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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. I almost forgot about this, almost. Back during the lock-out, the Panthers Owner Jerry Richardson made quite a few insulting remarks to Peyton.


    Here's just a few excerpts:

    "And sit there and say dismissively to Manning ‘Do I need to help you read a revenue chart son? Do I need to help break that down for you because I don’t know if you know how to read that?’"

    For example, when Manning was talking about player safety, Richardson reportedly said, "What do you know about player safety?"

    A little added motivation for Peyton to destroy the Panthers on Sunday :thumb:

  2. That doesn't matter. It's defined as missing the previous year, severe injury, or previous poor performance.....

    I have to ask. Why is it Peyton?

    Yehiodi had an excellent post in regards to AP.

    That doesn't matter. It's defined as missing the previous year, severe injury, or previous poor performance.....

    I have to ask. Why is it Peyton?

    Yehiodi had an excellent post in regards to AP.

    Peyton is the MVP right now. That makes him the Comeback player too. But Peyton is also 2nd in TDs and passing yards, 1st in completition percentage, 1st in yards per attempt, 1st in qb rating, 1st in QBR, has the most 4th quarter tds, and his efforts have his team in first place in the division.

  3. Fans are entitled to root for whoever they chose to and are entitled to their own personal reasons for rooting for a team/player. Some fans root for a team because they grew up in the team's home city, some because of a player(s) who really caught their eye and drew them into the sport in the first place, some because they are affiliated with the team in some other capacity, etc. Fans root for teams/players because of different reasons, all equally valid. So there is nothing wrong with supporting your team through thick and think or with rooting your favorite players.

    I hear the Eagles radio all the time. Philly fans love/hate their team. The fans love the Eagles team, but this current team with their current players, well they hate the players for the most part (except Mccoy) because they don't show heart and blast the fans on the radio/tv. Some of them want nothing more than to see this team get blown up and build a new team.

    When Brian Dawkins left, philly fans rooted for him when he was in Denver. He embodied everything the fans loved about their team. when asante samuel game back last week, most fans wanted to see him get run over by mccoy or whiff on a play that went for a td, because he embodied everything the fans hated.

    What I'm trying to say, is that players have a large impact on how a team is loved by their fans. Players are the ones who make the memories for the fans. The name on the front and the name on the back are equally important imo.

    And anyway, if somehow the colts were to magically meet denver in the playoffs, the colts would get destroyed. We're not ready yet to deal with that offense, nor keep Luck up against that pass rush.

  4. First off . . . FJC you are at 4997 posts and your likely hit 5000 tonight! . . . congrads . . . :number1:

    I have not really said much regarding the MNF, but will say my peace here . . . (I hav posted some comments on a Pats forum)

    I don't think enough credit is being given to the D of Denver . . . I have heard on the TV and and few here, that Denver does not have enough pieces around Manning (even tho they went 7-4 with Tebow last year) . . . and now when the pieces help out its all abuot Manning's great comeback . . . sorry but i don't see it . . . teams don't come back from 24 points, everything needs to go rights and then some, well everything did, no points for the opponent, 5 TOs and 14 points off the opponents side of the ball thereby only requiring 10 points on your side of teh ball to win . . . when those stars align it can happens . . . but not a lot of credit goes to the D . . .

    Interesting, the Broncos were in the same situation against the Pats a week prior down 24 (31-7) but later in the game and many in the TV world blamed McGhee . . .hey things happen . . . but when those help out, its all about the QB . . .

    Getting back to Manning contribution to the victory, he only contributed 21 points, I say only because only the botton third offenses in the league score below 20 ppg . . . so the offensive contibution on MNF was around the average of the 20th ranked offense in the league . . . I am not saying this is dispositive of the effort just a point of reference if one wants to look at the wow factor of the offensive production . . . as opposed to teh 2006 AFFCG game in the 2nd half (where it had to make up a deficiet, not much help from the D or ST points wize, and had to keep pace with the pats side of the ball, who score 13 if I remember) . . .

    to be honest I was more impressed with Manning performance against the Pats the week prior . . .

    surely there is something to be said about the WR tripping over teh 45 yardline, but then again he never should of been that wide open, so break downs on both side of the ball so its kind of a wash in the world of would coulda shoulda, and see whata he donea's . . .

