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Posts posted by JPFolks

  1. On 3/12/2019 at 12:34 AM, Chloe6124 said:

    Have to remember we have a lot of targets. Plus three pretty good running backs. Yes it woul d hurt if TY missed that many games but we would be ok. Our offense isn’t just TY.

    He's the only reliable guy to catch the ball outside of Doyle.  

  2. On 3/14/2019 at 12:53 PM, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    Let all the other teams break the bank, then once the 2nd wave of FA starts, there are only a couple of teams to compete with, therefore the bidding is way less aggressive, but there really isn't much of a dropoff in the value of the player. It's similar to trading back to acquire 2nd round picks as opposed to trading up to gain a few spots in the 1st round.

    I think you are right when it comes to FA, but there ARE transcendent first rounders that can't be approximated later, and we have two: Luck and Nelson.  Both were can't miss guys and though we didn't trade up to get them, we certainly couldn't have traded down to get them.  But on the otherside in support of your point we have The Maniac... many people wanted the 1st round guy that went to the Bears who was also fantastic, but at the top of the 2nd was a player even better.  I think each year there's maybe 3 guys at the top of the draft that are worth going after hard, but then they are so compatible.. I wonder if there's a study of how many 2nd rounders make it compared to 1st rounders, to a second contract?  Same with later rounds.  That would be interesting.  

  3. 16 hours ago, Scott Pennock said:

    . The average age of the current roster: 25.2

    Average experience of current roster: 3.2

    Without AV's 46 years and 23 years....

    Age: 24.8 & Experience: 2.9

    For an 10-6 and 1-1 team with Rookie HC and coordinators and a 2nd year GM that is pretty spectacular.


    Carroll Phillips and Jihad Ward both played at Illinois and were coached by Phair


    Carroll Phillips and Ahmad Thomas won state football championships together in Miami in High School


    Antonio Garcia, after being a 3rd Round Pick (with lots of accolades) of the Patriots, was released after being diagnosed with blood cl.ots in his lungs and dropping 40 pounds. Fully healthy now he COULD be the hier apparent to Castonzo.


    Al-Quadin Muhammad was a 4 star recruit at Miami and was suspended with then teammate Jermaine Grace (former Colt) and missed 2 years of college ball due to another suspension where he was falsley accused of an domestic altercation with a roomate - he was still drafted in the 6th round by the Saints on pure talent - redshirted even though he tore up the preseason twice - and Ballard scooped him up at cut down day. Theoretically he would now have his 4 years of college experience and I believe he will breakout candidate this year! 


    Deon Cain and Marcus Johnson both started their college careers as quarterbacks until transitioning to wide receivers. We will reap those benefits.


    Jihad Ward is my other breakout candidate on the defensive line. He was always better suited for the UT position, and Eberflus surely saw that when he coached him at the Senior Bowl and with Dallas briefly, as does Phair his old college line coach. Now that he is in a position to use his natural abilities with us, I see 5-10 sack potential in him and he will be my second breakout candidate of the year.


    We have 6 tightends on the current roster, only one of which was drafted. Additionally, 2 were college bball players (Travis & Alie-Cox) and one was a wide receiver (Billy Brown). Very interesting and diverse backgrounds for the deepest TE room in the league. 


    Lastly, while I will not have Cain or Fountain as breakout candidates (yet), but, I will say that they will contribute this year in the offense. Likely at the expense of Pascal and/or Rogers.

    Interesting info/thoughts.  I disagree with Fountain overtaking Pascal.  I think Pascal could be the WR to break through big for us.  I am also not as in love with our TE room as you are.  A lot rides on whether Doyle can return full force.  If not (if they already know he's not going to be the same) I would like to see them draft a stud TE who actually knows how to play already.  I am tired of converting guys who don't even know football.  Why take the hard road? Plus the TE group was very injury prone last year and it deeply hurt our offense.  

  4. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Oh, Dear God!   


    Because (A) we’re a community.  And (B). Because Superman is not just “anonymous nobody” as you put it. 


