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Jim H.

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Posts posted by Jim H.

  1. Nicks is 26 years old lol.


    How much younger do you want to get?  Also, Carter has proven nothing in the NFL.  Nicks has been an integral part of a Super Bowl-winning team. 


    Nicks missed a lot of time.  It's entirely plausible that he needed most of the season to get back into game shape.


    Aside from Hilton, Nicks has been our most consistent receiver (excluding TEs) down the stretch.  I am 100% for signing him back, if he wants to be here. 

    Spot. On.

  2. Our guys will have a chip on their shoulder, mainly the defense and will go toe-to-toe with whoever comes in as our wild card opponent. They are going to be called "soft", "pansies", and everything and I believe the Colts' D will respond in a big way. The offense is what I am really worried about right now and I wouldn't have said that a few weeks ago.

    The only "chips" this group cares about are the "chips" in their bank accounts - made possible by chumps like us.  Bring on baseball, LOL.

  3. If a frog had wings ... 


    So, we have moved on from Richardson, and are now ganging up on Werner? 


    Reminds me of Judge Smale's question to the guys playing "Go-Fish" at Bushwood Country Club.


    "Don't you people have homes?"

  4. So, you're saying that if a team can't beat another team in the regular season they won't be able to beat them in the playoffs?

    Anything is possible, CoffeeD.  I think the concern is rooted in how awful our defense looked against the Steelers and then the hated Patriots.  We have a better shot at taking out Pittsburg on a second matchup, I believe.  Unless something untowards happens to the Pats (injury-wise) - they look might tough right now.

  5. Anyone else notice a lot of times his snap seems late. It makes the other lineman appear to false start

    Several times, I could have sworn I saw lineman (especially Gosder) move early.  But not called nearly that often.

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