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Posts posted by JPFolks

  1. 8 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Yes wait until they come to Indy

    At the rate we're going that won't be until 3 more years and likely would be Brady's last if he actually makes it to 45.  By then a win will feel like clubbing a seal.  

  2. 4 hours ago, Gramz said:

    Yes, and it's actions like this, that only solidifies the tainted accomplishments of the past too.


    Seriously... tho,   shame on all of us (myself included) for falling for this latest scheme.    Do you think now, that we've learned our lesson, NEVER  EVER to trust anyone from that organization..??    


    Look at the bright side... we got to dump Allen and Dorsett on them, neither of which helped them in any significant way (Dorsett COULD have been an all time hero if he actually could catch and bothered to grab the hail mary that fell right in front of him and Stone Hands Allen wasn't much better for them) and got a significant upgrade at back up QB out of it.  (Didn't we take Banner with the 4th we got from them? Can't remember).  


    Guys, we dodged a bullet here and though it may sting a bit right now, we're VERY lucky we didn't get stuck with him.  Imagine him eyeing the Patriot job just waiting for Bill to retire while biding his time here half heartedly committed.  He was tainted goods from the start and proved it with this weak minded move he pulled.  Yes, we dodged a bullet.


    And don't forget, the same guy who reported that reported McDaniels might have been having second thoughts ALSO speculated that Irsay ALSO had to be sold on McDaniel as his instincts were telling him to pass but our GM sold him on McDaniel.  May or may not be true, but since they got McDaniel's weak kneed cowardice right, perhaps Irsay wasn't really on board either.   If so that really puts pressure on our GM to hit a home run on whoever he picks.  My bet is he'll go with his old buddy from KC.  The only other ST Coach to Head Coach I know of is John Harbaugh and he wasn't too bad (though he's kind of lost it recently).  


    The MUCH bigger worry is Luck.  Is he REALLY okay or are we all being misled again?  THAT worries me far more than the coach.  If there's enough doubt about Luck in the air perhaps we'll be drafting a QB this year.  

  3. On 10/20/2016 at 0:24 PM, digroute88 said:

    Is this the worst defense in the history of the Colts? One of the so called radio experts was quoted as saying the Colts defense is the worst he's seen in 20 years , so I was just wondering if this could be the worst ever . I think were 31st in the league .

    I understand the sentiment, but with the heinously bad teams the Colts have had over the years, mostly prior to PM, I doubt this is the very worst.  We at least have a couple good veterans (Davis and the injured Adams) and a couple good young players (Anderson and Kerr and a few other linemen have played above their pedigree so to speak) but otherwise, it's pretty grim.   It is going to take 5 really solid new players to move the needle much on defense and we still have a nightmare on the O-Line.  We could spend 3 top picks there again just to try and put together solid starters and reasonable depth on the O-line for next year.  We can't afford that though.. so it's just a mess.  

  4. 8 hours ago, TKnight24 said:


    For me, even worse than Mewhort and Reitz (which is beyond horrible, don't get me wrong) is Adams being out.  Our pathetic (I think that word is fair) defense lost it's closer and final line of defense.  So we have to rely on Green and his really dumb play of late and his complete lack of pass coverage at the back of our D.  We really might see the passing mark fall this week.   It could be the highest combined pass yardage for two teams in history.  Neither has a run game or a pass defense.  Yikes.  

  5. 45 minutes ago, Jules said:



    I am not expecting us to win but "unblockable" and "Green Bay defense" don't deserve to be in the same sentence.


    Wow. Unless this is just an excuse before our o line gets tossed around like rag dolls again.


    They are tough to run on this year, but we should be able to put up some passing yards and get some points up in the air.

    You're 100% correct, that statement alone sums up the larger problem with our current staff.  We're already defeated and putting up the white flag, but while GB has done well against the run, they are equally terrible against the pass.  And Luck is passing great this year.  Bad pass defense usually equals good numbers against the rush because why rush when you can throw down the field?  I don't care if we rush for 10 yards while passing for 450.   Everyone knows we can't rush anyway, so if anything GB will open up the run because they'll be trying to hard to cover Moncrief and Hilton in the passing game.  If they are smart and use our TE's and RB's in the passing game, via screens and dump downs, their aggressive defense will work against them.  


