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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. 12 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    LOL. I wish Gronk would leave the Patriots so he could be one of my favorites dude cracks me up. I read an article that said Gronk once missed a FT in high school basketball just so the score would stay 69.. lol then run back down the court pointing at the scoreboard hahaha what a fool

    You know I really hate the Pats but it's really hard not to like Gronk. We have a 10 yr old daughter and she loves the show Crashletes on Nickelodeon that he's one of the hosts. It's hilarious and so is he on it.

  2. 14 hours ago, BR-549 said:


    I sometimes wonder about those two, lol.


    This one is better.  I have had them in my collection for a few years just because I sometimes made fun of him a little with a friend of mine (now deceased sadly) 


    I do actually like JB, but I get a little worn with him always being with Troy and always doing Dallas (hey new movie instead of Debbie?) or NFC etc....  Just saying.  I liked the World Series though, that was pretty cool!

    Ok, I will stop now.  Joe Buck .... hip hip hooray 


    Troy and Joey Do Dallas?

  3. I'd have absolutely NO problem with Cook....he's a homerun hitter this team hasn't had in years and might be too much to pass up. When's the last time D's have had to respect the run game of the Colts? That'll make Luck's life easier. Plus Cook could turn those 7-10 yard runs Gore got into 20+ yard runs. Keeping the offensive on the field and the D off the field is another way to help the D...besides just drafting D talent (which is still very much needed).

  4. 1 hour ago, Smonroe said:


    What I can't figure out is why Grigson didn't get that.


    Oh well, water under the bridge and all that...


    oh he tried, A LOT actually, unfortunately most didn't work out due to injury or just not very good. To his credit he did appear to nail the O line in the last draft. Too little too late though for him.

  5. 3 minutes ago, chad72 said:

    I never understood the true significance of Peyton taking the play clock down all the way to 1 second and then handing off for a 1 or 2 yard run to keep Ds honest till I saw what not to do from the Falcons' offense. Clock control and keeping opposing QBs on the sidelines is an art too. 


    yep it makes sense now.


    I understand that they're a very aggressive offensive but there is a such thing as situational football where it pays to be conservative. That bit Atlanta big time.

  6. 1 minute ago, RollerColt said:

    You're argument is valid. But I often wonder if it's actually a two way street. I think Brady needs the team, but the team also needs Brady to get to, and win so many championships. 


    I'm not so sure a guy like say, Garappolo, would be able to win the big one. He might be able to help the team to the playoffs, but to be in seven championships and win five of them? I just don't know... Defenses are ridiculously important. A good defense is a must to win. But it isn't the only thing needed to stay consistent. For example: The Denver Broncos. Great defense, but really crappy offense. That worked for one year, but failed the next. 


    It's a team game. And let's face it: the Patriots team is and has been far better than anyone else at accomplishing this. Great offense with great defense.  


    Here's another angle worth mentioning: I feel sometimes that wide receivers should get way more credit anyways than the QB. I mean, would Brady have that 5th ring if Edelman doesn't make the circus catch, and just completely dominate in the 4th quarter? :D

    and this years Pats D was #1 in Points per game too.

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