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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. 7 minutes ago, Superman said:


    1) This was maybe the sloppiest game of the season (in the mix with the Jets game and the Texans game). Too many penalties, turnovers, and blown assignments, in all phases. A blocked punt, a weird FG miss, a penalty on a punt return (partly because Rogers didn't call fair catch, putting the blocker in a tough situation), etc. We kind of did everything wrong.

    2) Reich seemed out of rhythm. After a great stretch of playcalling, he seemed overly stubborn on first down, I thought he missed opportunities for play action, and we stalled out on third down for the first time in a while. Some of his play calls seemed a little reckless -- like the Brissett pass.

    3) Pass defense is still a problem. I'm giving Desir the benefit of the doubt on the long TD, but Tannehill was still able to complete a high percentage for a strong average per attempt. Some troublesome missed tackles as well.

    4) The OL didn't have a great game. I won't nitpick too much, this was still a more than decent performance, just not as dominant as we've seen over the last month.

    5) Luck misfired a few times. Yawn, nothing to see here, but it was frustrating.



    1) "We will be the toughest team both mentally and physically. What I mean by that, is there will be a relentless pursuit to get better every day and an obsession with finishing strong." That's what Reich said in his introductory presser. I called the team out early this season for crumbling late in games and not finishing. We would not have won this game in September, but pulling it out now shows that this team has improved, and can finish. 

    2) Along the same lines, finishing this game with 13 unanswered points after shooting ourselves in the foot all day is a positive. It might also serve as a splash of cold water and get the guys to dial in before next week's rematch with a desperate and frustrated Jags team (they got into a brawl with the Bills yesterday, just a sign of how mad they are).

    3) Andrew Luck is a playmaker, bottom line.

    and they just canned their OC today too.

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  2. Winning a game they had no business winning.....was it ugly? Absolutely. But a win is a win. Especially against a desperate team coming off a bye too. Future is bright....a couple more solid players on D and more experience and this team will be a load.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    It's not that the scheme is horrible, it's just horrible for the talent on the Colts this year.  a Cover 2 type d needs to get pressure from the front 4, when the front 4 provides consistent pressure then it's tough to have sustained drives.  When they don't get consistent pressure then we see drives like Jax and Oak have had in the last two games.


    That is why I wanted Chubb and Hurst in this past draft (I like the Nelson pick after trading but when the Colts were at 3, I think Chubb would have been the choice) and I would much rather have Hurst than Wilkins.  So that just means in the 2019 draft the Colts need to look at adding a 3 tech DT and another 1 or 2 DEs.  Need some more capable bodies to rotate with Sheard and Turay.  Lewis may be another well.

    Luckily, this coming draft is DEEP in D line talent.

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