    He is BY FAR the most respected member of our community and it’s nit even close.   By the way, this is not my opinion, thus is objective fact if the number of “likes” has any value or meaning.




    I don't disagree with your assessment of Superman's popularity or his knowledge, but if you REALLY think "likes" mean anything, there's a lot of adolescents on FB and Instagram who agree with you.  They act in "hive mind" consensus following which throughout history is destructive to each society engaged in mob rule. 


    Mob rule doesn't make anyone right.  It only takes 1 correct opinion to defeat the overwhelming majority who believe the wrong thing.  So give Superman his due based on his knowledge.  He isn't "more" right because he has likes nor does it mean his guesses are guaranteed.  I learn all sorts of things from all sorts of people here who get few to no likes.  Anyone brave enough to go against the mob reminds us it may serve us well to entertain alternative views of a given subject and not just wait for orders on high from our celebrity culture.  If recent events in our world haven't proven their fallibility even though they all have plenty of "likes" nothing will wake you up.  Argue the merits of each point from your own viewpoint, high five people who come up with a fresh idea, interesting way to look at something, tried and true methodology that leads to positive results and so on.  But don't jump on something, an idea or a person's opinions, because they have "likes."  There are plenty of very young people in our culture who garner zillions of likes and have no clues. 


    The same goes for "experts" in all arenas.  Follow the argument, not the person making it.  Giving a like simply means YOU agree with someone in that statement, not that every future thing they say will be correct.  Authoritarians are born that way.  (No, I am not saying anyone here is such a person, but that is how they have ALWAYS been created through history).  A like should be for the person receiving its benefit for a job well done, not a permanent endorsement.  But that's just my opinion.  I don't expect you to like it.  

    • Like 1
  5. 59 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It’s like why change what isn’t broken. Ballard kept his word. That means a lot to other players on this team.

    Yeah, it is nice to see him following through on the plan he talks about.  I am not surprised he resigned, after seeing the grass wouldn't be greener elsewhere.  I think even if the price is a nudge higher than some people want, it is still a better investment beyond just this player.  It means, as I and others have said, that going forward not only our own players, but anyone we might target (like the handful of midlevel guys they are about to sign) will have the same buy in and imagine say 4 more really solid players (Desir may not be the end all, but people have to admit he is solid) and solid players who buy in certainly sounds like the way another team has won a few rings eh? 

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Sorry, I disagree. The reasons have already been covered.

    I am concerned with the one year deal but I am not assuming it is a bad signing till it all plays out.

    The draft, then getting 90 players ready for camp. I be damn if I am losing any sleep over Funchess being signed.

    Do you EVER lose sleep over something involving a football game? SERIOUSLY? If not, then what is your point?


    We're here to have fun ruminating about football in the offseason.  Otherwise, it's boring this time of year while half the NBA is tanking, 6 teams are gearing up to predictably dominate while the others just hope they can win 1 series as the absolute crowning achievement they'll ever achieve in this era.  A couple teams at the top are yawning their way to the playoffs because they couldn't even care less what their seed is in the end. 


    My point to all this is if we're not going to talk about the only guy of note we've signed outside the team this year, what are we supposed to talk about on a Colts message board where by rule we can only post about the Colts? (lots more to discuss on the FA board).  None of us REALLY care about how much billionaires spend on players, it's all monopoly money to real working people.  We can't discuss the training camp until we even know the players involved.  We can't discuss the draft this early until we know what positions we haven't shored up during FA.  I never understand why people attack PEOPLE here for reacting to something?  (Not you in this case, but it is everywhere online we all see it).  I want all sorts of theories and babble to amuse myself here, agreeing, disagreeing, playing couch-gm and now and then even learning something brand new.  Predictions by everyone at all levels are wrong most of the time which is why the NFL is the most fun league to follow, not even close to any other.  Even the hated Patriots make it more interesting because everyone outside of Patriot's Land is a fan of the team they are playing every week.  In the NBA, people don't even get excited about Golden State coming, even on the occasion they lose, it is a brief blip of fun and then a deep yawn.  


