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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. A bit early to be saying he's the best guard in the league when he's only had 2 NFL full pad practices.


    HOWEVER, it's hard not to see the tone he's setting and what he's capable of. There's a nastiness to his game that this OL hasn't had in years. The future is VERY bright though and I'm excited about it.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    Either Andrew is auditioning for Capt. America or he is doing a TON of work on everything but his throwing. He looks jacked....especially his legs. He may not be able to throw but he hasn't been sitting back drinking Mai Tais. What the heck did they do to him over there in Europe?? Hope no secret serum.....I know who is getting tested first this year. I mean the beard alone has to scream he is on Testosterone right? lol

    well that picture he looks like post-serum Captain America...last year around this time he looked like pre-serum Steve Rogers.  

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  3. 6 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     I am just giving credit where i believe it is due. The teams i see above us look VERY solid all around.

    Watson was fun to watch. If healthy he is a Bad man.
     The Irsay, Ballard plan will be to use, develop all these young guys asap. IMO
    A big roster turn even again next year.
    With New Coaches, systems, winning much this year would not be a plus. Drafting top 3 again would be Great.
    In 2019 we can start plucking away, paying top $$$ for 1-2 big time FA. Maybe a DT, LB, or CB.  :applause:
    After the coming season, Winning will be all out.

    Not saying the team wouldn't still be in this position, but I think that's what hurt the Grigson era the most. Winning too much too soon. They never had a chance to do a proper rebuild.

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