    Can anyone imagine other top coaches calling the team they are about to play "unblockable?" Sure, some people say stuff to build up their opponents thinking they'll take them by surprise or some such nonsense, but that doesn't work.  So if that was Chucks goal, it was also really poorly thought out.  Just lead your team, use good strategy, don't waive the white flag before the game and kick some butt.  If you lose, you lose, don't try to soften the loss ahead of time or play childish mind games that have no impact.  It's really sad. 

  6. 8 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    i  would still rather have kelly


    isnt safety is one of the easiest positions to fill in the nfl




    Fair enough.  Kelly is a great player.  Run of the mill safeties are easy to find, but for some reason, we haven't really done it well.  The jury is out on both our young safeties including the second rounder.  I would much rather have spent a first rounder to get a perennial "closer" in the back end of our defense, much like we once had Bob Sanders elevate our entire team to a Super Bowl run.  

  7. 7 hours ago, NFLfan said:


    I thought of you yesterday as I was watching the game. One of the announcers called Keanu Neal "the Kam Chancellor" of the Falcons. (I don't recall them saying Earl Thomas but I could be wrong.) I thought to myself,  "JPFolks must be smiling".


    You were right all along with the pick. No one expected Neal to be selected that high. That is why the other Colts Forum Mock Draft participants questioned the pick. Several Colts fans here did give you props when Neal was drafted in the first round.


    And it is true. You did write that the two guys you were considering were Neal and Kelly. Bravo. :applause:  You know your stuff.

    Thank you.  But I would expect you to have class and honesty.  Some people (including myself) will acknowledge that they had it wrong (for example, I used the wrong name they compared him to, Kam Chancellor is correct, thank you for pointing that out).  Let's see if the trolls who were against me keep on trolling....

  8. 9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I think Kelly was a very good pick. What's the point in going back and using hindsight to start a thread?

    Wrong.. it was the OPPOSITE of hindsight.  I said BEFORE the draft in the most public possible way that Keanu Neal would be our best choice.  I said Kelly would be second.   I was attacked by people who clearly think they are smarter than everyone else saying it was "indefensible" (among many other nasty comments) to think he was worthy of that pick.  There's ZERO hindsight involved.  ZERO!  That is the entire point.  I had it right.  Those attacking me (and some did admit it afterwards) were wrong for their personal attacks on me.  Neal is a stud, just as I predicted with foresight, not hindsight.  

  9. 10 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Its not uncommon to have a working theory that corruption and narcissism is how people in power get to be in power, and look look for anything that supports that theory.   


    The Grigson bullying theory started with Satele over Shipley, because Satele was Grigson's FA signing.  Then after he waived Satele and signed Harrison, theorists say Harrison started over Shipley because Harrison was Grigson's project.  Apparently, that theory is now being extended to Good over Haeg and McNary over Irving because Grigson continues to pull Pagano's strings, and does so because some players are projects and some aren't.


    Theorists would say that the decisions about who to sign, release, or draft are not driven by how to make the team better but is driven by power, ego, and narcissism.


    I'm not an apologist for anyone or their bad football decisions.  I am an attacker of opinions formed by something other than objectivity and common sense, IMO, which bleeds into many of the comments over the years about Grigson.  





    You said a lot, but I don't see a conclusion? So, based on nothing at all (i.e. no direct or indirect knowledge behind the scenes to support your opinion) you just choose to think that Grigson isn't forcing these bad decisions on anyone, it is just a coincidence that his pet projects are bad players, playing in front of slightly better players to try and make him look good, or at the least, to honor his favoritism.  It seems then, you're saying that since it is not Grigson, that these players EARNED their playing position by being better than the guys they replaced even though to the majority of people watching, it seems clear they are not.  McNary has been called out by fans and analysts both as being the worst starting LB in the league.  If you don't believe the above (that the best players play, period), then you must believe the "off the record" comments.   