    So regardless as to whether we sign everyone to great deals, bad deals or no deal, what sane person would EVER lose sleep about a football game?  That seems crazy.   

  7. I agree with whoever it was that said we lose either way long term in regard to Funchess.  If he plays really well, since we didn't even get a second year, he'll get a massive deal in an ever expanding FA frenzy each year and he'll walk.  (I mean if we didn't even consider going after Brown or Beckham this year, we're not breaking the bank for Funchess unless he's All Pro next year.  I won't hold my breath for that.  Which means if he plays well, he'll be gone, we'll get a pick.  On the other hand, if he plays poorly we will have wasted the money and possibly lost an opportunity to advance as far due to subpar play by him.  Then we'll cut him and no one else will give him a decent deal so we'll get a low comp pick.  If he plays middling (the most likely scenario) then he'll have taken the place of a young player who might have developed, or he'll have taken the place of us having a stud there who would help us win games.  I expect 600-700 yards, 5 TDs.  Middling.  Not worth Top 20 money.  Essentially a waste of time with no real upside.  He'll simply be who he has already proven himself to be.  


    As all fans do, I hope I am wrong and he balls out.  But even if he does, it seems unlikely he plays 2 years here because he's too good or not good enough and either way he'll be gone.  

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, NDcolt said:

    Bill Polian was pretty good but CB has better scouts and an eye for talent.  After 2019 Season, the world will be put on FULL NOTICE.

    Yeah, that Bill Polian guy he never drafted great talent in any of his stops along the way right.  He just didn't have an eye for talent I guess. 


    CB and his team certainly can't scout WR's for S#%& to date.  And KC before this never had good WR's, which is what always held them back until they finally took a flyer on a low character guy in Hill.  And that is 1 WR pick in how many years in their system as a scout etc? And so far his WR FA's and picks have proven problematic.  His best move was picking up a guy off the street because of the relationship his former coach had with Inman.  Who know's how Cain or Pascal will turn out, but I can think of hmmm.. at least a few solid WR's that Polian picked up in his career.  

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Nesjan3 said:

    or what if Luck and Funchess have instant chemistry like the Luck and Ebron, wouldn't we want to keep him around, givin that he is only 25?

    If he works out on some level, he's getting a big multi year deal.  It seems unlikely we'd give him that when we didn't offer something (or at least not enough) to a far superior Ty Williams.  

  10. 19 hours ago, AwesomeAustin said:

    I am very positive about the Funchess signing.  I thought we over paid for Ebron last year and I was wrong in so many ways.  If Ballard and Reich see enough in Funchess to pay him a $10mil base, I will trust the process.  He is a big bodied receiver this board had been wanting for awhile.  I feel he will be a great target for 3rd down and in the red zone. 


    1. Hilton

    2. Funchess

    3. Draft pick or I hope Innman

    4. Rogers

    5. Cain

    6. Battle between several players which is great.  


    3rd spot is wide open and a work in progress. Ebron acts as a 3rd receiver a lot so hopefully the size of him and Funchess will force defenses into mismatches often. This is shaping up to be a very good group of receivers. Remember, Luck threw 39 TDS to a revolving group of receivers...it’s already improved. 

    How do you leave Pascal off? He's our 2nd best receiver right now based on who is signed.  Funchess is probably third, though he had the same number of catches as Rogers did, so we'll see.  I know they WANT him to be #2, but as of now I have more confidence in the developing Pascal's potential, whereas we have 4 full years of Funchess to compare him to.  Would you trust our season to Funchess on third and 10 and TY double teamed and Ebron having to help block a furious pass rush? I wouldn't.  I might like him on 3rd and 30... I will give you that.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, Legend of Luck said:

    The Colts may have a deeper plan as it pertains to this deal for Devin Funchess.

    Picture this. Ballard drafts a 2nd Round Receiver, let's say Hakeem Butler. Receivers as we have seen over the last 5 or so years, need time to get comfortable and to develop in the NFL and typically really get going in their 2nd year.

