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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. How unbelievably sad. And it’s not the truth. It’s your opinion. That’s the truth.
  2. Dear God… The Colts went to TWO Super Bowls, but they only won one. And you’re not going to blame Polian because you lost to the Saints are you?!? (Please say no!)
  3. Bill Polian had the Colts stuck in mediocrity? Am I reading this right? The Colts were the second winningest franchise behind only New England during the Manning years and you’re calling that mediocrity. Because the Colts didn’t win a second Super Bowl?!? Really?!? Wowza! Wowza! WOWZA!!! It’s game day so I’ll drop this so the day doesn’t to start off badly. I appreciated your attempt to back Ballard, but the rest? Not so much…. Holy Cow!!
  4. By the way, sorry that OSU has lost its good HC. I saw Smith is now at Michigan State. Is one of his top assistants now the new HC at Oregon State? Just curious. Smith did a nice job at OSU.
  5. A few thoughts…. Back during free agency when Tampa signed Mayfield, Arians said that back in 2018 Mayfield was his highest ranked quarterback of that class. I think highly of Arians opinions. Plus Bill Polian scouted Mayfield at the senior Bowl and said he couldn’t believe how fast Mayfield’s teammates gravitated to him. Polian said he’d never seen anything like it. All I’m saying is that while Mayfield’s career hasn’t been what was predicted, he’s still young and a career is a very long time. I think he’s played pretty well this year. So I don’t expect an easy game against the Bucs.
  6. Ok…. You’re either not reading my posts, or deliberately twisting my words. Neither is a good look. I’ve repeatedly said 2017 will go on Ballard’s official record. No ifs, ands, or buts. But, as I’ve said to you, you use it as a weapon in numerous posts. Someone, anyone makes a pro-Ballard post and you will respond with his current record. It’s your go-to response. Like I’ve said, weaponize. Now you call me a simp or fan boy. Good for you, now you take a shot at being an internet tough guy. PFF has Ballard ranked 14th. I didn’t blindly defend him. I said I was fine with the ranking. But it’s not bad for a GM with an under-500 record. There are three HC’s in the NFL from the Ballard-tree. What do those teams know that you don’t? Why isn’t Ballard viewed much more harshly by those who cover the NFL for a living? Why did Irsay call Ballard the best GM in football as recently as September of 22? I’m not the only one who thinks Ballard is better than his record.
  7. Yes…. And because it was important to me you were kind enough to give a respectful response. How long did it take you? 5 seconds? Or did I over estimate it?
  8. If you think the season is already a success then I’ve clearly misunderstood you. But there were a number of comments you made over several posts that I interpreted as you being upset over what might happen. I could list them, but if feels pointless now. So I’m happy to apologize. Not looking for a fight. My bad. We both can move on.
  9. Yeah…. Ohio State has a top-5 team, but not a top-5 quarterback. The kid isn’t terrible, but looks like someone who should be the quarterback of a team ranked roughly 20-30 +/-
  10. Yes. This post is redundant. It’s the same over reaction you gave another poster. All fear based. All worrying based. All especially ironic as you told us all you were going to worry this season. You knew the Colts weren’t going to be very good and therefore you weren’t going to worry about this season. That last less than half season.
  11. Apologies upfront…. It’s 5 days later and I’m just now seeing your post. And I stumbled into it by accident. So I’ll respond. I don’t care that you don’t like Ballard, all I ask is to be up front. I far more respect the loud Ballard-haters here who give their reasons. At least they have the courage of their convictions. They don’t care if their view is unpopular. What rubs me the wrong way about your argument is that you want it both ways. You make the argument of a hater but when I call you a hater you act shocked. What? Me? A hater? No. I’m just citing facts. You try to hide your view. Even in your last post you proclaimed “How did you get sucked in?” You did by making hater arguments. Im not trying to convince anyone to like Ballard. That ship has long sailed. I recently said I had no problem with PFF ranking him 14th. But as for you, just be honest. If/when CB gets fired you’ll be happy. Fine. Just say so now. Own it.
