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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. Who does everyone think will win?

    (If any mod wants to open up chat, we will bow down to your glory and awesomeness, thanks :) )

    I got the giants in a close one, where both qbs show moments of brillance, but also incompetence haha

  2. Here's a great article about Peyton Manning and the game against Tampa.

    Here's a summary of the points, but read the whole article it's great!

    1) Thou shalt not covet nachos at the concession stand while the Broncos have the football.

    2) Please, before becoming an NFL referee, learn how to count to 12.

    3) Be prepared to catch a pass, even while sitting on your rump.

    4) Keep quiet when the master is at work. There will be ample time to cheer after Manning reaches the end zone.

    5) No visiting team gets out of here alive.

    Read more: Mark Kiszla: Mile High now Peyton Manning's house in Denver - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/kiszla/ci_22112708/mark-kiszla-mile-high-now-peyton-mannings-house#ixzz2E22J4un6

    Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: http://www.denverpost.com/termsofuse


    And here's a link to the crowd after peyton tells them to be quiet lol.


  3. Babin was let go because he was one of the main reasons the eagles were losing. Washburn was perhaps the biggest reason they were losing this year. Didnt want Babin, dont want washburn. guy only cares about his d-line unit and doesnt care what haopens with the defense as a whole.

  4. Yeah I am not too keen on giving it to Ryan either. Just wanted to make that point about the team record. I am not much of a Ryan fan. In fact I think he is pretty overrated,

    Rodgers isn't gonna get it this year either. He spends more time getting off the ground lately then throwing TDs. (sorry Aaron cause I know your o line sucks) Voters often remember these prime time jobbies too. They remember the Giants now beating the tar out of the Packers. Last year they remember Rodgers calmly guiding his team to the game winning FG over the Giants in that shoot out.

    Yeah, brady I think has the most to gain, since he has two primetime games against good defenses.

    Peyton only has that tnf game against oakland left. I think rodgers still has one snf game against the lions to bring his stock back up. peyton was able to recover from that mnf vs atlanta since it was early, probably will be harder for rodgers since there isn't a ton of time left.

  5. Hey if we go by team record then it's Matt Ryan. What happened to the Ryan for MVP buzz? I don't pay enough attention to Atlanta so maybe I missed his performances. Maybe he has too many picks and lost serious buzz?

    But, if the Falcons finish 15-1 and Ryan is their leader why isn't he going to be highly considered too? :dunno:

    Ryan had a 5 int game a few weeks ago, and tonight he was pretty bad, but bree's revolting performance covered it up lol.

    If guys like peyton, brady, and rodgers weren't lighting it up, then ryan would get the nod if he finished 15-1. But other guys have substantially better stats and are right there in the win department.

  6. brees has finally went a game without throwing a td. ends at 55 games. i dont think that will ever be broken.

    Brady isn't that far behind him, and we all know how they like to run up the score in new england.

    Loved the way his streak ended though :)

  7. No argument there supremecoltsfan300...He even ticks off his offensive linemen the power pigs that actually protect the QB not a wise move Jay. :funny:

    I wasn't confirming that Stafford would have a gang busters TD year next season, but trust Andy Dalton can play. He destroyed my WI Badgers at the Rose Bowl as a TCU QB in 2011. The kid can play now. He's no MVP candidate right now sure, but Brady & Manning were not always Superstar NFL Gods either. Just like life, the NFL ebbs and flows...no team stays on top forever. Dark horses always rise out of the woodwork. That's what makes the NFL the greatest sport in the world IMO.

    I actually think Dalton and Stafford are the future stars of this league, especially with these potential hof WRs they have. In 4 years, Manning and brady are gone, brees is a lot older, rodgers and eli won't be as awesome. Those two will fill the void imo. I don't think having monster games (4tds) is everything, but to me that time of production shows something, and both of those guys have done it.

  8. I'm not doubting that Manning, Brady, Brees, Rogers aren't great, but trust me if Stanford or Dalton had accumulated a 13-3 record with 35 TD's; neither 1 would win the MVP who are we kidding...The AP isn't exactly impartial okay. Stats & wins are only part of the equation. You must be a media favorite/darling to take home this award as well IMO. Jay Cutler hates the media & they in turn intensely dislike him & they will never nominate him for any award of NFL significance.

    Respectfully disagree about the Stafford (I agree Stanford wouldn't win the mvp :) ) and Dalton part.

    Everyone does hate Jay though lol, fans too. I think he gets criticized way too much for that afc championship game. No way he'd ever win the MVP, agree with that haha

  9. Welcome to Peyton's world. Tom/The Patriots/Patriots fans might be beginning to get a hint of an idea of what it is like, but in all honestly it's not even close.

    When scoring 30+ points Manning's teams are 79-7 in the regular season and 5-0 in the playoffs.

    When scoring 30+ points Brady's teams are 73-3 in the regular season and 5-1 in the playoffs.

    That is somewhat close, but when you look at that 30+ on the defensive side of the the equation that is where there is a huge separation.

