty good offense that excels at both running and passing. Based on the way the offense played this game could have been as ugly as the NO game, but it wasn't. In fact if the offense had performed comparably to the defense this would have been an extremely close game.

    Well, being the sadist that I apparently am, I just bought tickets for the JAX game this Sunday, but I chose section 605, so maybe I'll have a better view.....I'd like to see what you are seeing from them, any improvement would be a good thing.

  6. I agree with you. Even allowing for that, I think that Painter is off his game, but I would agree that the line is the biggest issue.

    Before this most recent game I contributed to a discussion about Painter's effectiveness by pointing out that in an effort to avoid sacks and turnovers the offensive game plan had been reduced to virtually instant passes. I attributed it to the fact that the oline was comprised (at that point) of Saturday and a bunch of 3rd/4th stringers. I thought that this week would be better with Costanzo (and others?) returning. The Colts may have tried to get a little more adventurous with their pass calls, but neither the line nor Painter handled the pressure well.

    In panning this game lets not forget that the offense didn't look that bad at first, aside from the two turnovers. Add in the two home runs to Jones, and basically there were four game changing plays in the Falcons favor by the time the first quarter was barely over. The Falcons knew that the Colts had to pass once they had the large lead, and the Colts had no chance. They just can't afford those kinds of mistakes. If the Colts don't turn it over, and somebody tackles Jones on that short route it's an entirely different ballgame. You have to be encouraged by the defenses performance other than those two plays.

    I was at the game, I saw nothing impressive about the defense other than the pick six. What are you talking about?

  7. Unreasonable to make the playoffs? Perhaps. How about win a game? Is that unreasonable too?

    You mentioned the Pats, they lost Brady several seasons ago, I guess I missed it when they went 0-16, or even 0-9.

  8. Speaking of undying defense. DN4192 said he was wearing a Peyton who/keep Caldwell shirt. to his first game yesterday, Ought o he hasn' been heard from today I hope he made it out of the oil can okay. LOL. Now that is worse than 0-9.

    Somehow, I am not suprised about that...I was wondering who that was hanging from the rafters....

  9. I was at the game sunday. The Colts play was shameful. Let me repeat...SHAMEFUL!!!!!!!!!!

    There was no enthusiasm, there was no hard play. The Colts looked bored, and uninterested, almost as much as the fans. IT WAS PATHETIC.

    Caldwell needs to be shown the door, he is the Colts kryptonite, plain and simple. He sapps the energy from the team with his blank stare of doom.

    I am being honest when I say, as a former season ticket holder (80's and early 90's, so I've seen some ugly teams), I have never seen the lackadasical atmosphere I witnessed in LOS this Sunday. It was an awakening as to how bad we really have fallen under the tenure of this man. Did I mention SHAMEFUL?

  10. IMHO,, NFL sunday ticket is an expensive waste. That's why I cancelled mine. Actually it was kind of a protest as well, not only is it very expensive, after being a DirecTV and NFL subscriber for 13 years, DirecTV started giving newbies Sunday Ticket for free to sign up. The loyal customers reward? I get an occasional free premium channel weekend on channels that have nothing but old, bad movies on it, that I have no interest in watching.

    I'd dump DirecTV in a minute if I had a better choice, but unfortunately in my area, I'm stuck with them.

  11. I just puke at all the know it alls brothers, sisters, mothers, second cousins opinion that have NO connection to Manning or his surgeons and NO information on any of Manning medical reports saying.. based on zero information and just pure speculation, he will NEVER play another game. Excuse me while i fill my puke bucket back up.

    Until Manning retires and he says it himself, i will not say he is done.

    Show ain't over till the QB says it is.

    I just puke at brain dead folks who can't accept that another person's opinion is just that.

    Oh, just FYI, this whole freaking thread is speculation...lighten up Francis.

  12. I was at the game and paid close attention to Painter. The stripe on his helmet lined up exactly with the receiver he targeted from the time the ball was snapped to his release. He's staring down his target, big time, every time. It's no wonder that the opponet's defense is a step ahead of our beloved Colts.

  13. Where have you been Uncle Mark? The Colts have not been on television in the Chicago area at all this year unless it's been a prime time game. It stinks....I cancelled NFL Sunday ticket this year because they've always been on in the past. This year...NADA.

    At least they have not been worth watching this year, so I know I am missing nothing...nothing at all.

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