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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. Laron Landry got rolled up on in the Dolphins game i believe it was. That's outta his control. Happens to linemen all the time; nothing you can do about that. No one has eyes in the back of their head

    There are a lot of injuries that players can't avoid but the point was, Landry had a major injury plagued career before he signed and we now have seen him miss a lot of time already because of injuries. Some players can just avoid or play through it and some can't. Landry appears to be one who can't whether it be his fault or not, it's dissappointing.
  2. You cannot be serious. So whats this push by players, teams and the NFL themselves to get kids into football???!! They have the play 60 where the players go and be 'role models' for the kids to get up and go out and get exercise. So, should they do away with the Team Community Services the teams have to interact with kids and give back?!

    How about guys like Matt Overton and Peyton Manning who give back, are role models? So is what they do for the community and kids just a faux pas?

    I think there needs to be time for each player to give back. Kids are watching and learning. No reason to throw morals out the window just for the sake of a player not having any.

    What I expect is for the parent to be the role model and to show them a difference between entertainment and personal values. Why is that so hard for people to understand? A priest or a teacher may be the closest thing to the true role model but athletes are entertainment value only.
  3. Don't have much an opinion on this guy as he hasn't played enough to know. One thing I can say is Landry is exactly what we all thought and feared. Really a hard hitting difference maker but plays a game or two then out three or four. Team needs consistency in the secondary.

  4. I can't see the colts losing. We're much better coached, and have good talent. Seattle is about to get a reality check.

    I can easily see the Colts losing this game but then again I can also see them winning it too. We are at home, have had some nice success in past few games and confidence is high I'm sure in the locker room but we have some significant injuries that could cause us difficulties. I'm not making an excuse because of injuries because both teams have important position injuries but they are present. To say there is no way we could lose is ridiculous because wins and losses are done on any given day for every team.
  5. I've been saying since day one just give AC time. IR'd halfway through his rookie season really hampered his growth. Glad he is finally coming into his own. Loved the pick when we drafted him and glad Grigs didn't dump him(Only pick from that draft class still on the team).

    You never know what a guys ceiling is until his career is over in reality. A guy can stink for 3 years,come back the 4th year on fire, then get paid and go back to avg. or the guy can just keep improving his whole career and just being steady and get recognized late in his career or just be a guy on an Oline.

    Tarik was our last great LT and I wished we could find that replacement of equal quality but its been tough. The one good thing about Costanza being descent but maybe not all pro, his second contract won't have to be at the top of the scale. That seemed to be Polians downfall, his players., whether they should have been or not, were all paid as a top of the scale talent. If luck isn't getting killed because his LT can do just enough and he can run block, I'm happy and the spot shouldn't cost 10 mil/yr

  6. SMH.. why is there a constant need by some people to justify Luck to Manning?? He's been in the league two years. Manning is a veteran and arguably the GOAT.

    Just enjoy the ride and leave the stats behind.

    I think both can be done. People compared manning to Johnny Unitas and other greats as well as paralleled manning a career with Brady. This is a discussion board and its what fans do. You compare great players to others to measure what ha happened and look to what may be. Rarely do you ever compare bad players to bad players and say he is bad but not nearly as bad as that guy.
  7. thats not the point he was making. it teaches young adults that as long as you have money and fame, there are no consiquences for their actions. I think thats that point.

    And in this day and age, that is pretty much true unfortunately. If we are expecting athletes who come from broken homes an broken backgrounds to become our leaders of morality because they play football, we are all misguided. Start by expecting the mother and father to teach them right from wrong. Sports are a form of entertainment in this day and age not role models and until society can figure that out, we will never move on from it.
  8. I think if the majority of people on this board were being paid and under the pressure to win like nfl head coaches are, 99% of us would play our best pass rusher in a game until told we can't. Especially after coming off a loss and not wanting to risk losing another. What they should not have done is say he will be on the field in a limited role cause he played fulltime. They lost anyway but I too would have played Alton. Morals and football don't always go together, if you want morals, don't watch football and go to church, oh wait...,

  9. Thank you for putting this together. A couple of my thoughts and response from the other replies as well.

    I am shocked that manning had a run of 15 yards too was my first jaw drop :)

    To the ones who question the it's easier to pass now league, Peyton had air it out Tom Moore, we have a more run first mentality coach so that should balance that argument out IMO.

    Luck has the more physical skillset I think most can agree. He certainly can run it better, he is bigger than Peyton was at this same stage (thicker), Peyton probably holds an edge to cerebralness to the game but I'm pretty sure that Andrew spends his fair share of time studying the game and he seems to enjoy it more because he is not sooooo intense about every detail of the game. This is what seems to separate the two IMO. This may end up being a benefit in the long run to luck.

    Arm strength. Remember the knock on Peyton coming out was his weaker arm strength. Could he make all the throws at an elite status, well luck has a better arm now than when manning came out and there is no reason that with nfl training and conditioning, he too will get even stronger. Question will be can he drop in a 40 yard pass like manning has done over his career?

    Manning had a better Oline in his first fee years but made some bad decisions or held on longer than he should have. Took a lot of sacks or threw bad balls that got picked. Luck seems to have that issue under control, as far as throwing bad balls, and his Oline has been way shaky.

