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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. I get that he is 10x more talented than Olsen, but if I'm going to pay a FA a lot of money I want him doing something I know he can do..not what I think or hope he can do. IMO, guys like Vasquez and Slauson would be better targets

    You are right on target with this. You do not pay top notch money for something you hope to make work. You pay too notch money on something you have seen work and know will work. How many teams get a player with big name, big stats only to Gail in a different scheme/approach. Don't pay for something just to do it IMO.

  2. Where are these rumors coming from. ACL & PCL would be really bad. Very long recovery

    Maybe but Adrian Peterson tore 3 in his knee and came back to start the season and lead the lead in rushing, almost breaking a long standing rushing record. Anything in today's medical treatment plan can be done almost. Hate to see the kid broken like this though. Hope he comes back normal.

  3. I feel kinda bad for Nnamdi though. In Oakland, he was feared by the vast majority of OC's in the NFL, but since arriving in Philadelphia, he is no longer feared at all...A strange turn of events really...Cream of the crop to bottom of the barrel...

    This is what happens when teams buy the name and ignore the system. A great player with a superb talent at something is usually not good at changing up mid career. Why teams don't get good players that match their system is beyond me. Getting zone blocking olineman for a man blocking scheme is dumb and I don't care who it is you get. Same with getting a solid NT for a pass rushing 4-3 system, it doesn't matter who it is if their skil set is not a match. How many big names who dominate in a system only to fail after a large signing do we see over and over. Haynesworth, Namdi, etc... I would rather get a good player that isn't top 3 that fits our style than a top #1 that is the best at the opposite of how we play.

  4. Two things I learned from our playoff loss........ Cassius Vaughn is terrible he couldn't cover a high school player and he had one good game for us all season all I can say is be better not be back next year and #2 Winston Justice got hurt again that dude gets hurt walking onto the field so he should be gone to. Grigson really needs to spend on free agency and get our defense going and add another BIG name WR to line up opposite of Wayne so we have Wayne and Hilton in the slot but I am sorry Avery nor Brazil are #2 WR's we need Bowe or Wallace.
    You just can't go buy a whole new team in one offseason. First priority is the oline hands down!!! After that, offense is good enough to win games, we know that from watching a really bad oline all year. On defense, you are going to lose Free ey and like him or think he has lost something, he commanded attention and now he will need a replacement. Chapman coming in and playing well will help and of the ends and the ILB in the attack mode but if we lose Freeney and Chapman is not the guy we hoped he would be, this defense is going to take at least 2 seasons to fix.

    FA has to produce 2 quality starters on the oline, has to. Going to have to produce one quality starter on defense as well at either CB, SS, OLB and possibly at DE. The draft has to get solid players on defense for the future and hope they can contribute in the year 2013. It's too bad Jerry Hughes never developed into anything. Maybe a contract year will force him to blow up !

  5. I like that Jim Nantz said yesterday that there were a lot of teams that told them that they wished they would've traded up to get Hilton. I think Hilton, Ballard, and Allen were the steals of the draft.
    As much as I liked what these guys bring, I would say there is a guy who runs the ball in washingtons backfield was a pretty good find as well. That RB is a beast and what has made RGIII succeed as well as he did this season.

    I look forward to watching Brazzil grow up next season as well, he has high ceiling potential if he can learn better route running. Bring in MH 88 to show him how to be a better WR.

  6. I'd love to see more roll outs.

    Something else I think would help, would be the first few possessions of the game have Luck drop back, and just instantly run up the gut. I'm not looking for him to gain 30yds every time, just put the thought of him running in the DCord mind. Get 5yds slide. Get 3yds slide etc.

    Pretty much this. I was saying the whole game, why don't they get luck out of the pocket and use some of the speed and smarts he has. He doesn't run at all and he can. I kept saying we are not using Manning anymore, Luck is mobile, act like you know this and put it in the play book. I just do t get it sometimes why the teams are so stubborn to do something that seems so right and blatant to continue something that continually fails. I didn't like CC 2 years ago and I wasn't anymore impressed with him yesterday. No adjustment in game what so ever. Stick to the script and hope it works in the end. Need an innovator at OC if BA leaves.

    And Luck needs to be free to start calling his own plays

  7. Maybe vaughn can be taught with Pagano on an offseason but for now, I would look for an alternate starter. It's amazing how a player at that position does not look back for the ball ever. That seems like a teachable item but maybe not, maybe that is an instinct thing.

    If this team doesn't get at least 3 new starters on the offensive line for next year, they have failed their jobs as a front office. If Chapman can come in and anchor, you have fixed the dline by leaps and bounds. Can moala come back and be better cause he was showing ability but still nothing elite and we know that Redding is aging. Nevis is not an end and too small for NT. Need 2 olb's and a starting CB as well as serious upgrade at SS. you can't get all that in the draft or FA in one year.

    Concentrate on the oline, keep luck upright and upgrade a couple spots on defense and Luck will give this team every chance to stay in games next season.

