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Jim H.

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Posts posted by Jim H.

  1. If the Colts lose then they will play Kansas City. You and I both know that the offense (with its struggles right now) will not beat Kansas City and that defense in the playoffs. Now, if they play any of the sixth seed teams, then they have a chance.

    I seem to remember having the same sentiment a few years back when the Colts had to face KC and their monster running back - Priest Holmes.  I kinda like how that one turned out.  :^)

  2. Let's see.  TR got sort of stuffed along with the ENTIRE team in the first half.  Second half...playing catch up. Running?  Not so much.  He shows flashes - I believe those will translate to absolute bolts as the second half begins and continues on to the playoffs.  We have to believe the coaches are working with him, and will bring him along.


    That is all.  :^)

  3. All I know from what I saw (and heard) - 


    Last night's game was in as hostile an environment as any I can recall for the Colts.  The Texans pass rush took advantage of the chaotic environment and had the entire offensive line dazed and confused.


    Our DB's looked lost.


    Officiating was questionable to say the least.


    The Colts persevered and pulled out one they maybe shouldn't have.


    6-2 now, after what everyone knew was a brutal first half of the schedule - some would have been OK with 4-4.


    I can't wait for my trip to Phoenix in a couple of weeks!



  4. Oh bother. Next man up. This will only help Mr Luck's development, working with lesser tools etc. On the throw, and while Andrew is very honourable, he was being swarmed by the Broncos D at the time and tried to make a play. It happens.


    I also think Andrew needs to be a less 'Little House on the Praire' with his interviews. Sometimes just too perfect and too cheesy. But he's a great QB....

    I think the "Little House on the Prairie" thing is over.  Did you see how pi**ed he was during the Tofoya interview after the game? 

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