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Jim H.

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Posts posted by Jim H.

  1. I have the DVD that was sold after the Super Bowl win.  It may be the same disc the OP is talking about.   I love seeing the blond's reaction to the Pats kickoff return that got them right back after we had tied it up in the AFCG.  She mouthed a very foul word.  I still laugh thinking of the video producer that was able to slip that in past his editors.

  2. Just tuned in to Audience Channel on DIrectv.  Cheap Trick is wailing away on their teen anthem "Surrender."  That was their leadoff song during the halftime show of that crushing playoff loss to the Jets - which was PM's last game as a Colt.  As I recall there was a bit of second guessing that song after what happened in the second half.  As a witness to that debacle...I agree with that sentiment (in retrospect)  :^)

  3. This guy has no competitive spirit. Two championships in a row he goes out early in the game and doesn't return. He did this all the time with the Bucs as well, if he's being abused and/or is in a huge game he coincidentally goes out with an injury.

    I usually don't question a guy who gets injured but this is just a continued pattern and he never looks like he's upset or angry that he is out of the game as you'd expect from a competitor.

    I would not be surprised at all if Belichick let's someone else overpay for the part time player that is Talib.

    P.S. I even said this in the "Talib....how do we deal with him" thread:

    Now, it was slightly in jest and i was referring to the Colts game but I'll be damned if he doesn't prove me right in regards to big game exits. He either has the worst luck/timing in the world or he is just another guy playing for the check.

    Dunno.  Welker racked him pretty good.

  4. As a 6th Grader, I watched the Ice Bowl game sitting in front of a black and white TV in our Army quarters at Fort Bragg, NC.  That hooked me on football.  Next season I watched Colts-Rams...that hooked me on Johnny Unitas and the Colts.  Been an unhealthy addiction, since.  As most fans of most teams it's hard to explain what draws one to a specific team.

  5. From many forum members projecting 8-8 and a likely 2nd or 3rd place finish in the AFC South, to a final 12-6 mark, a division championship and the first post-Manning playoff win - the season was a real success, I believe.  Us old-timers only hope for more years of watching this team as it grows and further succeeds in its latest form.  The Unitas era...the brief Bert Jones tenure...the Harbaugh days...the Manning era - and now the Luck era.  Is it draft-time yet?  Have a great Spring everyone (it's coming, i promise!).

  6. Nobody is afraid of Rogers yet...and he will never be the next Reggie and run Reggie's routes and breaks (but Maclin could).

    Time will tell, sir.  Time will tell.  It will certainly be interesting to watch him (hopefully) progress.  I find it baffling that a player carrying this sort of potential and skill set at the professional level would ever settle for being described as "lazy" or "a poor route runner."


    But, I suppose, there a scores of examples of this in the league (and elsewhere in life, eh?).

  7. It seems to me that they where using Rodgers as a decoy a lot.  I think Rodgers actually drew more coverage then TY.  


    IMHO - opposing DC's are terrified of him.  Once he is fully integrated - look out.  He's the next Reggie Wayne.  I say that 'cause TY is in the Marvin Harrison mold.  With Whalen filling the role as the Stokeley and Fleener as Clark.  Oh my.  Mr. Luck is one fortunate QB - for some time to come.

  8. Don't understand what this guy did wrong to desearve to have half his team get injured and then lose a close game they played very well in...but ok...I'll bite...what did he do?? Ruin Pittsburgh's chance of getting in????? Because almost every team had a chance to win last week and LOST...much less 7 or 8 games the whole season so I don't get it.

    Michael Vick.  That is all.

  9. This isn't so much a negative for Peyton, but the distinction that stood out to me was that during the last defensive series Andrew was watching and cheering, while in the 2007 AFCCG during the last defensive series Peyton was sitting on the bench with his head down unable to watch.  Not that I blame Peyton for that, but it was a pretty striking difference.

    I get Peyton that night.  After years of hearing he couldn't beat the Pats and Brady in the big game - he was finally in a position to do it.  The pressure on him was absolutely ENORMOUS - AL has yet to experience anything like that.  I thought at the time - Peyton's countenance was very appropriate - in fact, almost poignant.  :^)

  10. One of the psychological issues of having a heart problem is the post-procedure feeling of "well, life is done - my heart is damaged, and I can't take stress and exertion like I used to - so, I'll just give up."  


    If my heart - with two aortic stents (placed in April) - can handle what transpired in the second half last evening, I may take up the marathon.  No treadmill stress test could ever equal the 4th quarter.



  11. At the half my wife got wings.

    My kids, wife and brother sat eating in silence in the kitchen while I tried to eat in the living room.

    As the game changed my entire house started getting excited. It was amazing. A great game.

    Luck is clutch.

    T.y. is playing like Marvin, always open even when teams try to take him away.

    This was an instant classic

    Thank you mystrymaster...I have been marveling (no pun intended) on the uncanny similarities between TY and #88.  Many compare him to Reggie.  Nah...that's Da'rick.

  12. Most people on here shouldn't be celebrating this win. So many gave up on this team, again. 

    I did.  Please accept my apology, everyone.  I have loved, and suffered with, this team since 1968.   Every time I think I am out...they reel me back in.


    Again I apologize to all - particularly the moderators.



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