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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. Nelson would be an immense help on the O line and would turn the left side of the line into possibly an upper echelon unit in the league.

    With that said.....I'd be hard pressed to take him at 6 (if Chubb is gone) because it is such a deep draft in interior line. And given how thin they are at linebacker and either Edmunds or Smith being a huge boost to the lbers. 

    The talent pool of guards after the first round is MUCH better than the talent pool of linebackers etc.


    Buuuut......I still wouldn't be upset if they chose Nelson either.....honestly they're in a great spot to still get a blue chip prospect AND potentially kill it in the 2nd and 3rd round.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    I think part of the reason Ballard will shy away from taking Nelson, aside from the whole positional value aspect, is that he expects one of Hernandez/Wynn to be there in the early 2nd. Or Billy Price if worst comes to worst (who I really like, just the injury stuff).

    Not only that, but I imagine he thinks most if not all the top defensive talent will be getting picked clean right at the end of the 1st and those few picks in the early 2nd before us. I figure he'll want to avoid completely missing out on that defensive talent.

    This is what I'm thinking too.


    This is a VERY deep draft for guards. Sure they're not on the level of Nelson but they're still very good. And very good is a MASSIVE upgrade over what's currently on the roster. So the quality of guard after the first is much better than the LB quality after the first.


    This is why I can see them taking Smith if Chubb is gone.

  3. 11 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Vilma said the exact same thing on yesterday afternoons Moving the Chbain radio show, NFL Radio as I mention above!  Those that really know responsibilities and skill sets seem to agree with this assessment.

    as more time goes one, the more I'm thinking Smith will be the pick if Chubb is off the board unless there's a can't pass deal from a team to move up. And I have noooo problem with that.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Yup, I could see this being about as legitimate as pre-draft rumors go.

    I wouldn't be surprised if option A is Chubb, with a potential trade down or just picking Roquan at #6 as option B. I've never really thought Ballard would draft Barkley or Nelson, which is a pretty unpopular opinion, but it's just my thinking.

    this ^^^


    I agree that Chubb is the preferred choice. Also if this wasn't such a deep Guard draft I could see them taking Nelson. But it is very deep at guard and I can see them using one of their 2nd rounders on one.


    Now, I'm interested to see what they'll do if Chubb is gone but they can't find a trade partner at 6.


    Honestly, if they love a player that much, a few draft spots won't make that big a difference and they should just take him. But if they can trade back, still get Smith AND get extra picks then that's just icing on the cake.

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  5. I'm really starting to believe that if Chubb is gone, the Colts will go for either Edmunds or Smith. The need for LBs is too big and their talent can't be passed up.


    As much as I would love to have Nelson (he'd make the left side of the line one of the better in the league overall). The talent at Guard in the later rounds is far better than the talent linebacker in the later rounds.


    So from an overall team perspective, it would be better to take either Chubb, Edmunds, or Smith then target one of the guards with possibly one of the 3 2nd round picks.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

    One thing is there is no indicator saying we are running the Tampa 2.  We are going to run a version of 4-3 zone schemes.  Even just looking at the Tampa 2...the Bears had a solid D, consistently ranked well.  Their problem was the offense was not that good and they never had a good QB.

    That and look at what won Tampa the Super Bowl---that D was borderline all time great. Same with Seattle when they won.....it's not the scheme, it's having the right players.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

    I have said multiple times on this forum and stand firm in my belief that Ballard will wait until draft day. He's doing his homework and entertaining offers so if  2 quarterbacks fall to #6, he knows what he wants to get out of a trade... He has 100% of the leverage in any trade scenario. 


    Sit back and watch folks. This is going to be fun. 

    I agree.....he said it's going to take a very special deal to have them move.....it's a win win either way.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    Chris Ballard did let him walk and for good reason. 


    Melvin is a press corner and he doesn’t fit the new scheme. 


    What’s the old saying, “round pegs in square holes”. 

    been too much of that the last few years anyways.

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