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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. 39 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Actually you are not stating facts, you are stating on opinion based on a PFF grade.  And quite frankly a PFF grade means very little especially when it comes to offensive lineman.  


    I've watched a couple of Giants games and I watched Hernandez specifically because he was a player I thought would be good if the Colts drafted him.  And he's play ok... above average bordering on good, which IMO is excellent for a rookie, especially because the Giants line is trash.  That being said, Hernandez and not been really anywhere close to Nelson in effectiveness.  Nelson is a rookie and he is losing some battles but when you look at his technique in just about all situations, he quickness, his strength and his ability to keep his head on a swivel and adjust during the play to what the defense is doing, it's been uncanny for a rookie.  He was worth every bit of a 6th pick in the draft.

    also keep in mind who Nelson has gone up against in his first 6 starts too....other than Aaron Donald, he's pretty much gone up against the best D lineman the NFL has to offer.

  2. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    None of this is a surprise to Chris Ballard.     The kids he has have to play.


    He's willing to lose games this year so he can win more games down the road.   2018 was never in the plans.    But 19 and 20 and 21 and beyond very much are.


    Media writing these stories literally do not understand what he's doing.     But just because they don't get it,  doesn't mean we shouldn't get it.      


    You don't have to like it,   but at least understand it.   Ballard has explained himself on multiple occasions.    He's not keeping this a well guarded secret.


    No big spending until he's established the locker-room culture that he wants.....


    One more off-season,  then things will change in 2020.     If they change this coming year,   then Irsay has changed his view and has ordered Ballard to speed up the timeline....


    This has been his plan all along and has been very transparent on it...Irsay too actually. He's said repeatedly that he wants to compete for multiple championships, not be a one year flash in the pan and if that means having a couple down years to achieve that, then he's willing to do that.

    They've both been very open about it and it's not their fault there are those who don't want to see it.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I had a feeling that it was going to be a very up and down season....youth is a big part of it.... combine that with all the injuries and it's not a recipe for success..... However, I can see the glimpses of what the team is capable of. Draft next year like they did this year and they're well in their way. I was a fan through the lean years of the late 80s and 90s.....those were BAD teams....this is what a legit rebuild looks like. This isn't a bad team like those, just very inconsistent. 


  4. 17 minutes ago, J@son said:


    I wouldn't have and it wouldn't have been a difficult decision at all.

    same here...let's revisit who the Colts got with that trade:

    Nelson---stud (though still has some learning to do, as with any rookie)

    Leonard--Stud--see Nelson

    Braden Smith----potential stud---could help solidify the interior for years along with Nelson and Kelly....plus has shown can kick out to RT when needed. Still needs experience but the talent is there.

    Tyquan Lewis---the wild card since he's been hurt and we have no idea what he can do

    + a 2019 2nd Rd pick which will most likely be pretty high.


    so instead of having 1 stud(Barkley), the Colts got 2 studs so far that will only get better, a potential very solid player I think at worst and another potentially high 2nd round pick next year. And if Lewis pans out, that's even better. That's how teams with long term success are built.

  5. It's not lack of talent this year, it's lack of experience and lack of healthy bodies so far. For the most part, they're showing a lot of the talent is there, it's just the growing pains right now. They're getting a baptism by fire and they're making plays too. We knew the first part of the year would be pretty maddening due to the inconsistency but they're already showing much more than at any time last year.

  6. Also keep in mind that Irsay, himself, has stated repeatedly that he's willing to have a couple down years in order to be a long term consistent contender. They're thinking long term. This isn't the year to go all in. That's what I think hurt the previous regime the most. The too soon success...so instead of going through a proper rebuild(which I think they're doing now). They were too good too early and went all in. Which backfired spectacularly.

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  7. The scary thing for the rest of the league is that he's only going to get better.......plus he's gone up against an absolute murderers row of opponents the first month of his career and he's more than held his own. Sure he's been beaten here and there, but he's also dominated too. I think you'll see him really take over the second half of the season and beyond.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

    Not even close to being true. We've only given up 10 sacks on the year. Nelson has only given up one sack that I can remember when Clowney steam rolled him.

    yep....and after watching last night Clowney school Tyron Smith at times, I don't feel too bad about it.

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