    As for Avery, keep him unless he wants $$$. He is too I consistent to warrant big or moderate level money and TY is equal and quite he upside.

  8. I want to see more out of Brazill, Whalen, Chapman, and I would like to see more consistent hands by TY.

    I agree. I think Brazil will turn out very solid in time. Chapman u never know how he will heal up but I like how they handled it. I'm huge on seeing Whalen g again, I like the way he snags the ball. I will really be glad to see any 3 other olineman come in and play guard/s and RT.

  9. We have one in Fleener. Hopefully next year, he'll be a red zone threat.

    Throw high Andrew!

    We do have Fleener and he needs utilized more next season. We also have griffin on the squad who looked like an excellents hands guy and possession guy. An offseason of work should get these guys better in tune and a better gameplan. An oline will help here as well.
  10. jvan's response says it all. While Polian was a very good evaluator of talent, cap management was not his strongsuit. We would overpay our own guys. I don't know why, but it seems like we were always out to have the highest paid guy. With Peyton, I think his two most recent contracts with Indy made him the highest paid player in the league. Freeney's contract made him one of the league's highest paid players and the highest paid defensive player. Bob Sanders' contract made him the highest paid safety. I don't know if there were any others.

    Polians downfall in regards to signing his own FA's to big contracts was they were mostly all very good players but his misses in later years of the draft did not allow him leverage to let anyone go without creating a talent void. Like a gambling addict, polian kept hoping to turn his luck around while paying high rate interest charges on those contracts. The sanders failure and the Hayden contract was the undoing of his ability to build a better team.

  11. By over paying our own free agents
    Exactly. So many people forget that signing Addai, Mathis, Freeney, Clark, Manning, Wayne , Harrison, Sanders, Saturday, Bethea, Hayden, were all big FA signings that came from our own team. The problem was, most every one o these players had to be the highest paid at the position kinda guys it seemed. The overpaying Hayden and Sanders and to some degree Clark was what set this team back in cap space. Heck even Dien was moderately overpaid near the end and setting up a contract that made us pay Freeney 19 mil in cap is insane.

    Next season we will have a few FA big signings with Macafee and what will Avery and a few other guys be asking for? Will Freeney stay or will he over price his talent for Indy? We need oline talent and new DE for the 3-4 scheme as well as replacement talent at the OLB spot/s

  12. He would make a great addition IF he fits the scheme we employ. Man that would make a pretty good left side though. We have to get a bonofide legit starter at both guard spots for next year there for certian. We can work with AQ at center and justice isn't the worst on the line but he is upgradable too. Have to watch overspending out of need though.

  13. The problem is that attempts/gm is the only statistical category where Luck holds a substantial lead over both of his competitors...

    Luck had 289 yards/gm

    RG had 267 yards/gm

    Wilson had 225 yards/gm

    Luck had 1.8 TDs/gm

    Griffin had 1.8 TDs/gm

    Wilson had 1.9 TDs/gm

    Luck had 1.4 turnovers/gm

    Griffin had 0.4 turnovers/gm

    Wilson had 0.8 turnovers/gm

    Luck completed 54% of his passes

    Griffin completed 66% of his passes

    Wilson completed 64% of his passes

    ... and those last two are why some don't believe he's on the same footing this season. Now, it is true that Griff and Wilson have two of the best rushers in the NFL to help them out but I strongly urge you to look at Luck's receiver advantage. Neither the Seahawks nor the Redskins have a single receiver who was as productive as Donnie Avery, your third most productive receiver. Reggie Wayne alone was more productive than any two Redskins receivers combined.

    I guess we could all agree that each team has had better success than originally thought they would have but I think we can also agree that the Colts were thought to have went well above win totals more so than the others. The skins and seahawks were both rebuilt teams in search of a few pieces (mainly QB) which both teams got. The Colts needed comets overhaul of defense, offense and coaching as well as GM. LUCK achieved more with less in a shorter timeframe than the other 2 teams bar none. Answer this question though, if RGIII or Wilson did not have a top notch RB and an oline that blocked as bad as the Colts line, do u feel that either would have been as successful? Washington has PG, moss and a few other skill set players that were already pretty good. Because they could not get numbers like the Colts wr's, how is that a knock on Luck? IMO, Wilson isn't a ROY candidate. Ecause he was not the sole reason his team is playoff bound, his defense is. He managed the offense and did a very good job of not doo g stupid rookie stuff.

    In the end, these are just awards not trophies so if Luck does not win ROY but wins more lombardi's, I'm good with that. Luck has been successful and not close to as hyped up as RGIII

  14. I have absolutely no doubt that oline will be fixed for next season because you can't find worse guards than what we have had to endure all year and we have found ways to win despite them. Luck has had a great year by all standards of a rookie on a team that took the 1st pick in the draft in the same season. Next yets stats may look better but I hope that relates to wins and not just better % of numbers.

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