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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

    And if the scouts said there was a game changer worth trading up for?  You take what Ballard says too literal.


    If they tell him to jump off a bridge is he going to jump? 


    Perhaps I do. But so far, he's done pretty well exactly what he says. So I have no reason to not continue buying what he's selling. It'd have to be a pretty damn sweet deal for him to move up that far in the draft to acquire one player...

  2. 1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

    What Ballard has said in all of his pressers is the same thing he has said. That is true.

    How can you call Ballards drafts mantra when he has only had two?

    Look, I like Ballard and wouldn't want any other GM right now but lets be real. He is a very good speaker and sells himself rather well.

    His first draft was successful because this team was so void of talent he found college talent better that what was on the team.

    He hit a home run his second draft no doubt and it may go down as one of the best draft in NFL history.

    You can say he wouldn't use his draft capital to trade up to get a player that him, the scouting staff and Frank wants. I would hope he is looking to trade up to get one of those elite pass rushers if he can swing it. Yes he values draft picks but he also values bringing in the best talent he can get. If that means giving up some picks to get that player in question I have no doubt he would make a deal.

    Would I expect him to make a dumb move? No, but I would expect him to move up to grab a difference maker if he thought one was there.


    Does that philosophy change if he brings a premium edge rusher in during FA like Flowers? If he truly believes in addressing needs and finding value in FA, then he'll set up his draft to be in position to not reach for a player and be able to trade down to acquire more darts at the board instead of up and losing capital. 


    How can I call his draft mantra? He's made it abundantly clear he believes you acquire as many darts to throw at the dart board and you stack drafts. That's his draft mantra... 

  3. 2 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


      I look forward to CB drafting players he thinks we can develop into being very solid contributors in his system. It takes LOTS of quality to win a SB. We all must agree on that one. And we were Playing several guys in the Playoffs that may not be good enough to make a deep roster. JMO
     And i look at all players no matter where or if they are drafted as being able to change games if they become good at their jobs.
     So if one can have any hope or expectation that CB can add in FA and the draft really well each year, with a plan for them, why would i worry about him being willing to go up to get a player that he really wants?
     If, HE SEES  a Game Wrecker at DT or Edge i hope he thinks hard on that one.
    And If he adds 2 or more Defensive studs in this FA, i think that would allow him space to move up for a stud in this draft. Otherwise, i see the sense in waiting till after next season to look at how all of our young players look before considering moving up for a draft stud Need in the 2020 draft.


    And I agree to an extent. But on the same hand, if you address your main needs in FA, which he very well might do in a few weeks (fingers crossed) why would you trade away draft capital for one specific player when it goes against everything you believe in. He believes in acquiring picks or aka "darts" and stacking drafts. If you are sitting with multiple solid positions in the draft like we are this year and the ability (and belief in the scouting of your team to nail each pick) why would you trade 2 or 3 for one player? Especially knowing your team needs depth and talent across the board. 


    Acquire picks. Make moves in the draft to acquire more picks and value. Trust your scouting. Draft all-pro rookies. Stack one draft after another... No need to reach for players. Trust the scouting.

  4. 11 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    Considering Ballard was willing to splurge on Andrew Norwell last season, I see no reason he wouldn't do same with Flowers.  Like Norwell, Flowers in a young FA in an area of great need.....seems like a no brainer.

    Was he willing to "splurge" though? I'm not sure he was ever going to pay Norwell what he got from Jacksonville. 

    I think Flowers is a different scenario, because he is a position of utmost importance and value, so he might be able to justify the cost a little more. (Especially knowing last year he would have a great opportunity to draft Nelson or a very good guard in the draft). He might not get that opportunity in the draft to get someone similar to Flowers this year... 

  5. On 2/26/2019 at 4:45 PM, Superman said:


    Good catch, I fixed it.


    We'll see how Joseph measures. But Leonard says he played most of the season at 220ish pounds, so I'm not too worried about it. He doesn't play small. 

    He says that, but he posted a picture of his scale on his instagram story during the playoffs that showed him around 210... Which was jaw dropping. 

    As long as he continues staying healthy and playing fast, I don't care how much he weighs.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

     I know he values picks but I don't think for one minute he wouldn't spend some of that draft capital if the right player could be had.

    I would hope he would... But based on his repeated comments, and then following it up in action last year, he isn't going to just part with early round picks to move up for one player... This team isn't in position to draft 3 players (his words not mine). And hopefully he'll never deviate from this mindset. Championship teams are built on depth and good quarterback play. We have the quarterback, we need to roster depth. 


    And to touch on his mantra of stacking drafts... Would you rather him trade up for one specific player that may or may not be a game changer, or continue stacking drafts like last year? Me personally, prefers the latter. I can't even fathom a team of about 4 straight out of the park draft hauls like last year...