    So you have TY, Cain, and Funchess as your starters this year, with Butler getting plenty of reps.

    Funchess has a better year than he had in 2018,  he's only 25 going into next offseason, Ballard let's him walk and sign a big deal like he did this year, the Colts receive a 3rd round compensatory pick, and Butler takes over the starting role in 2020.

    Our Rookie is better, we're not tied to a big long contract for a FA receiver, AND we get a 3rd round pick in 2020.


    I personally think this is his plan, and if so, it's a brilliant one.


    Why would we get a 3rd rounder? How do you come to that conclusion? I've never really understood that process very well.  

  12. 1 minute ago, Superman said:


    He was better in the agility tests, I think that's what the other poster's point was.

    He implied it.  So have you.  Same question though, do you know how the two did in the combine? That was my point and my question.  You may well be right, but what are the numbers.  People complain about Combine numbers all the time not equating to football speed.  This might be an interesting case to look at.  So again, I don't know the ACTUAL numbers, do you? 

  13. 2 hours ago, ColtJax said:


    The Jags paid him 10 million last year, and he was horrible. The market is once again insane, Humphreys, a slot receiver is going to make 10 million. For a 1 year deal you're always going to have to pay more, so this isn't a bad "show me" deal. There's a reason why the Giants let Collins walk, the Redskins do what they always do, they over spend in FA and end up picking in the top ten for it.. 

    I was suggesting that THIS year Moncrief would likely have been a cheaper option.  We'll see once he is signed somewhere.  I didn't WANT him back, it is simply "compared to a stick in the eye or a kick in the shin.. the shin might be a better option..." sort of choice.  

  14. 4 minutes ago, akcolt said:

    Funchess 4.47 40 Alshon 4.48 

    That is what is so weird.  There is 40 speed, and playing speed.  They aren't always the same thing, this is proof of that.  I don't recall seeing Funchess playing like he was as fast as Alshon plays.  Nor running away from coverage.  Sure, he has some highlights like all Pro players do, but watch him play live, play after play and see if you see the same game speed. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, shastamasta said:

    But my real hope is that Ballard invests in the draft in a couple of WRs. I get that in KC they didn't do that...but I don't care. That was Alex Smith...Colts have Andrew Luck...give him a great group of playmakers and this offense would content for the best in the NFL.

    Your whole post was good, but this observation made me sit bolt upright because man does it expose something interesting.  KC NEVER had a good WR corp until they took a flyer on Hill.  What was that one guys name, big dude that always underwhelmed but was presented like a star? Anyway, that team was always bereft of good WR's, I wonder if that has rubbed off.  We are TY Hilton away from not a single reliable receiver on the roster as of right now.  And that includes Ebron and Funchess, the new dropsy twins.  


    Let's hope it is a short term coincidence... 

  16. 3 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    That is the thing about NFL FA 

        One mega signing or lack there of sets the market and unless the brass want to be looking for a new house/job and/or working ESPN, Fox, CBS, NFLN or NBC they must adjust and that appears what CB has done

    I mean it was a thought I had, but does the evidence so far support it? I haven't been able to watch coverage until I saw this on Youtube so I missed all the earlier signings and I am playing catch up.  We'll see if the numbers people have a thought. 

  17. 57 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I don’t think we were alone in wanting him.   I suspect there was a small bidding war and he was the last option that we would sign.    I suspect all the other options were multiyear deals that we were not willing to meet or exceed.   This is the only thing that makes sense to me. 

    We definitely agree on the last sentence... I have one theory and you have another one and beyond those, it is hard to make sense of it.  I hope I'm right in that we really wanted him for a specific reason and we weren't settling for the smartest kid in a dumb class and overpaying him to do a job he seems bad at doing.  It has to be better than that... and with the draft pretty deep in WRs this year in the range where we're drafting, it is even stranger.  Perhaps they already know they are taking a top WR prospect, so this is just a Red Zone luxury pick that might be an unexpected home run outside the 20's as well.  