  10. I was watching the game tonight and admiring just how good rookie Safety Keanu Neal is for Atlanta who I picked in Round 1 of our message board Mock Draft. I also remember the outrage and abuse I got over how terrible the pick was, with Superman saying "indefensible." Comparing him to our Safety pick, it's not really close.  The Colt's couldn't have drafted him, as he was gone one pick before us in the real world, but seeing the dumb plays and poor coverage by Green really drives home just how great that pick could have been.  Sure, we needed Kelly too (and I said when I made the pick I was between those two guys, but thought I could get a solid Center, or even trade up to get Kelly, but I ended up in the hospital when pick 2 came up so I couldn't do anything). Keanu Neal has been balling for Atlanta, the Thursday night announcers compared him favorably to Earl Thomas. Imagine what that would have done for our Defense!  Let's hope the Colts start making picks that good going forward.  

  11. 1 hour ago, OHColtfan said:

    Our TE play has been pretty good without Allen. Really interested to see on the report that Mewhort will not be in, Bowen said the line might look like Castonzo, Harrison (please no), Kelly, Good, Haeg... with Matthews, Peppers, Perry, against that line,  I might give the over/under on sacks at 5, leaning to the over

    Bolded = Infinite sadness.... This is an interesting battle between which tackle will play better and which guard will play worse..... it's anyone's guess.  


    PS: And of course there isn't even a consideration of our third rounder cracking a lineup this bad.  He should be on the practice squad and bringing someone who can play when it hits the fan... is Blythe the only healthy player available to back these guys up? Or would they finally play our third round bust?

  12. 9 hours ago, DougDew said:

    We have all read articles by Colts beat writers.  I never read one where they stated that Grigson bullied Pagano into starting one player over another.  Even talking to the players, even Shipley himself, couldn't ever confirm that.  Its always been innuendo.

    You don't know the difference between "off the record" and news stories.  Most of what these guys are told can't be printed because people would like to keep their jobs.  Who is going to "out" by name in an article, the current GM who wields power directly over them? For that matter, the press in general is handcuffed because reporters have to be credentialed by the Colts management to even have access.  So that keeps them necessarily under the thumb of saying only what someone inside the Colts with plenty of power wants them to say or "leak." Government works the same, which is why corruption is so rampant across all parties.  When you control the press, you can get away with nearly anything.  


    Off the record is where most information is passed around.  That is where what you call "innuendo" is usually created, especially when it is persistent.  That means someone is either leaking info (usually management trying to control the narrative in a favorable way) or exposing/whistle blowing info (usually people least in power such as labor, low level management or even peripheral people who depend on the support of those in power and thus can't share info on the record).   But just as we see at the highest levels of politics, law enforcement, corporations etc. the stories often get out.  But sadly, reporters can't publish this stuff even with multiple (or in this case over a dozen) off the record sources saying the same thing.  


    It's not always perfect in the cases of agenda's clashing with the truth, but when the off the record info confirms what we can clearly see with our eyes happening for all to see, it's usually pretty solid.   Those weaker "project" players of Grigson's clearly have played when they weren't really good enough to do so.  Better players (not necessarily GREAT players, just clearly better than those project players) often are cast aside.  You mentioned Shipley, so tell me, if the rumors are 100% true, how could he possibly benefit from confirming them?  Answer, it would likely have ended his career.  Instead, he moved on to another team without the bogus and frankly immature agenda's of playing favorite project players over more talented alternatives.   It's the old "when it looks like a duck" analogy.  The "off the record" comments confirm what seems apparent but is being denied (or in this case, ignored, because remember, Pagano would not even comment or address direct questions by the media about Shipley versus Harrison.  So to his credit, Pagano didn't lie, he simply wouldn't answer).   I am just fortunate that I know someone in the media who knows players, staff and management people personally and over nearly 2 decades so I know he hears from these people directly.  It's not the case of some hack making stories up.   Believe what you want.  Join the Grigson apologists, we sure have enough of them.  What is one more.  

  13. 20 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Why be vague about the details if you know the details? 


    Since you're in the know, which beat writer told you that Grigson bullied Pagano into starting which player he didn't want over which player he wanted.?


    Does your beat writer friend think that Grigson told Pagano that Irving would be cut over McNary and that Pagano wanted McNary?  And that he ordered Pagano to start his 7th round draft choice Good over his 5th round draft choice Haeg?


    This isn't a challenge.  Its possible that you could supply real information on the subject.  That would be enlightening.


