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NorthernBlue last won the day on December 10 2016

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  1. Thanks! I’ve actually been lurking here again the last few weeks LOL good to see many of the same posters such as yourself. It seems this board hasn’t changed much 😅
  2. True but regardless of the reason, if tenneseee (and the rest of the division) is better than the colts or if the colts just suck next season Ballard is likely gone regardless of if it’s because of the offense or defense or everything in between. It seems the colts are betting that their roster is a lot better than most think and with a healthy ARich, will be better than last year. A risky bet imo but I guess the point I’m trying to make is the result of that bet is what decides Ballards future, regardless of what happened with Sneed or any other player they didn’t get. tl;dr if he got sneed and the colts were still bad, he’d get fired anyways. So he’s sticking to his guns on his roster approach/philosophy.
  3. I’m not too happy w/ how this FA period has gone, but with that being said… If they finish last in the division, Ballard is probably gone regardless of who the colts did or didn’t sign. And if they finish first or go on a playoff run, his job is safe even if they signed nobody. Also, im quite annoyed that Sneed is on the titans too, but if they finish higher than the colts it’s likely more to do with Levis being better ARich, which at that point the colts got more things to worry about than missing out on corners.
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