  18. I just thought of something I don't think anyone else has said yet (if you have, my apologies, I totally missed it, let me know).  


    This all might really be about 1 person.  Brown.  Maybe he has truly reset the WR market so significantly that even Funchess warrants 10 million.  (the 13 figure is irrelevant since we'll all be ecstatic if he hits the numbers needed (at least I hope they are significantly high)).  I don't know of course, we'll see in all the other numbers, but could it have had an effect?  I wonder who his agent is? Anyone know?  I am sure Superman could address if we're seeing universally high salaries, I haven't heard it reported, and everyone everywhere I check is shocked by how much we're paying Funchess and how early we did it.  


    The bottom line for me is a comment made by someone else I replied to (sorry, can't remember who it was maybe Superman) who pointed out he is a great contested ball catcher.  That would support my theory he is Ebron 2.0 for Red Zone jump ball touchdowns primarily and another glorified receiving TE on the field.  But that will still leave us with drops problems.  Hopefully that gets fixed.  They must have seen something that made them willing to take a chance, but not enough to even give him a second year like Ebron.  So no Ty Williams.  


    There's still Preston Smith maybe at DE to hope for.  

  19. 7 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    If he has a big year I want everyone condemning this to come back and say how wrong they were.

    Well, I posted "I hope we can come back and make fun of this next year blah blah blah..." so you can't be talking about me.  (in case you were).  But i also posted a scenario about how it could work.  But even they can't be too confident it will work or they would have signed a longer deal.  Even Superman said the money didn't make sense and he also suggested they should have done a 2 year option which wouldn't have cost us a bonus pick if he walks for a better deal from us.  


    So what's your beef? With someone else maybe.  

  20. 2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    It amazes me how many people complain in here because we have a lot of good knowledgeable posters in here. Last year when we drafted Nelson at 6 and signed Ebron there were people non-stop bashing both moves. Saying Ebron sucked and taking a Guard at #6 is plain dumb and should never happen. Had we just signed Williams to a 4 year 52 Mill deal = 13 mill a year, a lot of people would've complained about that and said we over paid for him for that many years. This place is comical sometimes. There were some that even bashed the Leonard pick lmao . I think Ballard knows more than anyone in here. When he drafted Mack that was even bashed and Mack is pretty good last I looked.

    Who complained about Nelson? Seriously.. who? A random poster maybe? But what regular bashed drafting Nelson? Of COURSE Ballard knows more than anyone here.  But are you saying he is perfect?  He doesn't.  He said in a recent interview that he couldn't even count how many stupid mistakes he had already made.  Plenty of people criticized Ryan Grant immediately when the signing happened, when we already desperately needed WR help addressed similarly to how we needed OL addressed and he blew that (he SAID so) in his first go round and too many people to count were quite vocal about it in real time as it was (not) happening. 


    If we're not allowed to question Ballard's moves, then why not just make it a rule on the boards.. 2006Coltsbestever Proclaims "Thou shalt not disagree with Ballard because he knows more than you do" and we can all just anoint everything he does as PERFECT going forward? 


    No thanks.  And I still don't believe there were these trol... raging against the Nelson pick.  Sounds like a bogus straw man argument to try and make a weak point like "I think Ballard knows more than anyone in here."  Does that AMAZING observation REALLY add to the discussion? Are there people out there proclaiming they know more than he does? Another straw man insinuation in that comment.  A pattern is clearly evident.  

  21. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Sorry, it does NOT mean we really REALLY wanted him.   If we liked as much as you say, we’d have signed him to a multi year deal.  And we didn’t.


    Its far more likely it means we were more willing to do a one year deal with Funchess than over-paying for receivers we liked but didn’t love. 

    Okay... so if we really didn't want him... they needed to rush (and this was clearly a rush this soon) to get him, obviously assessing he was the only worthy signing so we also aggressively paid him.. but nah.. we didn't really want him? Kind of confusing.  

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