    On all of these issues, I HAVE shared for months, in real time, what he's told me that I can print on this board.  For months and months and going back over two plus years ago when it started becoming obvious with Shipley.  Obviously he can't share names of players and personnel if it is off the record, nor will I, but he writes about some of this stuff.  Here's an article by him about this last game.  When's the last time you chatted with Robert Mathis? https://www.all22.com/indianapolis-colts/inconsistent-indianapolis-colts-continue-to-be-uninspiring

  14. 1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    No.  That's not what I meant.  And that stuff about Grigson bullying Pagano has been totally debunked.  It was always just a figment of the imagination held by people who simply hate people in high places, notably Kravitz and Doyel catering to an audience.


    Obviously, at the time he was cut, Irving was either still injured or lost a step and Pagano preferred McNary at the time, probably because he is the better special teams player.  Now Grigson is kicking the tires on Irving again, like he did last season when he signed him in the first place, because we all know McNary can't play ILB. 

    Well I am friends with a long time Colts beat writer (17 years) and he told me it was all real. I will take his first hand report which he got from multiple sources inside the organization and players over an anonymous guy's opinion on a message board.  No offense but you're just taking one reporter's (or whoever this "debunker" is you refer to) word over anothers.  Now if you are a credentialed reporter who is personally friends with both players and staff and can prove that to me as he has in spades, and they told you directly, on or off the record, that it wasn't true, then please do share.  Otherwise I am not buying your refutation of the story.

  15. 1 hour ago, runthepost said:

    Brady also never had surgery on his nerves like Manning

    Gosh, you got me...Brady will be putting up MVP numbers well into his 50's right? Is that your bottomline point?  Sorry... the greatest numbers at the oldest age was Manning...he had ALREADY had the nerve problems and surgeries before that.... he got well past that...then he ran out of time like all before him and all will going forward.

  16. On 10/22/2016 at 3:30 PM, Defjamz26 said:

    That's been the story for 4 years now. Plus you can say the same about any team that loses a close game by that logic. Hell the Browns could be 6-0

    It occurred to me that there is really one primary reason we are losing these tight games that in the previous years we won... not sure what took me so long to see it.  


    The difference? Penalties and bonehead coaching decisions.  We have significantly regressed on both fronts.  The Detroit game fell squarely on Pagano calling the late time out and leaving 47 seconds on the clock which was plenty for Detroit to march to a win.  Denzelle Good cost us a chance to kick it onsides, or try for one defensive stop, which we accomplished against TN, due to his penalty that called back the long TD to Moncrief.  And if you go back and look at the other losses, you'll see penalties and a really dumb coaching call here and there as the difference.  Perhaps Chud is the coaching factor, in that he was Chuck's assistant and could influence the HC more directly than he can now as an OC.  (That's just one of many theories that are revealing themselves to me tonight, don't freak).   On top of it, we have an effort problem that has seeped into the team.  Look at how distraught Gore has been (though he's balling the best he can even though they tend to forget he's on the team in the second half) about things.  Look at Hilton's lousy attitude.  Look at young WR's mouthing off against the teams best player by a mile.  That's all a degradation from previous years and there's only one person at fault for all of this, and it isn't Grigson.   Chuck has lost the team.   If he hasn't, I'd hate to see what it would look like then.   

  17. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



    What am I missing........    who is on the bench that is more deserving of starting than Good?



    That's why I said unless we find someone on the street, right now with injuries we're stuck with him. But Haeg is better and Reitz would be better at RG than him in my opinion.  At the very least he should get a look because between the penalties (Good single handedly cost us our only chance to come back in that game) or his poor overall play, someone else should be given a shot.  The fact they didn't make sure we had a solid veteran FA at RG brought in instead of rolling with Good demonstrates the point.  In the past, his project players got shown up by other players so he solved that by making sure we had no other viable option at RG (once he gave up finally on Harrison who never should have made the 53.

  18. 4 hours ago, DougDew said:

    An AQ Shipley situatin at ILB?

    We have a winner! Give the man a cigar!  Add in Harrison and Richardson to Good and McNary and you have 4 examples of Grigson projects being forced on the field over better players.  Nearly everyone (except Grigson apologists) knew none of those players deserved to play n front of others (we're still stuck with Good unless they find someone else on the street to take his place eventually).  Grigson falls so deeply in love with his little projects that he just can't accept the obvious, they can't play.

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