  7. 53 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    As long as he is wheeling and dealing and finding those talented players it's all good.

     Agreed. But he isn't going to lose draft capital to do so. He's going to keep looking to acquire picks and/or value, which if you'll go and see my response to bbz, he even did in trading Up to the 2nd round last year... and then he's going to find those talented players with said acquired picks and/or value.

  8. 40 minutes ago, CurBeatElite said:

    I think he meant he likes having 9 picks and values every pick in the draft.  I agree with @throwing BBZ below.  Check out this link -- he used the same exact dartboard quote during last year's draft: https://www.colts.com/news/indianapolis-colts-select-11-players-in-2018-nfl-draft-20613394


    I think you grossly misunderstood what I said... I didn't put that last phrase in quotes, but those were Ballard's exact words in the presser. I know what he meant... It doesn't mean he literally loves each position to the point he isn't going to move at all in the draft. He moved a LOT last year. It means he isn't going to lose the amount of picks or draft capital in order to move up for one player, which would lose a pick (or more) and therefore one (or more) less darts on the dart board.


    ~Which brings me to the next point that you missed~


    I obviously know he used the dart board quote last year as I said he has used it several times before... and how fond I am of that particular quote. 


    Also, see my response above to BBZ... 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, throwing BBZ said:


     Maybe his moving up in last years draft to the second round was a one time thing.
    Probably NOT.


    Maybe he was ok with moving up a whole 3 spots to 64 from 67 because all he lost was the pick that he acquired by moving back from 49 to 52 with the Eagles earlier in the round... He's always going to be wheeling and dealing, but the point (and you obviously missed it greatly) was that he isn't going to give away draft capital (again, he didn't lose any last year moving up to the 2nd round like you apparently want to believe) just to move up to pick a player, specifically in the first round... which would cost a lot. 


    Edit* it actually wasn't the Eagle's 169th pick which we acquired from trading down 49 to 52 that we lost... it was the 178th pick. So we actually came out ahead in those two trades... which makes this whole thing even better

  10. The biggest thing that continues to stick out to me is his commitment to the draft. He has used the "throwing darts to a board" analogy since day 1 here. The more darts you get, the better chance you get more to stick. (Might even hit a bullseye, or in last years case two bullseyes)... I love that analogy and he is practicing what he preaches.


    To go along with that, my big takeaway was that he isn't looking to move up in the draft. He likes them picks... all of them. 

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  11. 52 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    My days of "freaking out" on any topic are many years in my past........


    I do think that if the player (or players) that CB wants, or tops his list ISNT available at 26, I think he would opt to trade the pick to pick up more draft capitol


    The second round has some excellent value. IMHO


    I agree, and mentioned this elsewhere on this forum. I would prefer to trade back and have an extra top 50 pick than stick at 26 and possibly reach for less value. Just not a great spot to pick from. 

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Superman said:


    Good catch, I fixed it.


    I don't know if Ballard spends like this, but I was recently reminded that the cap space can only be rolled over from one season to the next. So the extra space from 2018 should be spent in 2019, and I think this FA period might have a few players that Ballard will spend on. He might be more reserved and keep guys like Inman and Geathers, and maybe pay Desir more than I think. I'd rather get better players.


    As for Ridley, it's interesting, I didn't feel there was a consensus on him or Jones. I ran a lot of mocks, and I checked a lot of boards. Some have both of them early in the second, some have both of them in the late second, or third. I'm not concerning myself too much with whether Ridley is there or not, but I prioritized Jones, and can replace Ridley with someone else if he blows up the Combine or something.


    I think it's a perfect year to upgrade. I sincerely hope we don't take it easy in FA. Honestly, i'm ok with another offseason similar to last year. Autry, Slauson, Ebron, Desir in FA and a great draft pull. We upgraded the roster with incredible efficiency last offseason. Turn that over a couple times, and we'll have a championship roster. We are closing in on one for sure. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    I think the fanbase, would be concerned and surprised, if the team drafted an OL at 26, mainly if we didnt address the commonly stated by CB, the need for pass rush in FA


    I do think there is a chance that depending how the board fell, we could go S, LB, WR, OT with pick 34.





    And again, don't freak out if it happens. Ballard is not going to draft to need. Especially if there is a nobrainer pick right in front of them, no matter the position. There may not be legit value with pass rush at 26... regardless if we bring one in through FA or not.

  14. You didn't bold Thompson at safety as a draft pick. 


    I will poop my pants if Ridley is there at 59... 


    Do you think Ballard will spend this kind of cash this offseason? Part of me thinks this is the offseason for him, especially coming off executive of the year. The other part of me thinks he will continue finding value and penny pinch... especially coming off executive of the year. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Zoltan said:



    He's going to return to play so that's not the important part of the article and did you look at the standard deviation of the average seasons played for both the ACL group and control, they overlap by a lot and show in some cases the ACL group can have a longer season than the control. Even though the P value is lower than .05 and is technically called significant, I would counter that most values that are used is a P value lower than .001.