    Manning was great in the second half and had to be, and surely some of his presence and hope rubbed off on the other two sides of the ball . . . and had a solid drive to start the second half . . . the next two drives where given great FP after two ints by the D and started at midfield . . . the fourth drive, when leading and a change to ice the game, ended with a punt and the Denver O had to watch on teh sidelines hoping its D could stop Rivers from making a go ahead score, and it did and got a pick 6 . . .

    Who knows if there were no picks sixs maybe Manning drives the field and they score, but unfortuntely we do not have that and all we have is what actually happened to analyze and discuss . . . and for me it was a great comeback and was possible by all three phases of the team . . . I credit the D as much as the O for the come back victory . . . and again I was more impressed with Mannning comeback against he pats a week earlier and the three in 03, 09 and 10 . . ., with one ending up in a victory . . .

    EDIT: Hey i hit the 500 post mark!

    Congrats on 500!

    I would say that Peyton only needed to score 21. They didn't get stopped on any drive where they needed to score in that half. If the broncos didn't score, and say just got the ball back to Manning, I have no doubt he would have marched down the field and scored another 7 or whatever they needed. There wasn't any more opportunity for Peyton to score really.

  5. They remind me more of the 2009 Colts. There are weaknesses on this Falcons team (run game/run D like the 2009 Colts) but so far they are finding ways to win just like those Colts. Also like the 2009 Colts they are beating the weaker AFC West like in 2009 the Colts beat up on a weaker NFC West. So I suppose it remains to be seen if the Falcons can keep this win streak going all year and also get to the SB. And if they get to the SB can they win it unlike the 2009 Colts. An added motivation for the Falcons to be in and win the SB would be to do it in their hated rivals house in New Orleans.

    Last years Packers used to remind me of the 2005 Colts based on the one and done/the 13-0 start before losing to an AFC West team and the death of a coaches son. Only problem is our 2005 team was still much more balanced as a team then last years Pack. . All last years Pack had was a lethal passing game and the D lived and died on turnovers. The 2011 Pack had similarities in a lot of ways to the 2010 Patriots and both went one and done to a NY team and had the MVP.

    lol if this makes any sense.

    haha you made perfect sense. Couldn't agree more.

  6. Never??

    Not like that. Peyton has been on scorching fire before, where he couldn't be stopped. But in that second half....the incompletion was because Decker decided to let it drop so there wouldn't be a chance of losing yardage. After that, the imaginary offensive PI call took back a long deep pass. Manning was 15/15 essentially, when everyone knew he was going to pass. I don't think they could have stopped any pass if that game kept going.

  7. I don't think anyone isn't giving credit to the Denver defense. They shut down Rivers in the first half as well. They played an overall great game. With that said, Manning had to be near-perfect in those passing situations with the defense knowing the pig is in the air and he nearly was perfect in that 2nd half.

    The ignorant will hammer that play anyway.

    Completely agree with everything you said. And I would add that even if the D didn't score but just got the three and outs, Peyton still would have won. He would have just needed one more possession to win the game. I've never seen him that on fire like he was in the second half before. He couldn't be stopped.

  8. I'm glad you brought that up...

    The P.I. on Eric Decker........invisible...

    No replecment ref makes that call....

    the NFL refs have really struggled since they've come back....

    I still don't understand how they called that.....he doesn't even touch him really, I think his fingernail scraped along the Defender's jersey. You're really going to call that at the end of the game???

  9. I was glad that they were able to finish off the comeback this time. That said...Peyton does place himself and his team in wholes an awful lot and then tries to miraculously dig them out. Sometimes he's able to...other times he is not. For the first time in a Broncos uni he was able to dig them out of it. Still the trend is disturbing as it goes all the way back to his Colts days. He throws an awful lot of pick sixes for a QB with his resume. But it was great to see him work another one of his second half masterpieces last night.

    Just speaking on behalf of his int in that one game, his int wasn't on him, it was on the wr Matt Willis. Manning expected Willis to do the hitch and Willis has to run that route or otherwise it's diaster.

  10. I would put big money on him breaking it. they will force it. if they are first and goal on the one they will throw three times if they have too.. maybe four times

    I completely agree. The only reason Brees tied the record is because they had him throwing it an insane amount of times and even at points in games where the outcome was already decided, just to keep the streak alive.

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