  12. Peyton has zero interest running the team. He’s living the life he’s always wanted. He’s having fun. He doesn’t want to be a GM, not for the Colts or the Broncos or any other team. He doesn’t want that grind. Life is good these days for Peyton Manning.
  13. Actually, Irsay was driving an ordinary looking SUV and I don’t recall the race of the officers, but no one has brought up the race of the officers. Certainly not Irsay. All he said was that he was profiled because of who he was. Profiling doesn’t imply race. A white officer can profile a while suspect.
  14. How do you know the Colts preferred Tippman over Brents? Thats not the kind of thing the Colts let out.
  15. Yeah…. I don’t feel sorry for the Pats either. Agree with you that I don’t see Kraft firing Belichick. But I can see them working out some kind of deal. I don’t pretend to know what the deal will be. But they’ll try to work out some arrangement that gives each some benefit. Love to be the fly on the wall for that conversation! I think this off-season will be fascinating….
  16. OK…. I’m confused. You wrote: they don’t ask for a plate number and drivers license unless you’re running and resisting pullover and questioning. Totally confused. Police ask everyone for a drivers license, a form if I’d, registration of EVERYONE, whether they’re resisting or not. I give up ID and documents on the few times I’ve been pulled over. It’s pretty much standard operating procedure for everyone pulled over. So I don’t understand your comment. Sorry, if I’m misunderstanding you.
  17. Understood…. And I don’t think I’m arguing with you, just trying to clarify. If there were a list of steps taken by police, I don’t think running his plates was first. Spotting him and getting him out of the car was first. THEN officially getting his ID. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops knew who Irsay was just by recognizing him. Either way, he had to produce ID and that was that. I’m not trying to say which came first, the chicken or the egg. Only determine which steps came in which order. I think it was @GoColts8818 who stated police had probable cause based on what Irsay was doing. Hard to imagine they saw him, ran his plates, said there’s Jim Irsay, let’s bust him. They saw him, pulled him over, THEN quickly realized who he was. I don’t find Irsay’s argument very compelling.
  18. Not that I’m aware of. I’m just saying that they pulled him over based on how he was driving. Which was like a few miles an hour in a neighborhood zone of likely 25. I’m sure they very quickly figured out who he was. In a matter of a few minutes. I’m sure it happened fast. But they easily had probable cause, no matter who he was. Then they confirmed. At least that’s how I believe it was presented.
  19. He said that’s why he was arrested. Police didn’t know who he was when he was initially pulled over. They didn’t know who was behind the wheel. But once he failed the field test and was arrested, by then they knew who he was. Have you even seen the full video?
  20. Thanks for the response. Very classy, and very much appreciated.
  21. I’m glad you got this off your chest. You and I agree on very little, and that’s fine. You’re entitled to whatever view you want. But as I shared with Old Fan Man, we’re simply going to have to agree to disagree. We see this differently and I’m OK with that. So please enjoy this holiday season. I hope you’re surrounded by family and friends. And maybe we’ll all be pleased with the final 7 games. Happy Holidays to you….
  22. My comment about being a Ballard-hater is entirely about him as a GM , and has nothing to do with him as a person. The fact that you don’t even know this after 7 years says everything. Im not telling you to like Ballard…. You can dislike him all you want. But your arguments are predictable no matter what Ballard does. He’s almost always wrong. There are many ways I could answer the specifics of your post, but it wouldn’t get us anywhere. You’re not changing your view and that’s fine. Plus, it’s the Holiday season so I’ll turn the other cheek and again wish you a Happy Holiday season. Hopefully the stretch run of the season makes Colts Nation happy, including you.
  23. I think I’ve read the Colts save $6.1 mill this year. That’s my understanding. Maybe I’ve misunderstood that. I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong.
  24. I know you were away for a short while. But if you get some time, scroll back at some of the conversation between @w87r and @Superman They have some good thoughts about why the move now was probably better for all parties. How the Colts benefit, and why it helps Shaq too. I think it may give you a different perspective. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.
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