    ... it's still a big no for me dawg. He's not a first rounder anymore.

  16. 7 hours ago, RNGDShobby said:

    I know that a few posts have alluded the idea of trading up a little if a guy like Sweat or Polite are sliding but what do you all think about CB trading DOWN from 26.

    Personally think 26 is a tough spot and there seems to be a lot of value that could be had in the second or third round with guys like Omenihu, Samuel, Oruwariye, Hooker, and (my personal favourite sleeper) Isabella just to name a few

    Would you be open to a down trade if we can't get someone without reaching and getting a few 2nd and 3rd picks instead?


    I'd be ok with him packaging a midround '20 pick for a '20 1st round and a late '19 round pick. I think 26 sucks in terms of positioning, especially when we pick 8 spots later with another 2nd round to boot. I'd rather gamble it being a much better spot, possibly a premium pick next year (if you can get a sucker to do it). Maybe Oakland wants to make a huge splash in this years draft and is willing to trade their own '20 1st round, as they would still have Chicago's '20 1st round to hang on to. 

    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Zoltan said:


    Here's the Scientific article link



    To quote the summarized conclusion:

    "Overall, 64.3% of NFL offensive and defensive linemen who undergo ACL reconstruction returned to play. Linemen who RTS do so at a high level, with no difference in in-game performance or career duration when compared with matched controls."


    Ouch. So there is a 35 % chance he doesn't even return to the sport. And with that, even if he does, they statistically play shorter careers than the average. Ouch. 


    No recent major injury is worth the draft capital in round 1. Sorry, it just isn't. Trade the pick and take the chance he is there at 34 before you waste your 1st round pick... I'm not sure he's even worth that. 


    I know what his talent is, and I know he was looking top 10-15. He still isn't a sure thing before injury, and certainly isn't now... 

  18. 39 minutes ago, Zoltan said:


    I'll have to relook up the scientific article but there is one out there that shows that today's athletes can return to there regular athletic/playing ability from an ACL tear like the one Simmons had.


    ACL's used to be a career ender but not anymore


    I know they can. But I'll wait on the statistical data that proves that they do... 


    You would be paying first round money to a guy you know is going to miss the first year of his rookie contract, and could very well never produce like he was projected to before his injury. No thanks. Late 2nd? Maybe worth the risk. 

  19. 16 hours ago, Zoltan said:

    Exactly if we have a top 10/15 grade on Jeffrey Simmons, it's a no-brainer. He won't be able to play the first year but having that talent on the DL for years to come would be huge


    I agree.


    Although I don't think they will be putting a first round grade on him. Assuming he will come back from it full strength without missing a beat, is speculative and dangerous in a draft for a team that doesn't want or need misses, and I would consider that a ginormous miss if he didn't pan out. 

  20. If we are going to ever do it... now is the time. I don't necessarily like his antics on the field, but much like Q brings to the offense, I'd love the nastiness he would bring to the defensive side of the ball. Could be a gamechanger for 2-3 years and then let him walk when it's time to start paying our own. 

  21. 14 hours ago, Zoltan said:


    I'd refer to where we picked Darius Leonard last year, Ballard saw the chance of another team picking him up before our next pick so he grabbed him a bit early because the talent was there


    Or maybe they had a 1st round grade on him and it was a nobrainer... seemed like over the course of the season. 

  22. 13 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    IMO you draft the guy at the top of your board 


    I sincerely hope that Colts fans on here don't freak out if Ballard ends up drafting an Offensive lineman or tightend if/when this happens. If they are unquestionably the best left on the board (you know, CB's board not Mel Kiper) especially if a really solid defensive player is left, it isn't worth getting upset over. Stick to the process and stick to the philosophy. 

  23. 15 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I don't think Poole is a likely candidate for the Colts.


    He plays the slot/nickle corner for Atlanta.


    We already have that guy for the Colts.     Kenny Moore.


    Poole wants to go someplace where he can play,  not be the 2nd string.


    I agree. Unless he doesn't get very far in FA and Ballard is entertaining him. At his age, he's looking at money more than whether he is a sure thing to start. Now is the time to maximize earnings. I don't know what kind of market is there for him. I'd say there is only a handful of teams looking solely for a nickelback without other competition on the roster. 

  24. I feel like Leveon Bell is going to be a ginormous risk for whoever signs him. He better be in tip top shape (see alleged 260 lb post above), ready to prove himself, and coming out of the gate producing. If he doesn't, it's a giant reach and an incredibly overpriced move. Anybody sitting out a year would make me nervous unless they can prove their year off was spent working on their body, preparing for what is to come... I'm not sure that is the case here, or very often for that matter. 

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