    Brady and his teams are 7-14 when allowing 30+ points in the regular season and 0-2 in the playoffs. 23 times in Brady's 192 combined starts the Patriots have allowed 30+ points 12.0%

    Manning and his teams are 9-32 when allowing 30+ points in the regular season and 2-2 in the playoffs.

    45 times in Manning's 238 combined starts the Colts/Broncos have allowed 30+ points or 18.9%

    At the end of the 2010 season Brady was 55-1 so in 2011/12 he's 18-2 when scoring 30+. He was 6-11 at the end of the 2010 season when allowing 30+ so he's 3-3 since, so it can't quite compare to the defenses Manning has had to deal with for the majority of his entire career.

    I've argued many times that Brady is a far better QB now than when he was winning his Super Bowls, and he has had to be. He's not in Manning's zip code when it comes to dealing with bad defenses, but he's got a Realtor looking in the same state.

    Great post as usual FJC. Your last sentence had such great style to it lol

  10. I often wonder what other QBs not named Manning, Brady, Rogers, or Brees think about the MVP debate...Schaub knows he's got no shot, Big Ben's got no shot, Cutler has no shot, Rivers has no shot etc.

    If Lions QB Matthew Stafford has a specular season next year with a high percentage of touchdowns and the fewest number of interceptions, would he win MVP? Nope...

    Look, I love #18 & I gotta give my arch rival Brady some serious props too, but outside of those top 4-5 QBs, no other field gonna get nominated let alone win the MVP. Within a few years, Andy Dalton could make a nice honorable mention for the MVP though IMHO.

    I don't think that's true really. The reasons these guys have won the mvp the last several years is because they have put up amazing seasons. Is there any doubt that Rodgers was Mvp last year with 45 tds 6 ints? or brady with 36 tds and only 4 ints? or peyton with 33 tds and never losing a real regular season game all year? 08 was a great year by manning and no one else really else stood out. and 07 unbeaten brady with 50 tds. I agree name recognition does definitely help lol, but if say ryan had gone unbeaten and hadnt had that horrible 5 int game, no doubt in my mind he would be the leading mvp candidate right now. You need to win and put up great numbers. Anything less than 12 wins won't cut it, and anything less than 30 tds won't either (if you play the full 16 games). those 4 guys u mentioned are really the only ones that do that lol.

  11. He is talking on NFL Live right now and sounds like a professional said quick drop back releases have affected his numbers and said only positive comments about teammates and coaching imo.

    lol he was taking shots at his other teammates. When he was saying he didn't have opportunity to sack the qb, he was implying that was due to three reasons: the first because they were doing a quicker release of the ball, the second because the backfield wasn't being covered well so he couldnt get a sack on the qb since the ball was already completed to a wide open guy (first and second implications tied together), and the third is that when he said "they didn't need to score much" he meant that their O wasn't putting up points. The last 5 games, they eagles have been giving up 30+ points every game with the qb passing a ton every game and not even getting touched. There was plenty of opportunity to get a sack, and more importantly affect the opposing qb by producing some amount of pressure.

  12. I said it's worth a look. I didn't say we should rush out and sign him asap. Earlier in the thread I posted my concerns about a scheme change being an issue. Although I do believe that we play more 4-3 than 3-4 with most NFL teams utilizing the pass now days you have to counter that with Nickel, or Dime in most cases. That will leave you playing 4-3.

    Babin does not play for the Colts, so I can't vouch for what the other Colt fan said in this thread about his attitude and demeanor. It could be very far from the truth. Abnormal things happen during a losing season. I haven't seen anything in the media dogging Babin for his attitude.

    National media only likes to praise andy reid and talk about how disappointing the eagles are. They don't dive into the reasons why the team is performing bad. It's guys like Babin (not just him, plenty of other guys like him, especially on that defense) who take zero accountability about their performance that caused the eagles to be one of the worst teams. He came on a radio philly station here and said that there wasn't anything wrong with their defense, they were just a play here or a play there away from winning the game. When asked about the lack of team sacks, said that it wasn't a problem. Teams were just blocking them more (which isn't true at all). You lead the league in sacks, then the next you are 28th with even better defensive line personnel, and that's not a problem??? He then went on to bash the philly fans, and made comments that got some national media outlets to go through the whole "philly fans are the worst blah blah blah stuff". I know he had 18 sacks last year, but on a young team like this, you don't want old not-team-orientated vets corrupting our young guys.

    But that's just my opinion haha

  13. Babin had 18 sacks as recent as last year.

    It's b/c of the wide 9 system. Babin doesnt play the run at all and only tries to get a sack for himself. His tape now allows offenses to remove him from the game essentially. He's one of the biggest reasons the eagles have been bad on D this year. He also blames everything on the media or the fans and takes zero accountability. He thinks there's nothing wrong with the eagles D lol.

  14. NO no and more no. He is awful. He doesn't care about doing anything against the run, and only cares about his own sack numbers. Guy is a selfish me-type player that isn't concerned with the team's success. We don't need those type of players on this team. He's not even getting to the qb in a system that is built for just that.

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