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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. I would love to see Fitzgerald go to a real team before the end of his career. Hands down for my money possibly the best receiver in the game. The QB's are the problem indeed, but a few years ago I thought the Cardinals would get better, I really had great feelings about Ken Whisenhunt.

    I did too. I thought Whisenhunt might be back next year because they would draft a qb and give him one more chance but after today, I think it's more likely he's fired. After Warner, all downhill for them lol

  2. Oh I know, everyone had them picked as a surprise against the boys in Frisco. I never bought into it, but I didn't expect them to lay down like they did today and get beat by 58 points. Absolutely stunning to see that happen.

    I didn't find it that surprising. They don't have a qb. Whoever plays qb for them hurts them and help the other team. How in the world does Larry get only catch from his qb and the other team gets four???

    I've seen horrible qbs before but all 3 of them are absolutely horrible lol. I do feel bad for Fitz (although he does get to come home to a bathtub full of green money, that must be nice :) )

  3. ..absolute must win but Manning and that defense will be ready to rumble.....its a big test//.

    I'm wondering about the weather...

    If it's bad weather, that'll help the broncos imo. I trust Manning in bad conditions more than I do Flacco. I see the Broncos D making Flacco turn it over at least 3 times if not more in the win.

  4. Luck should definitely make it. Let's say 13 qbs make it.

    1. Manning 2. Brady 3. Rodgers 4. Brees 5. Eli 6. Ryan 7. RG3 8. Schaub 9. Cutler 10. Ben 11. Flacco 12. Dalton 13. Romo 14. Luck

    I think Luck will beat out one of those 13 other qbs to make the list. If tebow made it, luck will somehow

  5. Who do you guys think will win tonight?

    (Mods, we love you, if you want to open up chat when it's time, we'll love you even more!)

    I, myself, believe the Raiders will crush the Broncos.

    Hmmm, something with my prediction seems wrong.....

    Oh it's the other way around....

  6. Adrian Peterson is my NFL MVP. but the NFL will find a way to give it to a QB so it would most likely be Peyton Manning or Tom Brady

    Well it's not really the nfl giving it to a qb, it's the associated press. And if the vikings had a good record, ap would get some serious attention, but he's not really being valuable in terms of wins. He's on pace for a great season, but you could say the same for calvin johnson who could actually break the all time receiving yards record this year. But both of those guys aren't elevating their team with wins. You need great stats and a playoff bound team to win the mvp. It's not really ap or cj's fault, it just happens to be a league where the qb's performance determines a majority of the outcomes of games.

  7. My predictions:


    1. Texans

    2. Broncos

    3. Patriots

    4. Ravens

    5. Steelers

    6. Bengals

    (Colts get screwed on tie-breakers)


    1. Falcons

    2. 49ers

    3. Bears

    4. Giants

    5. Seattle

    6. Redskins

    Wildcard Round:

    Ravens vs Steelers: Steelers win

    Patriots vs Bengals: Patriots win

    Bears vs Redskins: Bears win

    Giants vs Seahawks: Seahawks win

    Divisional Round

    Texans vs Steelers: Texans win

    Broncos vs Patriots: Broncos win

    Falcons vs Seahawks: Falcons win

    49ers vs Bears: 49ers win

    Conference Championships

    Texans vs Broncos: Broncos win

    49ers vs Falcons: 49ers win


    Broncos vs 49ers: Broncos win

  8. It's a "signature win" late in the year.

    Screams clinch to me, but that's just my opinion lol.

    I have to agree. If luck beats houston once then he'll be back in it, but realistically rg3 and luck will finish with the same amount of wins or about 1 off. Then it's all about stats which rg3 destroys luck in, plus the late signature win on mnf against the defending world champs

  9. A TD is a TD and a win is a win especially against the defending champs and people you were never expected to beat. If Griffin is a game manager then I wouldn't mind having one down here in Houston. Guy is electric, no doubt about it.

    don't fret, you guys do have a game manager for a qb :thmup:

  10. Okay, call it now. who wins? is it mr. eli being clutch again? or does he fail to be clutch? or does rg3 steal the show and ends another eli comeback. call it people!

    i've got.....redskins keeping their lead for the win (may extend it, but eli never puts the giants in front)

  11. "Keep quiet when the master is at work. There will be ample time to cheer after Manning reaches the end zone." Darn Right! :worthy:

    "Manning is a perfectionist. He sets high standards for teammates, fans and even ink-stained wretches." The words machine, computer, & precision don't even begin to scratch the mental mastery of #18...

    All true prodigies need silence in order to maintain their intense focus...Great stuff here supremecoltsfan300!!! :thmup:

    Thanks, at least those denver fans are quick learners haha

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