    I think it is fair to compare the two and also compare him with other great qb's. we feel like we have a special guy in the making and he was a first round pick tabbed to replace the arguably GOAT at the position. He understands who he is, where he is at and who he replaced as well as the lofty expectations that is on him. He has handled everything really well. You don't see him throwing his hands up and head down on every turnover or missed opportunity and I like that. He has a long way to go to prove he is on par with Manning but the early returns show he is at Mannings curve or above. That's good news. We all also know, it was the year 4-5 that Mannings career really took off at an amazing pace so while its ok to compare now it will also be interesting to compare as he learns like manning did over time. Wins are the only thing that matters at the end of the day and if we win 2 SB's under luck and his career turns out avg, I'm accepting of that as well.

  10. Donald should have specific plays. He should not be asked to run up the middle on 3rd and 3, that should be left for TRich or Bradshaw everyday. He should be able to PAP on 3rd and 3 and catch in the flat or over the middle but not allowed to run it up the gut. 1&10 ok maybe let him try the run it up the guy or bounce it outside but he isn't the bruiser back. 34 & 44 are.

  11. yep 1 more target than Reggie has had , Hilton-17, Wayne-16.......Luck has been far more accurate to Wayne though, Missed Hilton for a td vs Miami if I remember correctly

    To be fair though, TY gets all the deep ball throws which are higher risk higher reward plays than Reggie so I would expect that TY would have a higher % of dropped or overthrown passes than Reggie. I would guess if you looked back over Marvin's history, the same would be true too.

    We are going to see today how speed over the top (TY) a great short to mid range route guy (Reggie) a seem route guy (Fleener) and now a bruising RB (trich) makes a game plan come together better. Second question will be can DaRick do anything to scare DB's and open up a little more room for Trich? Possibilities are endless. Does the off coordinator have enough insight to get a perfect mix to make them all work together like we hope?

  12. Hilton has lots of potential, but Wayne seems to be our only reliable reciever. DHB has looked pathetic, Hilton has made "some" good plays, Fleener is hot and cold and needs to get more open. Whether we do well this year or not will depend on whether these guys show up to play or not. Not seeing wide open WRs like we should and Luck is having to thread needles.

    This is probably a product of having manning, Wayne, Harrison and edge all those years and success but none if these guys with the exception of edge came in on their first year and turned heads that said they were going to be special. It's the start of these kids second year and they have all shown something that could be bright, give it time and enjoy it.

    I don't see the DHB sucks at all. He has done well enough as a receiver for the team. Fleener has been inconsistent so far but again, second year guy working his routine into a career. TY has a huge ceiling to hit and could be a Marvin type guy if he can get more refined routes. I would love to see the colts add MH to the WR coaching staff and teach the young group how to run routes making them all look the same off the line, that was MH bread and butter and what separated that little frame from all the other bigger wr's.

    I fully expect this team to look much more refined by mid season and come opening day next year, this team should be what we all want it to be as far as offensive firepower. I'm far more concerned about the defense than any part of the offense and that includes a pourous Oline.

  13. I think we need to get that player to replace nether with next season. We have a ton of solid potential wr's already so let's see what they do this season. We are going to have to replace a Donald brown next year as well, could Lattimore be an option or is that leg too mangled. That was an ugly injury. Yuk. I think we have enough lineman now, both offense and defense. We could use another cb to groom for the 3rd or 4th spot also. Kicker will become an issue next year as well?

    I'm hoping for

    1. Betheas replacement

    2. Donald browns replacement

    3. 4th cb to groom for dime packages maybe nickel

    Outside of that, we already have solid prospects throughout the team that have no different ceilings than many of these other positions. At some point you have to see if they can make the leap and its not like many have had a lot of time on the team. I sure wished training camp was here already :)

  14. ummm okay, is that his only offense as a college student?? he is a college kid who did something stupid. doesn't necessarily mean he is going to carry it over into the NFL....even so, NFL players get into trouble them selves for example Fred Davis, Josh Brent, Mike Vick, PLaxico Burress, Ray Lewis (even though he was not convicted). point is one mistake doesn't define someones character.

    that being said, i still dont want him anyway

    I don't know anything about this kid other than this story but to ignore the direction of an officer, tell him he will own him and the have him fired and then speeds away, shows more than just a mistake, it's a sign of total disrespect and extreme childish behavior. Now give this childish kid more money than he has ever seen an it will elevate to a level that would make the old pacers group proud. If I had a board, he would for certain be marked off for the behavior displayed alone. Chatter is one thing but at the sound of this report, this is an ingrained behavior and I'm not sure that is worth the risk. Maybe as an UDFA I would bring him in and see what his behavior is during training camp with no loss of SB and/or draft pick.
  15. When it comes to sports the government has no problem throwing money at them. Now other things like education or healthcare now that is just crazy talk.

    Govt not paying for healthcare? What world are you living in? At least the LOS creates revenue to the city, not that I'm a big fan if govt dollars going into sports stadiums. I would rather see it spent on police and education.

  16. For me, I can not wait to see how the oline has come together with the new additions, mixing some of the guys who were on IR last season and possibly a new member from the draft. After watching Manning make the oline look better than it was with a quick release, we have pretty much had a bad oline for years. Will we finally be able to protect luck and run the ball up the gut and get that 1 yard when needed? I'm excited to see this come together.

  17. Seriously? I merely asked, and I said please, to not be included in your own opinion, by stating "We will all". Try "I".

    Feel free to stand alone in your opinions. Since you included me again in your response, I doubt you will change your mind. Fair enough. Consider my first response a statement to the board in general.....removing myself from your all encompassing post. I will not quote you on such things in the future.

    I'm going to sleep the same tonight either way but you might go back and re read how your response came off before acting as if you were just trying to "merely asking".
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